Friday, December 2, 2011

What My Parent's Can Do (today): UPDATED

I don't have a headache today, but seriously, they do so many things, it is hard to keep track. It's one thing after the other--yesterday and today. Clear evidence of mind reading ability, and predictive stuff. Last night they were more discreet about placement of things and I should have written some things down. If I kept a running log, it would be huge. It would also be easier to videotape bc then it shows where I'm not guessing ahead of time, or we're not coordinating things. So I can write about a few things and take a few photos, but I don't have a videocam and can't imagine my parents feeling comfortable with a running camera either. Like some kind of reality show.

1. 1800 liquor ad and movie pick prediction.
Last night several things lined up. Then, one small example is this 1800 liquor commercial came on with this dark haired man wearing blue (and black jacket?) and a finger on his face and then he puts his hand into closed fist, on the table. I had one movie left to watch which I haven't watched yet--"Lion...W and W" at least not the beginning, just the end. So I wanted to take a few more but they said finish what you have first maybe and then this commercial came on and my Dad said, "Okay, go ahead and pick out 2-3 movies if you want" so I went over and opened the drawer and the first one I picked up, I looked on the back, and it was the same "man" as in the Tarantula ad. I mean not the same guy, but dark hair, same color clothing, and with finger to side of face just like the ad. It was on the back of the DVD cover of "Rendition". I looked at my Dad and he was smirking. Then I also picked out "Cellular" and "Archangel". (I only got halfway through Archangel until it was the next day, and it was late) The point was that the commercial matched the movie photo I then went to and my Dad must have known I would pick that one up (when I went to it it was rightside up so there wasn't a photo on it).

2. Accept Cash.
My mom said something about "cash out" and "if they'll accept cash" several times before I even picked out movies and then on the movies there was a sign for "accept cash" (Cellular--protagonist standing in front of sign at beach) and then "if they'll accept cash" or something (Archa)

3. Lying down by fire.
Bc my parents were being more discreet, I didn't see placement of anything ahead of time really. I got tired at one point, and laid on my side in front of the fire and after I did, I noticed, after lying down, that I was making the exact same shape as the cord to the left of my mom's chair. I couldn't see it sitting up but when I was lying down I saw it and it was in the exact same design my body made on the floor. The same curve or kind of line and I knew it wasn't random but placement.

4. Hannah's Plate of Asparagus and Tomato.
(not necessarily my mom's predict but I noticed). While watching "Cellular" I made myself a plate of food. I already had brown rice out and decided I would take black beans out too. I put rice on the plate and then the black beans and poured veggie broth powder over the beans for a little flavor, and then decided to add green beans. I then thought, after cooking this, "I need something sweet" so I cut up red apple slices from part of an apple, not paying attention to what I was doing really.
So I ate my rice & beans first and ended up with a plate of sliced apple and green beans, placed like the plate from Hannah's website that I recently saw. It was just like the plate of asparagus and tomato but it was red apple and green beans. Same placement. So then, I don't know why, but I had counted out how many slices she had of apple on each side, out of curiosity and maybe God knew for me to do this bc I don't usually count stuff like that and later, last night as I looked, I counted them out and there were 6, just like on the photo. Only 6, not 12 like on the photo. 6 to the left side of my plate and green beans to the right, like the asparagus. The beans and rice were in the middle. I saw how it ended up only bc I suddenly realized it was exactly like the photo I'd seen only maybe 1-2 days earlier.
In her photo, there were 6 tomato slices to the right and 6 to the left, but on my plate, it was 6 to the left (if I'm looking down on it) and all along the side the same way, and then green beans to the side of the plate on the left. Long green string beans. Funny how people like Bob Corker might give this credit, for some odd reason, but want to insult others. Do they get paid to insult?

