Saturday, December 3, 2011

U.S. President Is....The Pope! (FBI Report)

The last time I was looking up how many Roman Catholics were in U.S. government (and being shocked by it), it was 2004 and it was immediately before my son and I were then brutally tortured.

I guess, it was at this juxposition when I realized I was actually being tortured through use of some kind of military technology, and I was in the middle of litigation in the first bankruptcy lawsuit ever filed by the Roman Catholic church over sex abuse by clergy. It was both the Archdiocese Bankruptcy lawsuit and The Willamette Week paper lawsuit. So the Vatican was following what happened in Portland, Oregon, because this was the very first attempt they had ever made, in the history of their church, to take a lawsuit over clergy sex abuse into bankruptcy court instead. I ended up there.

So I started getting "hits" which were migraines triggered by military technology which were coordinated to occur on hearing dates and to interfere with my lawsuits. I also believed that parties with an interest in my lawsuits used contacts in the FBI to conduct surveillance on me to help their friends. I didn't realize the scope of surveillance could have been much broader than I thought. I naturally wondered what was happening and that's when I was overturning stone after stone and finding all of these people in charge were Roman Catholic. It was during this research that my son and I were then BRUTALLY attacked and tortured with use of military technology.

So now I'm looking at things again, after things got out of control and after knowing what's happened to my entire family and I decided to look at some agencies outside of the FBI, OIG (part of department of justice) and main military. The person in charge of Science and Technology for the CIA from 2005-2009 was Stephanie O'Sullivan.

Stephanie O'Sullivan is married to Patrick O'Sullivan, who did an internship in Dublin, Ireland for which she made the claim to Congress, that he was not paid. Stephanie O'Sullivan is now in charge of the DI, Directorate of Intelligence, which has also assumed control of all National Intelligence Progam (NIP) activities. She is Catholic and so is her husband.

The other person in charge of the DI, is James Clapper. James Clapper is also Roman Catholic and went to a "marianist" college in San Antonio, TX called "St. Mary's University."
My parents did a lot more today but I'm not going to write publicly about it at this moment because, most likely, they could and should be making money from their story. A lot of money.

And, today, I told my mother again that they should strongly consider suing for what they have been through and what we're still put through. At least, file for injunctions against torture and unlawful detainment.

I watched 2 movies tonight: "Faith like potatoes" and "Mothman Prophecies". I had someone repeatedly jamming up and freezing The Mothman Prophecies. The U.S. tortured me during "Faith Like Potatoes" and then repeatedly jammed, froze, and disconnected the movie "Mothman Prophecies" even though I kept putting it back on. My Dad knew what was going on bc I went to their house and knocked, because they also started torturing me to the point of extreme pain, and I knew it was happening to them too. So I went over there and my Dad said run some water to keep things from freezing up.

When someone repeatedly froze things, I already know our houses are tapped, so I started asking out loud how many hate crimes by Roman Catholics have been investigated by the FBI.

They investigate religious hate crimes to Amish, or something out of the ordinary, or skinheads, racial stuff (probably not as much as they should, no matter what the race is), and all kinds of things and I am very certain the FBI has never prosecuted a Catholic group for hate crime against a Protestant group in the U.S. I would bet money on it.

I know that in 2004, I told S.A. Julia Thornton in Portland, Oregon that I believed what happened to me by their FBI employees was a result of religious hate crime and that never got investigated. I got smeared and the matter was dropped and then we were all tortured worse.

Instead of taking my report like an FBI agent should, without cutting someone off, Ms. Thornton REPEATEDLY cut me off when I attempted to give my testimony. I remember almost our entire conversation that day--where we talked, when we met, what she was wearing, what I was wearing, people in the Starbucks that day, and people I noticed in the FBI offices in Portland later when I dropped off my report in writing.

Sort of wondering if Mr. Bujanda is working tonight. I have a feeling he is, or at least he is able to still do some kind of surveillance on me and my family.

I thought, at the time I met Ms. Thornton, she might be tape-recording my statement because she kept cutting me off. Usually FBI or investigation persons don't cut someone off who is giving a report as serious as one against 2 of their agents. Maybe they don't like what you have to say, or inwardly feel defensive, but they don't cut you off and attempt to steer you onto another subject that isn't as incriminating. She acted like a lawyer, like their defense attorney, not like an FBI agent.

