Friday, December 2, 2011

U.S. Military Assault During Prayer & Religious Worship

The U.S. military is definitely assaulting tonight.

They are repeatedly assaulting me on the same side of the head that they have done in the past, and they've done this before, on the other side at times. It's not migraine.

I'm also positive that they've done this to my Mom and Dad because I've seen them put their hands up or over their head sort of, as if to shield or see if it helps.

I went to a different room, with all of the lights in my house OUT, and I was on my knees trying to pray to God, and the U.S. military assaulted me.

It's not psychic work either. No one is projecting this--it is military.

What I see in the movie "Rendition" so far, is no different from what I've witnessed happening to my Mom and Dad here. The only difference is that they're not moving people outside of the U.S. They are torturing their own citizens here in this country, on their own soil.

Basically, I've experienced obstruction of:
1. travel,
2. trade, commerce, & competition,
3. education,
4. courthouses and litigation I filed to protect myself,
5. medical care,
6. communications (telephone, fax, computer, mail),
7. religious worship and freedom of choice of religion,
8. freedom to procreate and have children,
9. freedom from non-consensual medication and drugs,
10. freedom to choose my own partner for marriage,
11. liberty of raising my own child,
12. justice, for investigation of hate crimes going on at least 1 full decade,
13. _____________.

I don't know. I might have to go through a list and see which "torts" come to mind. Or which laws and rules come to mind, when I think about which freedoms the U.S. has allowed hate crime to obstruct.

13. freedom from forced labor and torture in my own country.
Do you understand something? People wanted to pressure me to donate eggs, for the use of others. But they haven't liked the idea of anyone in my family raising their own children. I guess that's because since the U.S. govt. knows we're gifted (many of us) in certain ways, they don't want us to be free. So they control us and if hate crime comes into the picture, they let that dictate what happens.

I'd like to know how many eggs have been illictly stolen from my mother, or other family members.

If the U.S. tortures us, why wouldn't they do something "less torturous" which "they'll never know" about and literally extract eggs while one of us in surgery for something?

Or force men with these kinds of gifts, to be sperm donors for the military.

I'll bet the U.S. has their own little fertility lab for the ESP and remote viewer-telepathic people. Then they probably sell the incubated eggs on the black market.

That's a really "out there" idea, but is it, if you think about it? If the U.S. is going to TORTURE their own people, it means they cannot be trusted about ANYTHING.

If a group is willing to torture people in violation of the law, and ignore THESE rights, why wouldn't they do something like this? "Yeah, we like to torture but we'd never steal eggs. We just torture them to keep them in line. But we don't steal eggs--that's ILLEGAL! We have to have a consent form for any kind of egg donation."

Woman Whose Eggs Have Been Stolen: "So, you're saying you would require a consent form for non-consensual egg donation, but not for torture? How does one GET a signature for "non-consensual" egg donation? If it's non-consensual, then you must just TAKE whatever you want, without asking right? Just like you torture your own U.S. citizens without asking for their consent."

U.S. Govt: "We don't steal eggs and we don't steal children. We pressure them."

Woman Whose Eggs Were Stolen: "And if pressure doesn't work?"

U.S. Govt.: "We steal them. Admitted."

Woman Whose Eggs Were Stolen: "So what kind of pressure?"

U.S. Govt.: "The same kind of pressure that is used when we decide to do trade embargoes, or sanctions, or freezing assets. We wait until innocent people are starving, dying of disease, and can't make an income or any kind of trade. In other words, we obstruct anywhere between 1-13 different things needed for a normal life or their ability to support themselves. When they are forced into not supporting themselves, we rely on the fact they will then be forced to take our assistance, like it or not. And then we have a foot in the door and steal their children. Meanwhile, this works for the stragglers that needed to leech off of whatever air the others were breathing, and it puts mediocrity to the top so they can brag about the American Dream and how "hard work" pays off."

Woman Whose Eggs Were Stolen: "Is that capitalism?"

U.S. Govt.: "It's finding a way to obstruct competition and oppress others. Then, when the oppressed are forced to take government assistance, or other assistance, we have them where we want them. They no longer have bargaining power and there is no such thing as free trade. We take the kids that are talented and assimiliate them into other families where they can then meet and breed with people who belong to the desired church. Once we've assumed these people into our own control and religious group, we then have no need to pressure or torture to get what we want and we have eliminated the fear of competition coming from those outside of our control who are gifted. We breed out the competition. So in a way, it's not capitalism, because that's about free market and enterprise, but we've found a way around it that suits the needs of those who deign to have power. You know, the idea has been around for thousands of years, but these days, instead of pillaging, plundering, and trying to destroy a culture or civilization, we torture for our religious reasons and pressure them to convert or assimiliate.

It's up to them. If they don't put up a fight, and marry us, we're happy. If they don't put up a fight and work for us, until we seduce someone into procreating so we can develop more of what they have, we're happy. If they resist, we torture them. In America, certain people have inalienable rights. The others, who would have naturally been able to do well for themselves, we oppress until we own them. We make religious arguments about how we'll be saving the "souls" of children if we take over or they convert in, and we make financial arguments about how to best dispose of competition and still sound the rallying horn of capitalism, about equality.

It really IS survival of the fattest. We get jealous of the fittest and have fatter wallets, so we make it and we make sure they don't.

How To Create A Master Race For Religion.


  1. Wrap your head in tinfoil. That should do it.

  2. Washington is glad that you left. Canadians are glad that you were kicked out of Canada for being there illegally. Tennessee is glad that you left. You are probably glad you left Texas because they probably would have put you in an insane asylum. Washington D.C. celebrates the day you left. And Oregon hopes you leave. EVERYBODY is glad to be rid of you. There is a solution, however, and that is psychotherapy and psychopharmacological intervention. Stop torturing the world with your paranoia. Everyone around you suffers because of you. Get treatment and all will be well.

  3. Ben Gull - Wenatchee

  4. I wanted to apologize for an earlier comment that was mean spirited. You are clearly a very bright and vibrant person and if you were adequately treated for what I think are clearly mental health problems, I think any community would benefit from your presence. But I worry about you and your well-being. I wish you could find a psychiatrist you could trust and get some treatment. I wish you the best in life and with treatment I think you would be able to accomplish so much. Take care.
