Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Solar Flares (photo)

I tried to look it up earlier but the computer has been slow. I called my mom right after making soup and she said what do you want---er, what are you needing? I had just thought about bread bc I got rosemary out but then I decided not to make bread. I like rosemary on the top of a garlic bread with a thick crust or whole grain style or bagel. But I just put it into a soup.

I took photos of the pen that was disappearing and reappearing. It wasn't in the same location or position as how I found it when it disappeared and showed up but I can explain what the difference was.

My table was rearranged differently when it happened last night or afternoon anyway. Not totally, but a little bit. I took some things away but the pen was pointing down on the paper when it reappeared. In a straight vertical line. I had set it down going the other way I think bc I was scrawling stuff down.

I will explain when or if I upload photos, how it changed from the way it was yesterday when the pen trick happened.

They've been using insects and bugs for teleportation experiments here, since I've been here, and then it was keys, my underwear, and this pen and I am missing thread but I don't know if someone came in or took it or what.

I had an impression of a white plane last night and something about caspian sea but I think the caspian part was my c.s. lewis imagination. prince caspian and the voyage of the dawntreader. I always had this book with me as a kid and I tried reading it several times but never got through it. I went through the first one many times and cried over Aslan while eating a box of chocolates. I developed a habit of sometimes buying a whole box and then contenting myself to lie on my stomach on my bed, eat chocolates, and read. I always had this one and felt I should read and never got rid of it but I never got into it either. I picked it up many times and looked at the cover but read other books. I just had an impression of Caspian sea though and a plane turning.

This one is very pretty. I looked it up on fox news and will look up other news links:http://www.foxnews.com/scitech/2012/01/23/strongest-radiation-storm-in-7-years/

I wore blue and green today and painted my nails violet yesterday for the first time in over 6 months and they're violet-purple today as well. We match! I didn't see this until later today though. Sort of feel like God heard my prayer.

This morning I was still being tortured to my neck and teeth and I prayed, God please send another huge earthquake or something bigger to show you care. I said, i hope it's bigger than some of the other ones and let those who torture us see this and know that you are serious. It's the first time I've prayed for a natural show or sign through some big event, in over a year. I even thought, maybe there will be some kind of a contained "nuke".

So then I saw this and thought, that's pretty good. I like that.

Here's another one. I was wearing orange on Sunday and today I match the fox news one for how it looks today. I have on orange underneath today too. I almost wore a yellow and tan sweater and then went with this for today. I guess I'm intuitively matching the solar nuke. ;) ?

I don't want to be tortured anymore and I want my son back.

This is the polish I wore in TN that freaked people out. With one coat, like this, it's sort of violet, and with 2 it's purple. I didn't know what the big deal was but I still remember this Jewish table of people up on the higher floor in the left corner for a party of them. One look at my nails and freak-out. This is a terrible picture of me but I sort of think it's funny I match the solar flare. I wore blue green and purple nails to symbolize the peacock that is punished for no good reason.

About my Dad, my Dad did a "v" "^" thing this morning even though I didn't get to talk to him. I saw him get out of the car and he had something in each hand but had his left arm cross over his waist horizontal with belt (for example) and his right hand across his heart like pledge of allegiance. I thought maybe someone is torturing him too, with his heart, bc at that moment, they were doing this to me. My heart was affected and it was the same thing I wrote about last night.

But then too, I wasn't thinking about it and took a late shower as I got up late, and realized, as I stood there, that in my relaxed posture, I had my left hand across my heart and my right arm around my waist, in the exact opposite of what my Dad had done. I didn't notice it until after I stood there awhile and then it came to mind.

1 comment:

  1. You should take the MMPI. The profile would be pretty interesting.