Julia Thornton deliberately cut off me at 2 different points that I made to her:

1. Drugs.
The subject of my being asked if I had any "reefer" which she attempted to turn into an examination about why I took Vicodin for migraine and said, "You know taking drugs could prevent you from working for the FBI." I had told her how I had been interested in working as an attorney in the FBI, against corporate crime. I was in college, doing well, and heading torwards law school. I was also successful, still, at that point, in my lawsuits. The FBI pretty much changed everything for me because they not only allowed hate crime against me to continue, they must have further defamed me and they worked to have me forced out of my lawsuits. My goals were intentionally sabotaged. I was never accused of "using drugs" or any of that "addiction" nonsense until I had made my report against the FBI employees and reaffirmed how I had told these guys I was interested in working in the FBI. To counter my goals, people like Julia Thornton attempted to turn it around on me--making me sound like I had something to feel guilty over when her guys were the guilty ones. And after this report, THAT is when doctors who were Catholic, and others, tried to portray me as "drug seeking" and "addicted" when I was not. Which basically ruined all of my goals. They didn't just ruin my goals, they then obstructed justice and they were the FBI. I was forced out of college, forced out of traveling freely, and thrown into several false arrests which then set me up to be a victim of continued religious hate crime. And then torture.

Who tortured Oliver? A baby?

The FBI is the agency to blame. They literally tortured a baby. I swear to God, with Jesus, the Holy Spirit, and all the angels being good and my being human and subject to mistakes and problem, I swear to you it is the truth--The FBI tortured a baby boy. And they tortured him, and possibly had people torture my parents, after I made a report.

There were 2 things Thornton tried to mask. First, like I said, the fact that their guys were asking for drugs, not me. And this was in the context of my supposedly meeting people who were interviewing me for work at the FBI. Yeah. Some interview. Apparently, if you want to have an interview and have your life ruined for good, make an honest report. If you want a JOB with the FBI, expect to be fondled and asked if you have any "reefer".

The 2nd major point I brought up with, with Julia Thornton, which the later SSA's also didn't allow me to bring up, was the subject of hate crime.

2. Religious Hate Crime.
I specifically told Ms. Thornton that I believed their interest in me was a continued result of religious hate crime and had something to do with my lawsuits that I had going at that time (which were still active when I reported this to Julia Thornton). She cut me off and said something like "It doesn't have anything to do with religion or the Catholic church." Which is funny, because FBI agents know you're not supposed to make judgment calls like that before you investigate and collect all the facts right? Since when does the FBI "jump" to assumptions and conclusions like that? It was a relevant FACT. I had repeated religious hate crime occuring which involved being tailed and stalked, repeated slashing of my tires, bashed-in windows and broken antennas and other things, slander of my character in town to townspeople, and my best friends were suddenly being assaulted by Catholics too, and, as I've found out, so were my parents. This continued up to the point of my telling a Catholic woman who leaked information to Bullivant and other lawyers, that I had decided I wanted to work for the FBI. She is Catholic and her entire family is and they are all connected to the Department of Justice, which I never really thought about. Next thing I knew, I was being stalked by FBI at clubs and at courthouses. And it was a very zealous Roman Catholic (zealous enough to be wearing some religious medal and also carrying around a Catholic saint card on his dashboard) who stalked me to a courthouse and got close to me and tried to take advantage of my friendly disposition. I still remember what I was wearing that day too. Slate green-grey Gap t-shirt with a tan and cream lightly checkered blazer over blue jeans and brown round toed shoes with height. I remember details to things most people do not recall. Which is, I guess, why the FBI or other groups wanted to have me thrown into the psych ward and injected with Haldol. And don't tell me they are not to blame, when the doctor himself told me and an entire group of interns and doctors that he'd called the FBI and they'd told him I was crazy and to look at my blog, and then faxed over select portions of my blog to them. He had those sections WITH him, at the table, and was showing all the other doctors so don't THE FUCK tell me the FBI is not responsible. The irony is that the FBI knew my son and I were being tortured, and then they tried to use parts of my blog that "sound" crazy, to discredit me on torture claims. Torture claims which reeally took off, about the time I had made a report against their own agents, and then it went to D.C., and after D.C. defamed me, I guess, everyone felt free to JUMP US.

My allegation of Religious Hate Crime was made in 2004. I do not believe one single word to that effect ever made it into the record.

Instead, I had S.A. Julia Thornton letting me talk, talk, talk, about anything, everything, as long as it WASN'T about religious hate crime. And religious hate crime IS, by the way, the jurisdiction of the FBI.

The MINUTE I mentioned, "I have some lawsuits filed and one is against the Archdiocese and I've had a lot of tire slashings and stalking and I believe it has something to do with religious stuff and Catholic church stuff, because..."

The MINUTE I mentioned the Catholic church, she abruptly cut me off. She talked over me and said harshly, "It doesn't have anything to do with religion." I tried to tell her again, explaining circumstances around it and how I met them and that I felt they were connected to people I was in litigation against and she again cut me off.

It was like she had never heard of such a thing as "religious hate crime."

I think what she was more concerned about, than just religious hate crime, was my bringing up the possibility of corruption in their agency. For example, if someone used the Patriot Act and was getting surveillance for members of the church they knew, to give them leverage, the FBI would be guilty of collusion and obstruction of justice. And, if someone just wanted to create a problem, knowing I'd report it honestly and then be penalized for it, they knew they could effectively sabotage any chance of my getting into the FBI.

