Thursday, December 1, 2011

Torture Tonight & Kidnapped (Held Hostage by U.S.)

After I blogged about what was going on with technology affecting metal in my neck and teeth, and started blogging about FBI, it quit.

However, I couldn't get ahold of my parents and they weren't answering their phones, which isn't usual and then my Dad got home late afternoon and his eyes looked different. Also, I had to get ibuprofen just now and my Mom's eyes are newly blackened by technology.

I was dizzy not because I'm not healthy but because I was assaulted by technology while at my parents house and they didn't do it. It was military assault by the U.S. again. It was some kind of laser or combination of something and it made me feel sick and targeted my entire body and then after that I was dizzy.

I went to the other room and it quit but I continued to get dizzy bc of what had been done and I know, 100%, it was technology. I started to get a headache from it right away as well.

Then I went to my place and every time I turned on my microwave to warm different things up, some other form of technolgy tapped into it, the "ink bursts out of pens" kind and made my headache worse and I felt sick.

Yes, it is the United States. And yes, it is not the United States population as a whole but hate crime operating within this country.

I saw the movie "Cellular" tonight and this is almost identical to what's happened to my family. No one in my family is a "spy" or has done anything wrong or which justifies an unlawful detention, but we are absolutely being held hostage as prisoners of the United States government.

It's not all within the government, but again, whoever is controlling this, is guilty of hate crime. I realize now that part of the reason I haven't been able to even leave, and why I was hunted down in Canada and defamed, was part of this. I didn't even know that I was already being detained to be tortured, along with my son.

They have tortured me, knowing they are torturing me, and I don't know what for unless to get at my parents for something. Since it's clear my parents are very talented, it's obvious this is part of it. They have used torture of me and my son to control and exploit my parents. They also tortured them, and tried to get my parents to tell me to quit my lawsuits and when I didn't, police and religiuos hate crime operating within govt. agencies forced me out by obstructing my travel and repeatedly putting me under false arrest.

It sort of takes a movie like "Cellular" to snap one out of this disorientation of almost accepting daily torture as a fact of life.

I never thought I would see the day, in the United States, when they willingly tortured their own citizens, on their own soil.

Nothing about our existence here is free. We can't move or travel freely, we have no freedom in commerce and business, and I can see for myself how my parents are forced to perform research experiments every day for the military.

This gift that they have has been an excuse for permitting hate crime and torture against my entire family.

I can't write more right now because of this headache. But I will write tomorrow.

And this headache is not from stress. I was assaulted with a massive attack while in the kitchen with my mother, and while I am complaining, for all I know, she experienced the exact same thing or this was intended for her alone.


  1. Perhaps you are the victim of directed energy weapons? The technology is certainly feasible if not practical?

  2. Hi,

    Yes, I believe my entire family is, and there is some evidence to support this, along with testimony.

    It sounds strange but for those who think it's just sci-fi, here's a link to a wiki explanation. This explanation is really not sufficient for describing what is going on, but at least it helps others to understand possibly.

    Definitely feasible and definitely practical for hate crime where one wouldn't want to leave as many marks or conceal it with "classified" privilege excuses.

    Thank you for writing.

