Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Tortured Tonight & Anne Crain/Crane for Seattle FBI

We're being tortured tonight.

I've been tortured the entire day. They never, ever, stop. And it's not like it only quit when I was with Alvaro the Catholic man either. There were a few other times the religious hate crime groups had no jurisdiction and I was out of reach. However, then I think about it, and yeah, I was with a man.

The U.S. only respects women who are being used sexually.

They don't care if you're engaged, married, or dating, you're just not worth anything unless you're putting out for a man somewhere (or, I guess, if you're a lesbian, a woman). I guess my parents are married though and they're both still tortured. So it's about being with a Catholic I guess.

They quit torturing me when I left Wenatchee with my son and it only happened a few times in B.C. There was still access and something going on, but nothing at all like what we had been in the middle of. It was just shocking to me that anyone would make a point of it, torture, to remind me, even in B.C. But my son and I were healing there, to the point that our systems went into shock and we both got extremely sick. We went from being almost killed by Laurie Laughlin and the military and our internal organs frying, to cooling down so abruptly, after being heated so long, we became violently ill with bronchitis, chills...total system shock.

It wasn't a virus and nothing bad in B.C. It was system shock after escaping U.S. torture.

Then, I made the wise decision not to go back to Wenatchee and stayed in Blaine. As long as I worked at the Cherry Point oil refinery, no torture and nothing at a hotel either. Some minor harrassment eventually, but no torture.

Torture has been confined to Wenatchee, WA (every single time I've been there); later in D.C. (but I moved around a lot and I don't know if that helped in general); Nashville, TN (all the time and a lot of gangs after me too, but not for 1 month); Seattle, WA (as bad as TN with torture and gangs--a mix of city govt. corruption and hate crime); and then in Coquille, Oregon.

It started a long time ago, with the migraines and seizure triggers in 1992. Especially in 1996 at the latter end of 96. But full blown torture where it wasn't just migraines that seemed natural but tons of other stuff, that was all after 2004.

And Laurie Laughlin was in charge of the Seattle FBI the entire time. Which means she was the one disseminating information about me to law enforcement there, to prejudice me, through WASPC. Her contacts were in Oregon and WA and that's where all kinds of collusion occured and then went to B.C. I have a weird feeling that Laughlin knew Christa Schneider.

I had never thought about it, but that's why Schneider had sort of a last supper for me, after Laurie had taken office in Seattle. Everything was covered and I was screwed. She was a woman too, so she would have no mercy. It's not like all men are nice, but now and then, they can see through some of women's catty stuff. But woman to woman, if she didn't like me in Oregon she was going to control everything in Washington and she was a phone call away from Baken, Rick Baken. He was suddenly working right there with her in his jurisdiction. He was the one to tell me to contact her specifically from the start. Not Jordan, her.

Any torture scheme or plan that needed approval from her was going to be signed.

I am positive she knew Schneider. 100% positive.

I also know without any doubt that Laurie Laughlin knows Anne Crain/Crane. Anne is the visitation monitor they got in there who tortured my son and witnessed torture and did nothing about it. My son at least sort of liked the other visitation monitor, Sue. Sue lied in ways I could not even believe, in her notes about visits and she witnessed a few things that were covered up but nothing like Anne and my son never liked Anne and was afraid of her.

I've had about 5 different individuals tell me Anne worked for the Seattle FBI. She lived in Wenatchee so how she managed to work for Seattle I don't know, but I had people in Washington, Oregon, and all the way over in Tennessee tell me, without my provoking a suggestion, that Anne was an FBI agent.

This makes the crimes she committed against children even worse. It means that not only is she guilty of child abuse, she is directly responsible for concealment of evidence of crimes, and that's not to mention how she lied about me in the reports too. I do not believe the job of a paid FBI agent is to lie for CPS against honest parents and their children. Why would she do this anyway, unless she was creating a cover for others and knowingly trying to punish and intimidate me. I witnessed my son suffering and she knew all about it. CPS workers knew too, but Anne was the only one in a position to generate dishonest reports about me for purposes of keeping me and my son apart.

Given some of the roles that Laurie Laughlin has had with FBI, even in NY, in dealing with foster kid issues, human trafficking and the State, it is highly suspicious that the FBI would put a visitation monitor in that role, and harm a child. It almost makes one wonder what Laurie's expertise really is: FBI criminal investigation or FBI criminal collusion.

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