So when I was with Julia Thornton, she belittled me, and ridiculed and scoffed at me to the point that I was no longer free to feel I could give all of the correct information to the SSAs. And I'm sure those SSAs were rigged and pulled in for some reason, to cover for others.

She cut me off from saying anything that mattered and tried to reframe the entire thing as "Misuse of Position" and said that this is really just an internal thing they deal with and discipline privately, if necessary.

So basically, she cut "Fraud" down to "internal misuse of position", and cut "Religious Hate Crime" out completely, muffling and shutting my mouth so I couldn't say what the real point was. She cut the heart out of my report and to this day, I would bet anything, the FBI report I made has no title anywhere of "religious hate crime". Or anything about Hate Crime at all. And she cut out the part about asking for drugs and turned it on me, saying "Using drugs could disqualify you for work with the FBI." And then what was actually amounting to Sex Abuse, was...who knows, I know they dumbed it down to some kind of misdemeanor possibility at most and then I think threw it out.

And most likely they called ME crazy and other Roman Catholics tried to bring in other reports their members had attempted to make, or some Jewish attempted to make to smear me or discredit me.

I absolutely, without any doubt, reported Religious Hate Crime in 2004.

What happened?

Then it got worse and the FBI tortured a baby.

I guess Bujanda, Garza, and all these FBI guys who commit crimes and collude to commit harm against others--I guess it's fine for them to insult my entire family and "misuse" their positions to the point of beating my entire family (by the way, can I get a punch card for how many times I dated an FBI employee, or they tried to date me?)--they allowed a baby to be tortured and had Latinos in America mocking us with the Catholic Irish calvary close at hand.

People watched to see what action the FBI took and when they did nothing, they went after us harder and used more of their friends in U.S. government agencies to find ways to cover their tracks.

It's Religious Hate Crime. I don't believe this has ever been investigated and in fact, I've been repeatedly blocked from making reports to this effect, or from going to offices to report an act of violence that occured which has been part of a state-to-state coordinated religious hate crime.

The agent in charge of the Portland office was Laurie Laughlin. She is Catholic. She tried to block me from even calling at all. I talked to her personally over the phone and she told me to get lost. I did not even give her details, just said, "I have a report to make about a couple of FBI employees and was told you're the person to speak with." She said she wasn't going to take the report. After I persisted and kept calling and said a retired FBI person said to call, then she had me meet Julia Thornton, who cut me off from giving out the most relevant facts.

Do you know what she said to me? She said, "You'll have to get along because you might work together someday."


Sure Julie. Right after his mafia tortures me and my baby, and your FBI defames me and calls me drug-seeking, we might "work together".

What a bunch of snakes.

Do you get what she was doing?

It's the equivalent of saying to a woman reporting a rape, "You'd better get over it because you might be married someday."

Victim to Julia Thornton: "I've been robbed."
Julia Thornton: "You'd better get over it because you might be in business together one day."

Victim to Julia Thornton: "My family is being tortured and assaulted by FBI agents."
Julia Thornton: "Hey (elbow in the ribs--jab,jab). Didja think any of them were cute?! If you let me know which one you liked the most, I'll set you up with one of them, or they have some cop friends too. Let me know okay? and, (arm around shoulder), let me buy you a coffee and maybe you CAN work for the FBI and be a lawyer, just you know, we'll get back to you on that."

Okay, and then they tortured my family and allowed other Catholics in govt. positions to direct this torture of us.

By the time I was done talking to Julia Thornton, my ship was sunk. She cut me off every single time I tried to say something about the religious hate crime and Catholic church connections to people in litigation and their agency, and among my "friends"--to the point that she deliberately made me feel I couldn't mention it. So she rewrapped it with her own twist and "spin" and sent it to D.C. where they got a couple of guys to cover things up.

And I don't remember ever feeling free to share about the religious hate crime.

I left the state and Julia didn't like the idea. She said why and I said I'd had enough after this latest incident with a member of the Catholic church. So I told her I would be commuting for college in Oregon, which I did, until members of the Catholic church colluded with FBI to put me under false arrest several times and obstructed my travel and forced me out of the lawsuits.

My parents were most definitely targeted by FBI in retaliation, and by the mafias they were connected to. All of a sudden, they were telling me to quit my lawsuits. They wouldn't do this or even care unless they were being forced to tell me this. When I didn't voluntarily quit anything, the FBI and law enforcement used Catholic church members to force me out.


And then they kept their military boots on us ever since.

Religious Hate Crime, co-sponsored by the FBI, has kept me down ever since. I have never been allowed up from what they did. Ever. And some Jewish were all too happy with that plan too, bc for some of them, I guess it also worked to their own advantage. Religious Hate Crime--allowed without investigation, has been responsible for multiple crimes and acts of collusion.

So when I noticed things got worse for me, considerably, when I made my report to the FBI, and then Christa Schneider did her little farewell and good riddance party with people who had hated me all along and I never knew, after a year of things getting progressively worse and wondering why, out of the blue I was being called a drug user or addict and crazy and harassed by police...I asked for FOIA from the FBI.

