Tuesday, January 24, 2012

FBI's Identity Fraud? SAC Laurie Laughlin & David Miller: San Juan

Just catching up to see what I've missed.

It looks like there was a Special Agent in Charge named David Miller who worked out of San Juan offices.

So that's Portland FBI. 2007-? Until this other guy Fowler came along?

The "psychologist" who moved here to Coquille from Portland, also worked in the San Juan islands, with monks of the Benedictine Order from the Catholic church. I believe he also grew up there.

Miller spent 8 years in the San Juan islands as FBI. 5 years the first stint, 3 years for the 2nd one.

I believe Robert Jordan is the man I talked to on the phone in 2004. I think Laurie McLaughlin was right beneath him and he's the one who picked up the phone and told me the FBI was going to handle the investigation for "misconduct", not the Portland police's Sgt. Austria. He didn't go by Robert to me though. He went by "Bob". That's what his secretary or whoever transfered me to him addressed him as, "Bob".

Laurie Laughlin. Sorry. Guess I should get her name straight, but with the middle initial "M" it's close enough.

Laurie Laughlin was Assistant Agent in Charge of the Portland FBI when I made my complaint. She HATED, I repeat, HATED me. She hated me before I had ever talked to her or had to ask for her. That was 2004.

So if you want to know why Seattle FBI was so horrible to me and refused to take reports from me even, and even locked their doors, barricading me from entering their downtown offices, it is Laurie who got transfered there to be the Special Agent In Charge.

She got promoted to Seattle in December 2004, which is after I had given the Portland FBI my complaint and told Thornton and Schneider I was moving to Washington State.

So the very same woman responsible for trying to obstruct my giving a report at all, in Portland, Oregon, took this same philosophy to Seattle, Washington, where she did worse, and allowed poisoning and torture just 3 blocks away from her offices.

If she got "promoted", who promoted her? I don't think Robert Jordan did--I think it comes from a higher level.

Everything that this woman did wrong in Portland she took over to Seattle, and she knew I was moving there too. Thornton told her personally.

Laurie is from Pennsylvania.

She's the woman with the heel. This woman is ranking very high on the list of suspects for collusion and conspiracy to commit crimes against children and innocent civilians. And she's with the FBI and has used others to protect her as she protected criminals in Oregon and Washington.

It is finally making more sense.

She looks a lot like "Julia Thornton" actually...Never realized before...kindaaaa uncanny...

I mean, they could be sisters. Or even twins. I mean, same build, same expression, same hair, same shape face...same...same...? I was always trying to find a photo of Laurie back in 2004 but nothing ever came up for her. I was told to talk to Laurie and I got "Julia". But looking at these photos, "Julia" looked like the spitting image of Laurie.

It's kind of like the Rockettes, where they all have to have legs that are same size, and girth the same, and hair the same...I can't imagine the FBI would commit identity fraud but is it possible? I have found a Julia Thornton, it's just that these women loook almost exactly alike. So I would have to see photos side by side, or them in person to know.

The woman from the FBI who met me, told me her name was Julie Thornton. She looked like the photo of Laurie Laughlin. She was taller than me, about 5'6" and very broad shouldered and stocky. In 2004 on that day I believe she had straight hair, medium brown to light brown and pulled into a short ponytail. Very short ponytail. I think she was wearing a bulletproof vest but if not, she is seriously stockier than most women. I talked to Laurie over the phone but didn't meet her in person and I met Julie and talked to her over the phone once maybe.

It is very possible that I met and talked to Laurie Laughlin who chose to use a coworkers name and business card to show me. She didn't show me her driver's license or ID card, just a business card with a name on it. So there was no photo to match with her name. I think it was Laurie.

If it was Laurie, the Assistant In Charge of the Portland FBI offices obstructed justice by blocking a report of hate crime and trying to change the facts of my testimony. Basically, concealed evidence and then moved on to a promotion and made sure I was tortured in the next state. Sounds like the mafia to me.

As for David Miller, he moved into place in the Portland FBI in 2007. He has a total of 8 years spent as FBI in the San Juans. The "psychologist" who moved here in 2006, also spent a lot of time in the San Juans and worked next door to Portland FBI offices.

I could find out if they were both in the San Juans at the same time. I wrote down the dates of when this psychologist said he lived there and worked there. And then the FBI has the dates of when Miller worked there.

Do you know how big the San Juans are?

Not so big.

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