Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Department of Justice's "Al-Fayed v. CIA" Excuse

I got the worst excuse from the Dept. of Justice today. They took no time in denying my appeal of the FBI's refusal to give me records about MYSELF.

I mean, this is supposed to be a "right", for a citizen to know what is in an FBI file about their own person. You supposedly can't ask for this about OTHERS, unless there is a good reason, but for yourself, it's not supposed to be an issue at all.

So they refused and just flat-out lied.

It's only 2 pages long. And in it, they make this huge highlight of the most bizzare thing: they cite a case for "Al-Fayed v. CIA".

It's like, I write about Princess Diana sometimes, so the Dept of Justice thinks they should throw in something about Al-Fayed v. CIA? What does MY life have to do with that, and why are they even using this as a reason to refuse me records about my own name and person.

Not only do I have an automatic right to records about myself, as a citizen, I have the right to ask for expedited processing for emergencies. I listed a number of emergent reasons--like, how FBI agents and what they say and write about me, affects my case and getting my son. I have a right to have these records for showing that I was defamed and it then led to my being tortured.

We also having family members dying and coming down with odd health problems and we're being tortured. That's not "life-threatening"?

I have a right to records about myself, expedited, to avoid further irreparable harm to my son. I also have a right to be able to protect my own life.

This woman at a hospital today came in front of me when I was in the Information office to get my medical records. She closed the door and said, "The door is closed for your protection."

The door to information is closed for my protection?

No, they are closing the door to cover for their own crimes. The FBI hasn't protected me and they haven't protected my son. They have done so much harm to our lives, we almost died and then they still weren't done defaming me. Nothing they conceal from me, about ME, is for my "protection".

They told me I can file a lawsuit.

Who files a lawsuit, as a U.S. citizen, about themselves? I'm not a foreigner and I'm not Al-Fayed, or someone from outside of this country. I'm a U.S. citizen that is being tortured on U.S. soil and whose son was kidnapped by the CIA for illegal programs involving mind control.

That's after the FBI allowed religious hate crime against me for years.

I don't know of any examples where the FBI refuses to give a citizen FOIA for their own person. I have been asking for this FOIA since 2004. My son and I were tortured and almost died in 2007. Then they kidnapped my son.

The door is "closed" for my own protection? The door is closed to protect criminals working in their own agencies.

So instead of filing a lawsuit, I forgot! I didn't mention the crimes FBI agents committed.

So maybe I'll ask for my own personal records AGAIN, and how it's urgent because I'm being blocked from defending myself and my own son's right to be with me.

And maybe in making my next request, I'll add the fact that several FBI agents are criminals and this is legal reason to not only have my FOIA, it indicates WHY it's a life-threatening matter, and it shows the door is being closed for THEIR protection, not mine and not my family's. Not only that, it's grounds for expedited processing AND for FOIA about THEM.

So next time, I won't just ask for records I have a right to access, about myself.

I'll ask for the records to criminal FBI agents.

And since they know I can't file a lawsuit against them, maybe I'll ask Congress to review the record, if the Dept. of Justice is too corrupt to handle this on their own.

In 2004, when the FBI ignored me and mocked me and refused to give me FOIA about myself, were they closing the door for my protection?

How funny, if that's the claim, because while they were getting promoted, my son and I then got tortured.

We have REALLY been protected.

I asked my Mom what she thought about my report that's not done and now 90 pages long and she said well what's the point, and it's too long for anyone to wade through, and wasn't sure what it was about.

It's not too long. It's just too unorganized and all over the place right now. By the time I edit and format it better, so it's easier to follow dates and read, it will still be long. And it has to be long, because this report about crime against my family has been intolerable since 2004.

It got weird in 1997, and I didn't know why. But then, it was completely intolerable and involved torture full time since 2004.

It's like my Grandpa Garrett died and someone just went ballistic with glee and started trying to bump everyone else off. Before that, I had people trying to hold me down and degrade me.

It's been about degrading me and keeping me at 1% of my potential. I got ahead again, and I was taking on 2 lawsuits full-time, doing legal research, taking classes FT with good grades, and working PT.

I went from THAT, operating well and in keeping with my abilities, to NOTHING.

The FBI is responsible for allowing this.

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