Which then led to my own investigation of research into who knew who and what agencies or firms, and the religious ties. And then, my son and I were tortured in full.
Someone gave me this book, my Dad did, about a prisoner in Cuba. I figured someone must have told my Dad to read it and pass it to me. Because it's basically this argument for how horrible "communist" prisons are and how "it didn't matter if you were Roman Catholic, Baptist, 7th Day Adventist, Evangelical...all were tortured and held as prisoners in Cuba."

Maybe it didn't "matter" in Cuba at that time, but that's not what has happened to my family or me and my son.

What has happened to me and my son is Religious Hate Crime not "Political Hate Crime".

I was never tortured for being "....of the wrong political party. Of the wrong political persuasion..."

I don't have a party or persuasion. I have no political contacts or affiliations. I was a college student who was previously a highly sought-after nanny her entire life, who was defamed and then forced to file lawsuits to simply protect her name and ability to maintain an honest reputation and have gainful work.

It was Religious Hate Crime, not political.

And what "solved" it?


If the problem is religious, then the solution will be religious, right?

So why was the only time I wasn't tortured when I was with a Catholic man?

I didn't change my politics. I didn't even have an opinion about political groups. The hate crime has been out of religious WACKOS that work for the FBI. Who, by the way, did completely illegal favors for the Abbey attorneys and The Willamette Week owners.

So what changed? Nothing except religion. All of a sudden, a Catholic man is in my space, and the Catholic Hate Crime within the FBI, Department of Justice, CIA, DOD, and local police and medical fields came to a sudden halt.


I reported Religious Hate Crime in 2004.

They got some man in there to date me when I started sounding halfway normal still, and my reputation hadn't been papered over with more garbage. Isn't that right? It was like a way to get me out of someone else's way because I was still halfway attractive, talented, had my brains, and I was being heard and sounded normal and almost believable after I got out of Wenatchee. So how do my enemies and Catholic military and FBI/CIA/NSA explain that?

Not very easily.

They were treading the waters then. Rather than tread waters and have me end up proving these people were all criminals and liars, they bring along people to try to ruin my life and entrap me.

They had ZERO justification for kidnapping my son and they knew they were in huge trouble. They didn't have a shred of evidence against me, and then I was sounding normal all of a sudden, after being tortured and escaping and then reporting about who might have been involved. And I sounded normal, likeable, and was telling some history of my life.

They didn't want me to get out of that. They didn't like the fact that I sounded "normal" which put their false claims about me to shame. They wanted me to sound like a raving lunatic. So they tortured me and my baby and then when I escaped, they colluded to think of a way to entrap me.

All they wanted was more documentation to try to buffer the crime they'd committed because they were already in huge trouble for kidnapping my child. Not to mention torturing me.

So they bring out a bunch of Catholics who pretended to be nice when they had to lie and pretend and then they split the earnings with whoever they could bribe.

Now, it's supposed to be "national interest" and research.


Back in 2004, I reported religious hate crime.

Where's that report?


And by the way, where is the lab kit for the rape test I provided to Wenatchee police in 2004 which they never sent to a lab? I know for a fact that the Wenatchee police took the photos and shared them with others and they were "missing" from their evidence files for almost a year. First the Wenatchee and county police failed to report an incident of rape against me by a Roman Catholic man from Cuba, and then we were being tortured. Strange. All the evidence was there and the Wenatchee police REFUSED to send in the kit as required by law. They protected a Roman Catholic man who attempted to rape me after I had my son. But this isn't at all about religious hate crime, continued (according to police). So who did this Cuban man work for? How does a Cuban man who makes an ATTEMPTED RAPE get protection from Wenatchee and county police? Did he work for the FBI too? Or was this guy CIA. Or, was he just getting off because he was another member of the Roman Catholic church? I know for a fact he was not an "atheist" or "agnostic". He described himself as Catholic. WHAT a GREAT group.

So, get this straight, some corrupt Mormons there (who I don't even think are Mormon at all), protestants and Catholics, refused to investigate another incident of religious hate crime which I had concrete evidence for and when I knew the photos showed evidence, after they refused to send in the rape kit, I asked for copies and they were "missing". They didn't find them up to the point of my and my son being tortured.

How about this? How about you check his records and find out he knows John Kaempf? is that why the police were bribed and blocked from investigating? because it would look bad for my whole claim about being a victim of religious hate crime?

Well, someone is crying I guess. Not the Catholic man from Cuba.

After refusing to conduct an investigation, your officers sat around and passed out these photos and mocked me with it and made sick jokes. I always knew they did, as soon as I found out they were "missing". And when they reappeared, I believe it was Justin Titus who obtained them, through the Irish Catholic law firm and I can't imagine that they were not shared with others, since this firm also took my medical records without my consent and against my specific instructions that they did NOT have my permission to take my CT scans.

