Monday, December 5, 2011

Catholic Motive For Torturing Oliver Garrett (FBI)


Dare You To Move by 2 women. I wanted to write my post about how my son Oliver was tortured because of religious hate crime. The FBI failed and I dare someone there to move.

I reported religious hate crime.

It's not just one religious group and that doesn't mean that then it can't possibly be of a religious motive.

I was raped by a Jewish man who likely had connections to Jewish people I'd worked for in the past. It was hate crime and I reported it to police and they said it was hate crime and then dropped it, because of The Willamette Week article.

The other major, MAJOR reason my son was deliberately targeted to be tortured was not "political".

The FBI has failed. It is failure when someone reports religious hate crime and someone attempts to muzzle the person making the report. Someone could change this and they are required by law to do that.

I don't care who your "boss" is, I can tell you, straight down, that my son, an innocent baby, was deliberately tortured because of religiously motivated hate crime and in that instance, it was Roman Catholic hate crime.

Unless there was a Jewish group that was trying to "get to" my parents by torturing us--something I'm unaware of, it was done out of coordinated religious hate.

And now that I know how my parents are gifted, I now what the fear was all about.

I had already reported very extreme examples of hate crime after I was questioning the Catholic monks.

These things never occured before that date. Multiple car vandalism and malicious slashing and break-ins repeatedly and being stalked--that occured later. It continued to get worse and worse until I filed my lawsuits.

Then it quit. When I filed my lawsuits to protect myself, they quit immediately.

When I was forced out of my lawsuits, and about the time I made a report to the FBI, I was harassed again. I was then being called a drug user when I wasn't and had Catholic medical professionals lined up to lie about me in Wenatchee.

After this, I remember very clearly, what I said over the phone to Christa Schneider, whose family is NOT "evangelical christian." They are all baptized Catholics and I don't care they "converted" a few years before meeting me. I know from what they did, they are Catholic at heart and they shared information to the Department of Justice about me and my legal strategies. I also know the FBI had my lines tapped at that time.

I had made a report against their own agents and said it was religious Catholic hate crime. They tapped my phone line. Whoever was listening to my conversations on the other end, began torturing me and my son after I had a specific conversation with Christa.

I told her I never wanted my son to have anything to do with the Catholic church after what their members had done to me. The entire conversation we had was about my feelings about the Catholic church, and how I intended to raise my son.

And now that I know how gifted my parents are, I realize this created a fear that motivated someone Catholic to torture my son. I was already talking about how incredibly gifted HE was and that I was shocked by what he did. I had been keeping track of all of Oliver's milestones, and he was extraordinarily advanced. It doesn't matter what lame argument someone makes based on MY I.Q. evaluation (taken while drugged and in duress and while I didn't even care to be forthcoming), my son was showing all of the signs of being close to a genious, early.

I sent email to my mother, documenting everything he did. I had people accusing me of "training" him but I didn't. He was extremely advanced and bright. Since I had not been around a child like this before, smarter than I felt I was myself, I found a website for gifted kids and tried to educate myself so I could keep up with Oliver. The main person I wrote posts to, was Irish Catholic and from the UK but living in Malaysia. I'll bet he knows Blair in fact. Maybe he knows Stephanie O'Sullivan's husband Patrick from Dublin.

What I know, is that I had realized my son was gifted. However, I had no clue what kind of giftedness my Mom and Dad had, but others did know. They knew, if my son showed all these signs, he WAS in fact, going to be highly intelligent and possibly gifted like my Mom or Dad.

Here is where Catholic hate crime enters the picture:

After all of these problems with Catholic church hate crime and some Jewish group too, and then their use of friends in govt. positions to trash me, falsely arrest me, defame me, and obstruct my travel and force me out of college, I knew what they were like. They were not afraid to show me their "true colors" and they were the worst people I'd ever been around my entire life and were dragging me into the ground.

At that time, I didn't even have a clue that some Jewish might not like me either. However, I don't believe they would use friends in the govt. to torture a little baby boy. Besides, I wasn't upset about the Jewish community at that time in my life, or thought and imagined I had no cause to be. What I saw and experienced in my face, repeatedly, was Catholic hate crime.

So it was not a conversation about "I do NOT want my son to be around anyone Jewish" and it also wasn't a conversation about "I am going to raise my son to know about every single thing they did to me and maybe he'll be smart enough to make headway where I didn't."

No, I said nothing about the Jewish people.

I had a full conversation with Christa, the spy for the Department of Justice and Whittemore and Kaempf, about the Catholic church.

