Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Over 100 New Comments Posted (not delivered to my email)

I had a few older comments I chose not to publish but saved, but I found out that recently I have had a lot of comments and I never got notified with an email for them in my inbox.

So I published them, over 100 of them, and about 75 were just since this January.

What happens is if someone makes a comment, I get an email notice. It also goes to my blogger account in a section but I don't check that--I have relied on my email to alert me.

I noticed I had some number growing though, pretty fast, without getting even one notice in my email account, so I checked it and found a lot of missed comments.

I will have to check my blogger section now and then bc I don't know if they got read and trashed or deleted by an authorized hacker, or if they went to junkmail or what.

I've been having odd health problems, and have a lot to do, so give me a little time to catch up and eventually respond to them all.

There are a few more too, much older, that I notice I didn't get in my email either but I'll have to publish them later.

I'm disappointed I wasn't able to get to these earlier but maybe I can answer a few tonight.

Thanks for your understanding and patience.

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