My own defense firm, the Irish Catholic one with 1 Jew, did anyway, and they used it against me. I specifically said NO and I sent email that said NO and basically, in a sense, regarding medical privacy and laws, that firm raped me too.

Who's next?

Because now they just torture. I guess the Catholics and Jews don't want to rape anymore.

They got tired of raping me and attempting rape. Or sexually assaulting me.

They've been settling really.

Really men, you've been settling. And your bitches can go to hell and will.

You've settled for torture.


Measly cowards. Hiding behind "technology" for torture. Why settle now assholes? COME ON, you were AHEAD. What happened to your fucking FBI game? HuH? What about the lawyers and police who had your backs? ARE YOU FUCKING CHICKEN.

YOU FUCKING TAKE OFF YOUR PANTS, PUT A GUN TO MY HEAD, and RAPE me and be sure to take photos for the FBI in D.C. Give a copy to the rat Alvaro.

What's wrong with you Dempsey? Too tired to rape anymore? How about Mike Tanzer? Indian women are easier? FBI still gotchour back? How about the Cuban man, or Bujanda or Garza...You didn't get enough did you? Or the FUCKING JEWS who are going to HELL. Who dragged me around in a blanket you fucking Mossad bitch--crying over the discovery that I had pads in my bra that matched William of Wales engagement tie. Mossad or Catholic. I couldn't decide, but she was one or the other and they injected me with a drug while the federal shitholes were there, in the detention center, getting fancy handprints of slender fingers and experimenting on me with their govt. psychics.

I'm surprised that Catholic Irish police chief didn't just rape me right there in the glass room for everyone to see. because that would be the standard for the Catholics--no privacy.

I could make a nice list of those who have assaulted me in the name of religious hate crime, and I'm just shocked that you men are settling.

Argentina's Catholic steelworker is fine and happy settling with payments for torture. So have been a lot of Catholics. Just so much will buy a 1 room concrete "house". Come up, put up your donations you fucking Irish Catholics who deserve potatoes and nothing else for the rest of your lives. That includes MARK. Mark the Irish Catholic military spy from Boston who most likely knows Ryan the Robber in Wenatchee, also from Boston.

Did you guys ever worry that maybe someone in the FBI already ratted you out, like, years ago before anyone was even thrown in jail? What was your deal? You quit torture if Colombo comes over because....because he's Irish Catholic? He wasn't even Irish Catholic. Lo! and he wasn't Mexican Catholic. He was Colombian Catholic.

I guess "Catholic" is the part that matters.

The FBI and military don't care if you rape me. So why not. In fact, it appears something like a Mossad or jewish group covers for their Jewish rapist while they collude with Catholics who then get a Catholic guy to make an attempted rape.

After how many attempts at assault?

Guess when the FBI cover me? Only if I'm drinking, isn't that right boys. Oh, and women too, becasue those bitches don't want any "self-righteousness" going on. Makes them feel bad about their beer-slugging selves.

I take that back.

I still get tortured if I drink.

The only time the U.S. Catholic SHITs do NOT torture, is if I am drinking where their men are around.

They want me to dance for them. The FBI and CIA does. That's what they want. If I don't dance and drink with them, or get engaged to one of their mafia men, they just torture.

Rape isn't so fun when it's hard to reach. The FBI wants to make it easy for the guys. You know, the CIA and military guys. They want everything easy to reach. Within grasp somehow.

To just jump me out of the bushes would look too much like unprovoked assault because they want to rape and assault and find a way to blame the woman, like real men do.

So when they do "bad" things to U.S. CIA and military over in other countries, quit the fuck asking why.

You do not show respect for women and children in your country so why should THEY? IN fact, some of you raped their women and children and the Media, I've seen plenty of U.S. media. They're bought out by self-interested groups with ties to churches and money, period. They'll never report about rape by U.S. men of the women and children in other countries. They don't care. They get plenty of their own rape opportunities here in the U.S., where the police and FBI and military get to score more than the average rapist--duty free.

When they're not raping of their own will, they get the mafia to do it and PAY THEM for it.

And yes, I was tortured even worse while writing this because it's a lie? No. Because it's the truth and this isn't a free country anymore. It's only free for the members of the Catholic church or the synogogue.

So what is the FBI hiding? A group of gang rapists in their offices? or is it just religious hate crime they specialize in?

At any rate, let it be known, this country has been making it clear to me that either I put out for a Jew or Catholic, or they torture me. Since I've been tortured more often than not, you can imagine how much of a slut I am. Since I refuse to put out for Jews and Catholics, or allow myself to be assaulted or raped, they settle for torture.

If I dance and drink with them, they don't torture. No, because they're too worried about getting laid or scoring a conquest they can profit from. And since they are AFRAID of my brains, and how I could SLICE them up for my supper in court, they torture me since they can't find another way to get at me.