I told her one day, that he was likely to be extremely gifted and intelligent and I knew one thing for sure--that I was going to raise my son to know what the Catholic church was all about. I said, he is so smart and gifted already, I want him to freely choose whatever career he wants, but I will make sure he knows exactly what the Catholic church and their members have done to me. I am going to raise him to know what happened to me when he's old enough to know, and knowing how much he loves me already, he will most likely pick up where I left off. I don't want him to date anyone Catholic and I will make sure he is raised to know to stay away from them. Maybe he'll be a lawyer or an engineer, or who knows what, he could do anything, but whatever he does, he will know about the Catholics and maybe God will use his gifts and talents to show others what they're about too."

I had an entire conversation about how I wanted my son to have NOTHING to do with Catholics and the Catholic church, and then I told her I was shocked the FBI hadn't responded and half of them were Catholic, so it figured, and I was thinking about trying to find someone Irish who had been in conflict over religious hate crimes, because they knew how it was. So, I said, the FBI tried to shut me up and pretend there was no such thing in the U.S. and I knew there was and I was living as an intended target.

I had been obstructed by Judge Warren already, Catholic Extraordinaire, and lawyeers and police and FBI with Catholic church in common. I had been told police knew me from state to state when I wasn't a criminal so I knew I had been defamed by the FBI or some kind of police record that was secret that had no truth in it. I was refused FOIA to protect my name and right to examine false reports about me and make corrections so I was not harassed by police. I was being called a drug dealer and addict and refused treatment for migraine, and being falsely writtenn up as crazy by Catholic doctors at Central Washington Hospital, who made a point of putting the information in my medical chart more than once, just as Whittemore, a lawyer in Oregon put multiple copies of the same thing in his "stack of paper" which is his response to my allegation he lied about me. Anyone can look it up and read through.

So if it's not collusion, why is Dr. Parish or whatever his name is, doing favors for Oregon Catholics still? and why is Judge Warren, whose wife is Director of Catholic Charities, an organization John Kaempf in Oregon was also on the Board of Directors for?

So yes, after having all these things happen to me out of spite, retaliation, and hate, I knew for sure what the Catholics were all about.

I knew how they put their "church" and church members above any kind of U.S. law. So I stated clearly and emphatically, how I intended to raise my son.

So here are my gifted parents, who are not just intelligent, but can read minds and predict things others can't.

I didn't even know about that part. I just knew my son had signs of being close to being a genious. All of a sudden, it puts things into better perspective to see how some group was not just afraid that I would raise my son up to know what happened--they were afraid he might not only be highly intelligent but psychically blessed by God with a gift that could be potentially be used against them in the future.

So this is when they began torturing me and my son.

Christa's next conversation with me was about the layout of my apartment and where was my bed located. It had nothing to do with anything I brought up. She kept fishing for information about this. I had Catholic neighbors living below us and Catholics to the side, in the same house. Usually, you'd think thermoimagery would pick up on something like where a bed is located, but maybe not when there are two different apartments on the same upstairs floor and they don't know which bed is mine.

We began experiencing full-blown torture.

My son and I, and he lost his ability to articulate his speech and he still tried to talk but it was garbled.

They destroyed my son for their FUCKING CHURCH.

YOU FUCKING get a CLUE, and INVESTIGATE RELIGIOUS HATE CRIME or you don't have a right to funding at all.

It was the Catholic church and the motive was retaliation and Catholic hate crime.

I am not letting some Jewish group off the hook--but I don't think they're the ones who were really worried about how I was planning to raise my son.

So what happened next?

Catholics took my son from me, after they got their govt. Papists to torture us.
I remember who didn't like my blog when I started it. It was doctors in the Wenatchee area for one thing.

Some of them got really mad and edgy at me because they had been trying so hard to paper me up as being mentally ill and a drug addict and I was sounding too much like a normal person who wasn't using drugs and had a story to tell about corruption.

So when a few Protestants joined in, it wasn't the original religious hate crime motive, but Catholics tried to scare them with medical malpractice stuff to get them on their side.

All the way through, it was and has been religious hate crime.

My son Oliver Garrett was not tortured for a govt. experiment. He wasn't tortured because of "politics". He wasn't tortured because I did drugs, sold drugs, or was an addict.

He was tortured because of religious hate and jealousy.

Now, my guess, is that after I specifically asked for his social security number to be revoked because I was threatened to take one, CPS came up with a number for him. My other guess is that the "daycare" CPS picked out for my son most recently is run by a Catholic woman.


Because they have tried to do every single thing against my wishes to spite me, because they hate me.

Almost every single person in charge of that "CPS" case, all the way through, from Judge to lawyers to attorney general to caseworker supervisors to police, to CASA, is Roman Catholic. Even the people calling in false complaints about me to CPS, were Catholic.