(I started writing about this stuff and instead of being someone calling to actually help my family, it was "Katie" calling to give me information about how to get records from a mental health office. I said thanks, but it was meant more to be an insult than help. I said to my mom "At least you know you're worth something if they're spending billions of dollars to keep a lid on it and go out of their way to insult." Seriously, look at how they want to twist every small thing. Every single thing. So my Dad comes in the door, and his face and eyes show clear signs of horrific torture. I guess the call from "Corker's" offices was to second the slap-in-the-face. My Dad looked green and his eyes were totally red and he had dark circles all underneath. His eye color didn't even look the same. I have, never in my life, seen my Dad's eye color affected by torture and it was. And my mother must have known something was happening to him bc she said something like oh no and then went upstairs and I said what are you doing and she said, "coloring my hair". Her hair didn't even need coloring at all. Then my Dad comes home so tortured his eye is different for some reason. THEN, I saw how my Dad looked when he pet the dog and I knew he's been brutally tortured and someone is about to kill someone. There was some Jewish man that looked like Goodman at the healthfood store the last time I saw my Dad like this. On my birthday or thereabouts, when the dog got sick from the ham bone. Preceding this, my Mom and Dad were being forced to literally bow down to people in Coos Bay. I witnessed this with my own eyes, and I noticed more fear and and knew something was up. Then, my Dad wasn't acting like himself at the healthfood store and he is acting the same way now. Supposedly, according to my Mom, he's been out with a guy named Mark. I told my Mom I know something is going down bc my Dad is acting like he's not only been physically, but psychologically tortured. He's acting the same way he did the day this guy was in the healthfood store and then we got home and the dog was shaking and then a few days later, after I mailed my stuff to the courthouse, my Uncle Howard was dead. Not only that, I noticed there was something really weird going on in Coos Bay about 1 1/2 or 2 months ago. It wasn't the last time I got groceries, but maybe time before. All these horrible, HORRIBLE people were around us all day. It wasn't the time we were tortured all the way there and back while my mother was trying to sell a house, it was like the month before. They were having my parents BOW DOWN to them. My Dad actually wasn't there, so who knows what was going on with him, but I wasn't supposed to notice, but I did--tons....TONS of HORRIBLE people were requiring my mom to bow down to them to satisfy their egos and humiliate her. So I saw my mother doing this, all day. Meekly bowing toward these people who were mocking her, to give them whatever satisfaction they were requiring. And no, it hasn't been like this every time, and I didn't imagine anything. There were so many jeering and mean people around us. It was even happening when I wasn't next to my mom and not supposed to notice. I would split up and go to a different aisle to buy groceries and unexpectedly come back and see my mother bowing to people who were pointedly, and with no shame or attempt to cover, jeering at her. Until I came around the corner and then they quit and tried to pretend like nothing was going on. This is after what appeared to be an assault and after I filed a police report about it. Then, from being ridiculed, degraded, and mocked by a huge number of people in the Coos Bay area, some who drove in I think, but many who were already from the area...also, my mother is very religious so it's not like she would do this unless she was worried worse things would happen to her kids or grandkids, and I know she's been poisoned before. It's not like they "bow" to others or don't stand up for what's right--if our lives were at stake, probably they knew what God would want bc you can't fight hate crime when it's mafia, military, FBI and CIA all in the same pocket. Things got more dangerous and I noticed fear and then on my birthday, it was still brewing and I knew something was wrong. Next thing I know, federal courthouses are putting up links about "fun times!" in Idaho when my Uncle Howard got "hit"--coincidental or not as they knew I had sent mail to them. And now, my Dad comes home with his eyes all weird and clearly tortured, and I had received an email from my cousin about how my Uncle Howard's Roman Catholic wife was asking my family to fill out documents for organ donation. Which freaked me out because we're already tortured so what's next? someone wants us to fill out apps for organ donation because we're already "living sacrifices"? So I asked her to clarify and she says, for the corneas of his eyes, for a "match" so someone can see better. And then they want the original back. I wouldn't even write this, but since everyone is reading my email anyway, it's not a secret. Then, my Dad didn't even know this man Corker's offices had had Katie call about mental health stuff and he walked in talking about nuts this and that, and mental health stuff and he knew. Then he took this book off the counter and put it next to me, because I said I knew he'd been tortured, and it's called "I Will Die Free" by Noble Alexander with Kay D. Rizzo. He said, "Read that. That's about real torture." I said, "I already know what torture is about and I don't need to read about it. I live it." He said, no if you think you're being tortured, that's nothing. I said, "I know what has happened and have felt it and I experience torture in THIS COUNTRY and I know you're tortured too.")
Started getting a bad feeling about 6 p.m. or 6:30 p.m. Mainly around 6:30 p.m.