In fact, I did slice them up in court. It hurt, didn't it babies? It sort of "bruised" the ego to have a BROKE, POOR, YOUNG WOMAN winning lawsuits against your billion dollar law firms and paying clients. OUCH. Now THAT'S what cuts. The first cut is the deepest honey--next time it won't fucking hurt so much, I hope, for your sake.

YOU couldn't take the heat, and you couldn't stay in the fucking kitchen, because I was too hot for you to handle and you didn't like that. Embarrassed the SHIT out of you. All of you.

"Who is she working with?"

"No one."

"What do you mean, NO ONE?"

"I mean, no one."

"We have a 28 year old GIRL who is BROKE and drives a BEATER, living in a 400 square foot house, who doesn't have a law degree, WINNING TWO LAWSUITS at the same time?"

What happened fuckers. Daddy put a little pressure on you for not adding up to much? Daddy got worried about the family? Your clients began to get angry and embarass you for losing to someone you shouldn't lose to? Your law firm was losing money and not making money on it anymore? Your reputations, collectively, were already 2 years in the trash for the ability of a non-trained woman to put you in your place and stay afloat while you tried every single dirty trick in the book?

"What's it gonna take for you to win?"

Torture fuckers.

You're such lousy players, you can't even stand on your own centipede feet. 1 of me and how many of you, my small pocket of money against your billions, and YOU were losing because YOU and YOUR CLIENTS are LOSERS.

You were losing because what you did was WRONG and you knew I had evidence to prove it. You knew that if I could keep my lawsuits moving and thriving, for 2 full years, before I even got discovery, I was going to WIN once I got that discovery or it went to trial.

YOU were going to lose and you just couldn't handle the idea.

So you colluded with your church members to do even worse than you were already in the gutter for, and ask pals to start torturing us.

Like this is China, or Cuba, or North Korea, or Iran, or any of these countries you CONDEMN for being "communist" and "so bad".


You're a bunch of wimpy-wand sorry ass losers who resorted to obstruction of freedom of movement and justice and called upon mafia and govt. contacts to TORTURE me and my family and then really sink it in with my son. Because by then, you still knew I had a chance to revive those lawsuits and I was figuring some things out.

You're a bunch of morons. It takes 100 of you to screw in a lightbulb that I screwed in, on my own, by myself.

Cut and paste, cut and paste. Your generic recycling of legal motions must have thrilled your clients. You fuckers.

I remember I didn't swear then, but I reminded you of a few of these things while you had your people slashing my tires and assaulting me without my getting assistance from police or FBI. You didn't like being insulted did you.

Now you feel BIG and STRONG. RWAAAAWWR. What MIGHTY lawyers you are. Then, after colluding with your church members and judges and govt. contacts that squeeze the mafia into the same pocket, you tried to buy off public defenders I had to have as a result of damages caused by YOU. Great cover. A bunch of corrupt PDs who need to make some money and get ahead and feel proud of themselves.

You know and I know, who was winning and who was going to win. It was inevitable. I was going to win.

You couldn't STAND that idea.

So rape and sexual assault get old and you have to call on someone about starting up the torture machine.

What mighty Governors you are.

Then what happened? One of you felt sorry for torturing my child? An innocent baby? I don't think so. None of you felt sorry for anything. You got WORRIED when I got out from under your thumb and control and then chased me around wherever I went and tried to find other ways to put me under false arrest or entrap me. You even fucking tried to entrap me in CANADA because you were SCARED.

Nothing worked except for paying people to make false reports, and torture.

Meanwhile, you played out your game here and made a mockery of the entire nation.

So when I say The Pope is President, I must be right. And why should I wonder where in the world some of the English hatred comes from? I can think of some Jewish links to the UK (which might actually be Mossad, or just U.S. jewish) and then, well, sure enough, Tony Blair. I mean, aren't they Catholic?

Supposedly England is Protestant, just like the U.S., if not really church-going, generally Protestant. So I have never examined who is at the top or in charge over there, but something tells me that while there may still be a few more Protestants, that is something the U.S. Catholics in Control are working on at the moment. I just looked up catholics in England, out of curiosity, and I am not even surprised. No wonder some of the Anglican church people are so skatty. They're like the Tony Blairs, sort of moving back and forth from one to the other with ease. He was supposedly Anglican and became Catholic like his wife. Exactly. And then this link about lifting a ban against marrying Catholics (for a monarch) was raised. Is it any wonder kids?

No one would be asking to raise a ban like that unless they had something in mind already. And I already see how the Catholics that Control the U.S. are courting the U.K. It's obvious. Umm, isn't whatshername in L.A., like, Catholic? Yeah, I think so. And um, so is the catholic mistress they squeezed into the gap. Real smart thinking you LOONS.

So not only are we anticipating Prime Ministers in England being Catholic and pulling on strings both Anglican and Catholic against anyone that gets in their way...there is an interest revived in the U.S. about the U.K. and it's been a rather shocking interest to say the least, which seems rather fed by Catholics. And I had always wondered, what's it to the U.S.? to our intel or leaders? Ah. Almost ALL of them are Catholic.