As for "Sibel", the "Mormon" woman who tried to take my son from me before he was even born, I guess because everybody else wanted a gift that was gifted, she is not anything like a representative of the Mormon church should be and I don't believe she is Mormon at all but Catholic. She comes from a latin american country where everyone is Catholic and her conversion does not strike me as sincere.

Michelle Erickson is Catholic. She never said what she was and I never knew or found out, except for knowing enough to know she was Catholic enough to be in the Catholic Charity offices when I was told to go there. Okay, so at least Catholic-by-association-and-collusion.

My Ex? Alvaro Pardo?

Can anyone tell me why all the Catholics were so motivated to have me marry him? Was it possibly because after they colluded to torture my son, they wanted to find a way to have him raised Catholic too?

Or possibly, I am correct in wondering if they just wanted me to marry him, so he had joint custody and then called me mentally ill or crazy out of the blue so he could take my son on behalf of the Roman Catholic church.

The Catholics tortured us until I was going to marry him and then they decided collectively they would quit torturing us if it looked like my "original plan" to raise my son to know all about them, was not going to be threat. Not only that, they didn't have to worry about getting sued for religious hate crime either, because they could trust Alvaro to keep me from doing this. And maybe they could even exploit and use my son for their own Catholic church and have him convert to Catholicism.

Oh, so they were so nice to torture a little boy and then make him beg for their mercy.

If it's not religious hate crime, why were 95% of the people involved Roman Catholic, with the same motive to retaliate and protect their own? and why then, did my son and I end up being tortured all over again when my Catholic fiance and I broke up?

Maybe they thought they'd even try to entrap me to end up in jail and THEN they'd steal my son.


Is the daycare provider Catholic?

Because no one wants to tell me. Not even my own family.

Which pretty much signals to me that there is a strong possibility they are still colluding to interfere with a mother's right to raise her child the way she wants to raise him, with the values and history she has to impart.

It's not your child.

But it IS your problem.
You are all guilty of religious hate crimes and should be locked up in jail.

I Dare You To Move there. To jail. You know, maybe you could use some of the money you made off of us and off of torturing my family, to pay for jail cell snacks.

Clinton too.

I was wrong to have ever trusted a Catholic.

As long as they call themselves "Catholic" I know exactly what they have stood for. I was wrong to be so naive as to have EVER trusted ANYONE who called themselves "Catholic".

All you've done, is bad.

You've done NOTHING good. You've tortured my family and son and stood by silently as others tortured a baby and you call your group "pro-life". A bunch of liars. Including the Irish Catholic "priest" from the Post Pub and Chris Dabney.

You then continued to torture, all the way to TN even. And I wake up one day and think about how, yeah, it sounds sort of radical these days to say Catholics have no place in U.S. government, but they don't.

And it's not because I just picked "Catholicism" like a number out of a hat. I've been tortured by these people. And they all stand for the same thing and then try to bribe measly Protestants if they can, and others. The reason why Catholics should not be in ANY U.S. government office at ALL, is because they have a conflict of interest between serving the country and serving their church and they cannot overcome that obstacle.

Which is also why England should be concerned about having Catholics in their own government and in the monarchy. It doesn't matter that the monarchy has little political power. They have access to confidential state secrets and materials that most will never see, and I hardly think England needs another Catholic to start spying for the Vatican.

It's not bigotry and it's not discrimination. It amounts to this:

1. Gail and Matt Hudson want to run for office. They have this group they belong to in the middle of the week and one of the rules for membership in this group, is to put the group's interests above all other matters, including those matters of national interest and citizen's equal rights. It's called "Bracco" (just picking some random name). So when Gail approaches the podium and they say, "Ms. Hudson, our committee has a few questions for you." She nods and they continue, "I understand you and your husband are members of some kind of organization called "Bracco", is that correct?" She nods and says yes, that is correct. He continues, "Ms. Hudson, is it true that in order to be a member you must agree to uphold the tenants or charter of the club?" She nods again and says yes this is correct. He says, "And Ms. Hudson, are you a member of this organization by choice or by force?" She says it is by choice. He continues, "Ms. Hudson, right here in Article _______, our Constitution clearly states that any citizen wishing to take office in the United States on behalf of supporting the citizens of our nation, must swear an oath of allegiance to this country above all other national, religious, and other interests and above the interests of any other country, is that also correct?" "Yes it is Sir." "Ms. Hudson, I have here a copy of the written charter and rules for membership in this club Bracco. Do you recognize this?" She nods, "I do,". (please admit this into evidence).. "Now Ms. Hudson, this charter states that your leader of this club claims to be the voice of God and speaker for God and is infallible and must be obeyed above any country or other interest. Is that true?" Ms. Hudson coughs, twice. "Uh, yes, that is true."

