Monday, January 30, 2012

My Stop In B.C. (researching political asylum)

I have a documented stop in British Columbia.

When I first requested political asylum from Canada, with my son with me, I was told I had to leave voluntarily.

No one tells someone asking for "political asylum" to "leave voluntarily".

I was stopped at the ER in Penticton and asked for political asylum on the spot, and my son and I were taken to an immigration holding place in Penticton. I told the people there I was requesting political asylum for me and my son.

After he talked with the U.S. he came back to me and said, "We are asking you to leave voluntarily."

They didn't give us a hearing first.

By international law, Canada was required to provide for a hearing for political asylum, not to tell me "We want you to leave" (and make it look like this is your own choice).

It was not my choice.

He told me either I "left voluntarily" or he would put me in jail and take my son from me. I said on what grounds and he said "insufficient funds", however, insufficient funds is irrelevant for a political asylum claim.

Most refugees have fucking "insufficient funds".

I had not committed any crimes and I entered Canada legally as guardian of my son, legally. I asked for political asylum.

Instead of addressing this petition for political asylum as required by Canadian law and international treaties, he told me "leave voluntarily".

I was driving to the border because he had threatened me with jail and taking my son if I didn't. I was sobbing.

However, I decided I didn't care what it took, I knew I couldn't go back to the


So I pulled over at a library alongside the road and went in with my son and asked to use the computer. What did I search?

Political asylum.

Which proves that was the issue if you WANT some fucking "issues".

I stood there at the library computer, desperately searching the law to see if it matched what I had been told, because I didn't believe it was correct to tell me and my son to go back to the God Damned U.S. that tortured me and my son and then tortured us further and has deprived me of any instance of justice.

I didn't stop at the library to look up "immigration guest stays". I looked up POLITICAL ASYLUM because THAT is what it was about. I spent over a half hour looking this stuff up and I could probably identify the woman who let me do so, to this day. The librarian.

So this whole "claim" about immigration violations or trying to be a resident illegally is a lie. Any decent Canadian intelligence or hacker who could look up what I was searching would see that.

I looked up "white countries, political asylum" which are countries that don't automatically toss someone out just because they're from the U.S. I looked up laws and rules and tried to think of something.

This country had people HERE colluding with Canadians there to KEEP me and my son in inhumane and unsafe conditions.

All they have ever done is lie. They have lied about everything from start to finish.

So after I made this documented stop, at a library, to research political asylum on a B.C. state-operated and viewed computer, with witnesses, I was approached by someone who wanted to screw me over a different way. The RCMP or FBI-border RAT.

So he said come with him and they'd go to a lawyer and figure things out. I talked to the lawyer and he just addressed the guest issue of insufficient funds. He didn't address political asylum because he said if I had housing through "friends" I was legally there and could figure out what I was going to do (political asylum or whatever).

So since I had talked to him and he said I had time to figure it out while being legally in Canada as a guest, and because I had been given false information from Penticton, I thought I should try to research and make another petition for asylum.

But that's not what they wanted.

These Canadians colluded with people in the U.S. and when I didn't leave voluntarily, they LOST their ability to say I had returned of my free will, consensually, voluntarily.

They did not want to admit that they were attempting to deprive me of the right to make a political asylum claim. So when I didn't leave, and knowing I was legally within MY rights, they came up with an alternate plan to give Wenatchee and the U.S. "time" to concoct a story and fabricate lies about there being an ongoing investigation.

All of it was a flat-out lie.

There was no pending investigation. There was zero investigation. I was not "fleeing" an investigation--I was fleeing for myself and my son, for political asylum, period.

I had every right to do so.

Maybe that's why the FBI is trying so hard to lie and cover their own tracks.

Maybe they don't want people to find out it was FBI border patrol on the B.C. side that picked us up. Because that would make it even worse if they were trying to entrap me, asking me what was I going to "do" for him. I did nothing illegal. He couldn't get anything on me to arrest me with so they resorted to false arrest. They lied about why I was even there and on what grounds.

It was RCMP or FBI. Anyway, that stop proved why I was there and what I had asked for.

Since this time, the damages to both me and my son are beyond repair. We have horrific and irreparable damages because of corrupt persons from two different "states" (U.S. and Canada) colluding to violate their own domestic and international laws.

I had researched political asylum on my own computer before we left. I had done some research. And then in Canada, after being denied the right to asylum, I stopped inside of Canada to look it up again and check what I had been told.

This isn't an official document about cases but is in layman's terms for someone who wants to read. It mentions 'refoulment' which is returning someone to a country of danger. It's like a bad joke that the FBI would then send a guy with the last name "Fowler" to Portland FBI. They have known all along what they are liable for.,+torture,+cruel+and+degrading+treatment&ct=clnk


  1. If you keep offending your mother, she's going to put you in a state mental institution permanently. That is a real possibility.

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