The oldest trick in the book: overthrowing by seduction. All anyone with an interest in having their church members all at the top has to do is seduce. Find the prettiest, most well-matched, plant at a good time, and watch zee seeds of LUV to grow.

You got hit by, a smooth criminal (MJ).

Nothing to worry about now. A man will be defensive over a woman he's married or loves, or was seduced by. Great. It turns to some kind of love. Naturally. And all for the good of torturing others and changing history so that very soon a Catholic is not only the Prime Minister but on the throne as well, and raising their children that way indefinitely.

How could you be SO BLIND.

Like I said, most of the Commonwealth is already majority Catholic. But it's sort of fun to work on something like monarchy now. Pretty soon, the listing of "The Vatican" as a country with political interests gets edited. It's going to be listed as a "neutral" country. As neutral as Jihadists on the movie "Rendition".

Catholic Hate Crime gets away with their own "jihad" all the time.

I hope, for the sake of England, that either someone gets their bearings and finds a backbone or the monarchy is abolished. It's one thing to have the entire United States being run by the Catholic church. It would be too much to see the same thing happen to England. There would be zero neutrality for Protestants. I'm sorry, but the U.S. ship is already sunk into a Mass Mire.

Another one of Blair's brilliant ideas. England is going the exact same direction. It will be like two ships colliding in the night. (colluding or colliding). Or a ship against an iceberg.

If I want a Catholic State, I can move to The Vatican. It's a country you know, not a city. I don't need Catholic Statehood for the U.S. or a religious Catholic flag next to the U.S. flag. And I don't need to see anymore crappy Catholic jihad. I think we have to call it what it is: Jihad.

If England wanted a Catholic monarchy, they can go to the Vatican City too. There, you can have Catholic monarchy to your heart's content. Why do the Catholics need another one? Not settling for Vatican monarchy?

Is the Vatican going to lift their ban on allowing Popes that are Protestant? So why lift the ban about Catholics but not mention Muslims or other faiths. It should be Protestant, should not change or be lifted and it is a sign of weakness that it was altered. That weakness comes in the form of a woman. I would have thought that after all the years of torture, and witnessing torture committed in other countries by a Catholic government, that England would get a grip.

Instead, look at what horrible things have happened since people supported the mistress of William of Wales, and the Middletons (sort of the same thing as family of mistress bc she will never be royal). And then what? Camilla's not Catholic but her ex is and he ex likes the idea of his kids getting further? or it's Val's idea. The Middleton's came in and the monarchy photo postings began reflecting hatred, spite, and insolence. They fashioned a tartan just for the Pope. They went to N. Ireland where back and forth they're all still killing eachother there and in the U.S. and abroad. They lifted the ban on Catholicism for the monarchy. And um, how many WACKOS have been raised up in the name of religious Catholic hate crime and Catholic controlled intelligence and military.

I'm not supportive of torture of Catholics, but guess what. We are tortured by Catholics in the U.S., whose Statehood is Catholic.

I guess that's the kind of deal making the Middletons were assured to bring to the table. Selling Out and Pansy Pies.

Now we have kids in line to the throne being groomed and raised Catholic to be positioned just for this purpose. Such an incredible, monstrous disaster. You know, the U.S. is screwed because kept their eyes closed while all the Crusaders and Catholic Jihadists moved in and up. I thought better of England at least, because at least they didn't make some lame excuse about how the "Vatican is neutral".

Well Good Luck and Cheerio to you. By the way, Australia is majority Catholic as well, if you hadn't noticed.

The Pope wants to be President AND King of England too. And of course catholics put the leaders above their Pope.

That's a LIE.

The Catholic dogma CLEARLY states there is NO authority on earth who is HIGHER than THE POPE. That's not "old school Catholicism"--that is the irrevocable fact and truth of their religion.

If the U.S. is so interested in disseminating information about what Muslims believe and how their jihad means certain danger for the U.S., isn't it strange how they NEVER talk about the tenants of the Catholic church.

Did you know that it USED to be against the law, and against the Constitution of the United States, to have a Catholic President?

Well look at what "progress" this country has made. We're in the DUMPS. Which is EXACTLY where England is headed. Thanks for letting us drag you down with us. Nice little safety boat you have there...oops, forgot! it's ATTTACHED.....sleeping with the fishes soon.

The U.S. Constitution and the Founding Fathers PROHIBITED Catholics from being President. Why? not because they were born with something they can't control or change at all, like race. It's because any idiot who has any religious education at ALL, knows what the Catholic Church "faith" preaches.

So basically, someone yelled "discrimination" or "old-fashioned" or "bigotry" and snuck a bunch of Traitors into the U.S. seats.

And yes, you ARE a traitor is you can be found guilty of treason, which is exactly what it is to ignore the interests of ones own country to favor and side with The Vatican, and the Pope.