"Then how, Ms. Hudson, do you explain wanting to have 2 Masters and why are you applying for this position when you already picked one? In fact, Ms. Hudson, there is a law in some countries where one might have dual citizenship, but it is true in any country around the world, that if you are applying to work for a government and don't wish to merely be a citizen, you are required to revoke any other allegiance to any other foreign government."

Ms. Hudson swallows.

"Therefore, Ms. Hudson, with your application to work on behalf of the United States and put this country's interests above the interests of The Vatican or your churvh, have you renounced your membership with the Catholic church?"

"No, Sir I have not."

"Why is that Ms. Hudson?"

"It's because I feel I can be a Catholic and swear allegiance to this country at the same time."

"Ms. Hudson, you agreed your group (oh oops, Bracco, not Catholic church), Bracco, is being run by a leader who asserts his authority over the authority of the United States.

We are sorry , Ms. Hudson, but we feel it is illogical to ask us to believe your oath of allegiance to the United States while you are still agreeing to be an active member of this organization, or even an inactive member.

We believe in freedom for all, no matter what their race, religion, creed, or membership, however, taking office as a representative of the United States, in any capacity, funded and paid for with taxpayer money, requires a neutrality that your chosen organization does not have.

You may, Ms. Hudson, if you feel that strongly about remaining with this group whose leadership states is above the United States authority, well, Ms. Hudson, we commend you on your good conscience if you are unwilling to break from this group and we give to you the White Rose of Choosing A Master.

You see Ms. Hudson, this work for the United States, whether you are applying to work for the FBI, for CPS, The Deparment of Health, Department of Education, or to be a Congresswoman...this position has a much greater responsibility with it than being a citizen alone has. With this responsibility comes a greater burden of proof that shows us you have no other Master and no conflict of interest, regardless of what your memberships are, whether it be the Y or Gold's, with national security and priority. We do not take issue with a belief in God or religious beliefs, or any membership in any group, unless it clearly conflicts with national interest. And though you may attempt to be fairminded, or say you will be, you have already chosen a group that states it is above the authority of this country and that this other authority must be obeyed. This puts our citizens at risk of NOT being treated equally as you will be motivated to support this other authority and other members who agree with the same beliefs, over this country. Not only that, because this other organization and country, in fact, demands this obedience and allegiance, and seeks to make converts, it puts the interests of equality in jeopardy. Thank you for your time Ms. Hudson. You are dismissed."

Ms. Hudson speaks up, "But what if I were a Methodist? or Baptist, or non-denominational, or..or,...Why are you picking on me?"

"Ms. Hudson, we are not picking on you. The Methodists do not have their own country. The Baptists do not have their own country. The evangelicals or Mormons do not have their own country. And they also do not have any dogma that states their pastor or leader is the Supreme Authority, over and above the United States and any other country."

When you're old enough to choose for yourself, it comes down to making hard choices. And this is exactly what the Founding Fathers had in mind when they established this country, with liberty and justice for ALL, and excluded Catholics from holding any government office, since their religion dictated they had to obey this and a different country called the Vatican, instead of the U.S.

If a Catholic really feels patriotic, like Bill O'Reilly for example, or whatever...and if they want to be part of office, they must be willing to put aside membership to an organization that demands obedience to another country which prefers members of that organization and country.

It really sounds radical these days, to bring up old arguments about "Papists". In fact, most kids never even think about it because they don't have enough religious education to know what the history is and know what the different country's and religions require.

This "obedience" to the Roman Catholic church has led to torture and hate crime of my entire family and if those Catholics holding positions in the U.S. right now really cared about the authority of the U.S. and national interest above anything else, as they swore they did, they would not then be motivated to obstruct justice on behalf of their "other" Master, or Mistress.

Basically, from what we've seen, these Catholics holding government jobs have put the ring on the finger of the Pope and their church and their fellow church members, and made the United States the mistress.

A mistress they will never marry, and which only serves a purpose of satisfying their egos and allowing them to get close to information they will then pass on to the mother or father of their children.

You cannot be Catholic and hold a government position fairly and honestly.

If they had no problem choosing a master or authority of the U.S., they would have no issue recognizing the severity of conflict.

Their church demands to be #1 and they put the U.S. and all non-Catholic citizens as #2. Obeying the laws of the United States takes second place to obeying the laws of the Pope who manages another country that is NOT the United States.

And right now, more than half the Judges of the Supreme Court are Catholic, and almost all of the head positions of leadership in government are taken by Roman Catholics.

If they are bound to swear allegiance to their church, is it any wonder they refuse to investigate religious hate crime committed by members of their church?

1 comment:

  1. Dear Chaim,

    Thank you for sharing your link with us.

