Monday, January 30, 2012

Computer & Internet Obstruction

I have my Blogger opening up just fine and hotmail not working at all.

I have someone controlling my computer because they cause different things to appear and disappear on the screen, and then when I try to delete photos I don't want, they should show up in my trash to then empty and they don't show up. This has been going on for awhile.

I have a ton of photos I've taken that are unnecessary and I delete them and it says are you sure you want to delete this photo? and I check the box and then they don't get deleted and don't show up in my trash so I can empty and remove completely.

I have a lot of things going on from every angle basically.

Just obstruction of every kind.

I was at the library recently and the webcam was being added and removed and everyone could hear it--this noise, and I had to put it on mute.

I still can't connect to hotmail. It lets me open some mail, after stalling and disconnecting me repeatedly and then doesn't allow me to open or respond to other email. It says hotmail can't complete the request and might contact me for any "issues" I report.

How about this? Microsoft and the Gates don't like being called under the rug. It is absolutely true what I wrote--

They are Roman Catholics who get funding from the Holy See and the U.S. intelligence that is being run by the Holy See and look at how they have come out ahead.

I could have done it too! if only I'd married a Catholic man.

They squash all competition through criminal means and ruin the system and then want people to notice their "philanthropy" by dropping visible chunks of change into Africa and other places, making sure people know.

They have run how many honest hard-working men and women out of business?

Not because they have a better product, but through monopoly, crime, and anti-trust violations. And then we're supposed to applaud the "corporate sponsors of impoverished children."

Thanks for dumping all of your trash and making us clean it for you and then hope no one notices who the trash belongs to as you put up a little coin to catch the refleciton of the sun before handing it to the poor kid.

What charity. What generosity. What absolute corruption.

For over an hour and a half I had someone obstructing me from responding to an email to my mother but letting me open new mail or other mail. An hour and a half.

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