I have some group still torturing me but it's been this mild zap here and there and now they are doing it more now that I'm on the laptop. Right now it is 7 p.m.

I'm watching this movie called "Rendition" and I don't like it. It's fine, but I don't like watching torture and then ironically, someone in the military thinks it's fine to assault me a few times, by zapping me on the same side of the head once or twice.

I tried to get some things done today and my Mom kept accidentally turning the light off which shuts down my laptop. I was blogging about what they can do and have done and was going to put up a few more things. Then, all day since her coworkers were here, things were going wrong so that she was saying to get out, or my Mom and Dad were saying this when I talked about what the U.S. has been doing, and I said, "Not Without My Parents". And I said, "I always remembered the title of that movie or book 'Not Without My Daughter' and I never thought that what it would apply to is my parents, and in the United States." (my son too)

I am trying to get this transcript taken care of and it's one thing after the other, and I wondered if these women did not just come over to tell my mother to deliberately provoke me. So I didn't get upset. I knew they were up to something and whether it was to have me write about being told to get out, on behalf of people who are not good like some of these friends, or if it was just to deter me from getting things taken care of to go to college, I don't know.

My mother said the community college people she talked to were fine but I have a feeling they weren't. They've misdirected me multiple times. If it was that important to insult me or be ornry or keep me out of attendence with them when I was emailing for information, I can't imagine why they'd change their minds about being mean and malicious and just wanting to obstruct me from college. Why would they care what questions my mother has? Anyone who goes OUT of their way, unnecessarily, to keep me out of college, has already biased themselves when they don't even know me personally. So for whatever their reason is, or whoever their friends are that hate me, or however much money they're taking as a bribe to be obstructive, I hardly think having "mom" call to ask about whether they are still requiring a transcript or not for community college, is going to change their minds.

People who get bent out of shape without a good reason don't bend back. There are no Gumbies there. Someone who has a good reason, or thinks they do can be reasoned with, or persuaded. But someone who acts irrationally out of hate, isn't going to convert to rationalism. I mean, if they are so DETERMINED to be obstructive, why would they give an inch? They'll make it look like they're being polite, while they then find passive-aggressive ways to pass the blame onto someone else, or think of some other clever loophole.

I just don't think, if I was that nice and pleasant and tried that much to be patient and get into classes or whatever, and I had certain people trying to be problematic, or saying things that were non-commital but misleading, these aren't good people to begin with.


It's one thing to be mistaken or to accidentally leave something out or give information incorrectly. Everyone does that. But to have someone or more than one person repeatedly trying to put you into the wrong side of the garden maze, knowing they are directing you to dead ends, is another thing. Or knowing you'll spend all this time traveling a route that's a dead end and not have time to fix it once you make the discovery.

I think the bad feeling I'm having tonight is either about my brother or my son. Maybe my son since it's closer to his bedtime. I think I'll just pause this movie and listen to effect R&B. They have their hip-hop/rap show on Fridays which is pretty good. I don't know. Might keep watching the movie. I have to type this first.

5. Back Pocket.
I don't know if my Dad knew this or someone told him, but it's possible he just knew somehow, bc he does know about things like this. I saw him pull up just as this song about "God Is Not Dead" came on and he got out of his car, patted his right back pocket when I was peeking out of my window. I put my hand into that pocket and thought maybe it was unbuttoned or something, I don't know. So then, that was at 4:10 p.m. and I discovered at about 7 p.m., I had some kind of padding on my back pocket, just slightly below it. I thought, what is that? and thought my leggings beneath were bunched up so I reached in and thought I felt a sock. I pulled it out and no, not a sock! An entire pair of pantyhose. Tights. I had no idea I was packing that around. I don't know how in the world I pulled on my jeans and didn't notice I was pulling on an entire fat pair of pantyhouse inside, but I did. They're not even jeans that I wear my pantyhouse with. I mean, I have these black tights and I wear them beneath my torn jeans and maybe I have, once or twice. Anyway, you couldn't tell from the outside, bc I looked at my reflection this morning, front and back and nothing stood out.


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