There is no inbetween. You are either Catholic or you are not. That's it--caput. Either you agree that the Pope is the Supreme Authority of the World and that he is to be OBEYED above any other government, or you agree. You don't choose to not agree.

If one were to choose not to agree, then they would remove themselves from the Catholic church.

Guess what. We don't have a lot of Catholics REMOVING or RECUSING themselves. They carry their One World Order idea into every government agency they walk into and the leader of that 1 world is the Pope.

Protestants don't even get it bc half of them don't read up or get to hear about what the actual beliefs are, and it's NOT something the Catholics talk about. THIS, to them, is something they'd rather hide in a padlocked box, like a padlocked Bible at an altar. No Catholic is going to bring it up in conversation to Protestants or a govt. office--"Hey! oh yeah, did you guys all know that my Pope is Above the President?"

Protestants generally believe "God" is above all, but that when it comes to government, we elect a man who the citizens of this country are dependent upon for being in allegiance with this country's best interests. There was also a law that prohibited Catholics from any govt. office because of a very CLEAR and CONVINCING conflict of interest.

Look at how great things are going now that the "ban" has been lifted and they've moved to the top. We have medieval torture sponsored here in the U.S., and it's being organized by...WHAT a SHOCK. Catholics.

A little known fact is that not only does the Catholic have dogma (beliefs REQUIRED to have if one is to call themselves Catholic at all) which requires them to put the Pope (who literally has his own country, not just "city", look it up) above the President, the Catholic church also has a lot of literature and supporting materials which they've not revoked or retracted, supporting torture of others on behalf of the Catholic church.

Yeah. So basically, The Roman Catholic church doctrines also support torture of non-Catholics.

People act like, oh, no big deal if we're talking about Muslims, but if I bring this up about Catholics, I'm a bigot.

Isn't that true? Anything goes, for the FBI to go on and on about Muslim jihad but they nothing about Catholic jihad. And the reason for that, is that Catholics comprise over 50% of the FBI.

Do you really expect the FBI to investigate hate crime by their church, when they have sworn allegiance to the Pope and catholic church over the President of the U.S. and this country?

They're not going to investigate anything. If they think torturing someone is a benefit to Catholic church members or their religion, they'll keep it up. And anyone who dares get in the way or make honest statements about some things that went wrong, rather than allow their members to be held accountable, they put the Pope and these members ahead of national interest and equal rights, and torture whoever might insult or weaken the reputation of their church or members in any way.

It wasn't bias or foolishness that led the Founding Fathers to BAN Catholics from government office. It was common sense and good common sense at that. Since the U.S. has lost it's mind, well, we are now paying the price for that.

Catholics get to choose. Either you CHOOSE to be Catholic and agree with the most fundamental dogma of the church, that the Pope is the voice of Jesus Christ himself and that their church is above any government, or you CHOOSE to not be Catholic.

If you believe the President and the U.S. interests are above all and you swear to serve in this way, you cannot also be Catholic.


One either chooses Catholicism and the authority of the Pope over the U.S. and over England or any country, or they choose NOT to be Catholic because they cannot, in good conscience, put the Pope above the interests of their country and all citizens, regardless of their religious affiliation.

If I were Queen, no ban would have been lifted. And they know that. And if I were in the FBI, I would not be letting people get away with torture and murder or profiting from favors just because they are members of the Catholic church and they know that. If I had any political power in this country, I would try to get the ban of Catholics in govt. office reinstated in the U.S.

First of all, what the original founders were worried about is ABSOLUTELY true. And then, some let down their guard and got pressured and felt like "bigots" when they shouldn't have, and Catholics were allowed in. We gave an inch and they took us for all we're worth.

The condition of this country is not healthier. It's corrupt, and it's Catholics at the head of offices which control who gets tortured and guess what? Protestants they don't like get tortured. They are proving the very point that our Founding Fathers attempted to make.

Since the general religious education of the public is somewhat lacking (thanks to understandable loss of interest), a lot has been slipping in unnoticed and unchecked and it's not serving the best interests of our country--liberty and justice for all--it's serving the best interests of religious groups.

I will have to look up some of those dogmas and proofs again, and put the links up, because you shouldn't take my word for it, and you shouldn't take some priests word for it either. You should read it for yourself and then note that it is NOT an "optional" doctrine one may agree or disagree with. It is mandatory and essential.

So right now, we have our country being run, by President Pope.

With Biden as his jackal.
They tortured my parents last night. I checked, and they were being tortured in the middle of the night. One side of the house was actually vibrating last night, from technology like ink bursts out of pens technology on one side and then there was the metal honing technology on the other side. That same night I was repeatedly assaulted (small, not major) on the head. Tonight, they have the same things going on at their house. As do I, and also the burning sensation too because someone has more recently been using their lasers and infrared again.

They are torturing them tonight too. Today my mother was tortured when I was with her shopping and we were both tortured while driving in our car.

We were tortured in the Safeway in Coos Bay, in our vehicle driving to Coos Bay and back, and at home.

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