Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Land's End: today & torture (what parents can do)

I'll mention a couple of things my parents can do.

First of all--my Dad has been completely tortured. He is being followed by the military in his car while driving too, and tortured there. I know this because there was not much happening here except someone using the suctioning-of-heart technology on me off and on all day. He just pulled up now and as his vehicle drove by, a wave of technology rushed over my house but I knew it was from overhead, from military focusing on his car and catching my house as it went by. They have done this, while I have been in the car with them. While driving. I am not lying or delusional.

Now I know why I didn't see my Dad yesterday. Today I saw him and his eyes and nose are actually getting concave. There is not just black or dark bruising around his eyes and inside of the nose, but it's starting to recess into his face.

My mother's eyes were the same today as well.

It was on Sunday that more bad things happened to him. I came home and my mother was weeding and looked upset and I knew it was partly with her and partly she knew something bad was happening to my Dad. She said, at one point, while trimming the bushes and plants, "I'm suprised this one still has some life in it." Which made me think about the movie War Horse where the mean and harsh director Ivan (? i think, in the movie), gets a horse out to do breaking work. She said something else which made me think, my Dad really needs to have someone (besides the Red Cross) investigating what is going on here.

I am going to put out my complaint to the UN as soon as possible. I was going to go to the OIG and maybe I will still, first, maybe, but this is actual torture and we've exhausted domestic remedies. None of us wants to leave but we're being tortured and pushed to leave. That's what's happening. It isn't that this cannot be a safe place to live, because it is for most people. They are persecuting and targeting us. I read if I file a complaint you can request immediate intervention regarding torture or nonconsensual use of people while the report is examined.

I had to put my appeal out, to court for my son but all of it is to degrade and humiliate me. They knew I had to file the decisions with the court so all they focused on was writing horrible things about me and taking remote sections out of context from my blog to make it appear no one should award appeal and to embarrass me publicly. How have I been able to counter any of it when they have their friends torturing me? I haven't seen my son at all. I know that if I were not being tortured at all and had a small amount of money, it would be possible for me to fight all of it with the same pace but they are such cowards they have to torture women and children to get their way.

This country is full of cowardice. They reward the cowards actually. They have been breaking the laws about human rights to reward cowards and make their weak-minded motions and lies go farther. Who in their right mind tortures a baby and an innocent mother and her family just so they can slip lie after lie into public court records and provoke upset?

They are the most degrading, malicious and evil people and they are Americans. Almost every single one of them has been Catholic or Jewish. The Catholic and Jewish try to disguise this by highlighting anyone who is Protestant, to conceal the origins and nature of the hate crime. If I talked to a Protestant lawyer for a day, they include that in their motion and leave out the 10-1 Catholics and Jews that have had a lot of time to deliberate on how to obstruct justice. My public defenders have all been completely corrupt. They did the same thing with the justice system. I have 100 huge problems with Catholics and Jews and it's religious hate crime and then I have 1 small problem with a Protestant and they blow it up, highlight it, and trump it up as much as they can to conceal their own collusion. They already know they're guilty of religious hate crimes. They knew I was making that argument by 2004 for sure and earlier than that even. So all they've done is try to cover their tracks with Protestant faces.

And the point is that this is a situation and case that should not be difficult to correct, because the facts side with me and so does the evidence. So they resort to torture to make up the difference. They can't fight Truth with Lies so they torture those who they know will make the Truth known and that they will be exposed as cowards and liars.

Today, not that it matters what I wear, I put on Levi's jeans and green undershirt, then a land's end 63 shirt over a blue henly (warmth) and then a snowflake fleece in cream and tan. Then I changed to courderoys. It is only coincidence, but I was looking at the land's end and thinking about what that means or if there was a meaning that day God might show me and then I turned to the Bible and read about how God knows all, to the ends of the earth (land). Job 27:19-Job 28:1-28 is what I read. First it talks about man being a light, putting an end to the darkness within the earth and then, more outstanding, how God "God knows the way (to wisdom)...he views the ends of the earth, and sees everything in the heavens."

Last night I read a book I haven't found in awhile, before bed, after I read other sections. I read Haggai and it was also random. It followed finding the section on Samuel and his calling and then straw vs grain. I was next on Haggai. Which I thought was interesting to read bc it's about God giving favor to someone who doesn't act like they really should have favor at all. "I have chosen you".

So I then wake up and get this email from Stanford from FASEBJ and a little cartoon of a dark haired woman with a shield and sword next to the words: Not O Bac. Which was really intriguing how they wanted to get that email out the day my notice of appeal hits the judiary and is made public, and pretty much guessing I am not getting my son back, and I guess making an idea with the FASEBJ and the fact that my appeal was sent to "Temple of Justice". So, a nice twist on "BJ" from Stanfords people who support the Middletons. Which I don't have to explain but let's just say I'm intuitive shall we? Is she the "high priestess, BJ, of temple of justice according to Amy Roe and her "steely fan club" and Stanford criminals?" I mean, really not hard to read. I had one thought: criminals. Criminals who literally torture people and support and fund torture, which is basically violent assault on a person every single day. And they get away with it and want to pat eachother on the back? That's why they're experimenting with animals.

They vouch for the heartless. Science is great, but those people, in the "experimental biology" Stanford section, are not your "Vegans" "Vegetarians" or "Humanitarians". They're the beady eyed child wonders that don't mind picking apart a living creature to get an "A" on their paper, or a raise,--the exact same personality type that puts financial status and power of a partner way above any other factor. They are the ones who marry for money.

So I was going to include the link to what they sent me but someone kept disconnecting my computer, having it freeze up while making extremely loud noises, and then refusing to allow me to get into my email.

They want to share an inside joke but keep it inside. I mean, who wants to be accused of being a person that mocks and encourages violence against humans?

I've written about my Backugan tee and photographed it, and I was wearing it yesterday. They send out this newsletter to me today with the ad for "Not O Bac". I don't care how it sounds, and some might not get it, but I knew what they were getting at, because guess what? Stanford literally stalked me when I was in Wenatchee.

They had one of their psi researchers, FROM STANFORD, following me around, wanting to talk to me and experiment with me and this is after I split from my Ex. I did not know then that Amy Roe's alma mater was Stanford, or I forgot.

He even asked me how much money I would want to be compensated with if I were to work with Stanford.

Fuck Stanford.

So like I said, it's not like Stanford U. doesn't know who I am.

I told him I wasn't sure and then moved to TN right after that where Vanderbilt and the FBI used me in coordination with the Catholic church. Ivy Colleges I would not go to: Stanford, Harvard, Vanderbilt..there are many lists online of which ones endorse human suffering for Nazi-style work.


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  2. I can't believe you are not in a psych hospital. Yet. You are totally nuts, your parents are right you need to be hospitalized or better yet die. Because I am tired of giving my money to welfare rats like you

  3. Wenatchee misses you. Hahahahahahs

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