Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Chris Rozollo--Criminal & Jew Crew

Chris Rozollo is a problem.

He is the only man who tortured me directly to my face. Well, actually, a few other woman and men in Wenatchee did small things which was incredible.

But since when does he start influencing all these people in different states?

I think he's connected to Ed Israel and Rabbi Rose.

He went about in Wenatchee, telling me "You're DONE here" and causing problems and then he has made his presence here in Coquille with people in town writing the same kinds of messages and saying the same things to me.

Guess what. Aaron Bourne's mother is Jewish, you know? and works for the post office? is she connected too? because the post office guy told me on Saturday, "So you're almost DONE here aren't you?

Rabbi Rose is pissed because I contacted the synogogue about the tax issue. I mean, these guys are all Jewish so when you wonder how Steven Speilberg is coming up with ideas for his movies, well...

Chris said he was Catholic. All I know is that they're connected.

In the grocery where this Jewish guy works, where everyone knew I planned to go to get more cinnamon, a big "DONE" sign and then the women there saying this to me over and over.

Judge Hotchkiss feigned ignorance about him which maybe means they have something to hide. I would not doubt that Chris Rozollo would even torture my own son firsthand.

He said to me, "Your son is FINE, I'm worried about CHOO." He knew my son wasn't fine. I think he's part of The Jew Crew.

He showed up after I split from my ex and he was a piece of trouble who stole my coat from me, tortured me to my face, and I think he's tied in with corrupt DEA.

I cannot believe I even spent any time with him at all. After he left, a Jewish guy from the Bronx took a room nearby while some other guy came into a different room and started assaulting me by frying me alive when I was in my hotel room (he had the room beneath me). That man passed me later and said, "IS IT HOT ENOUGH FOR YOU?" wearing a long sleeved button down shirt like Chris Dabney used to wear in D.C.

The fucking Jew Crew.

It's not like they had anything to hide right? I mean, they only solicited one of their pals to deliberately rape me.

He knew cops in town there in Wenatchee and all the way over to Tennessee people were echoing his influence. He is originally from Florida, and this DEA man Brad Uhl moved into Nashville after I was already there, from Florida. After I talked to him, he pressured my mother by calling her and then said to my face my mother said I was nuts.

My mother wouldn't say that unless she felt pressured. The next thing I knew, Brad Uhl's WIFE was assaulting me in the sauna with something she brought into the dry sauna, after I tried to report HIM (her husband Brad). Brad Uhl was from the same area of Florida Chris Rozollo is from. And Chris Rozollo was the one to talk to me about the DEA (I don't know why) and then have me introduced to a friend (I had nothing to say but what do you do and can I get witness protection when I'm being assaulted but I have no info and don't know why exactly?)

Chris Rozollo knew this other woman from the Y who assaulted me, who went to Wenatchee from Seattle. Jill. She had me run out of the women's shelter.

So this DEA's wife, I found out it was his WIFE, when I was looking HIM up and knowing there was some connection to Chris, and then as I did this, I happened to come across a photo of his wife and it was the exact same woman and she told me she was a runner and I even got her license plate number after she tortured me in sauna.

I tried to give it to the Nashville DEA and guess what happened?

I was thrown into the Nashville psych ward.

They KNEW it was his wife. It was her car, her plates, and the description matched. And I had just been talking to HIM in their offices downtown, and he made a point of harassing my mother and intimidating her by calling her when she has nothing to do with me. He supposedly didn't know me at all and says, "I'd like to call your mother."

These Jewish people have ruined our lives. Most of the problem for me has been with Catholics because of lawsuits, but the Jew Crew has really taken advantage of that to cover up their own crimes.

They stalked me all over D.C. I am NOT kidding. I was always being followed by a Jew. And no, I don't have a problem with Jews in general. But I have had a lot of weird things happen and they've taken more than passing interest in me.

I met Brad Uhl who knows Chris Rozollo and then I met the Nashville FBI and next thing I know, the doctors at Vanderbilt were set up and waiting to throw me into a psych ward where the former military supervisor there, used a lot of Chris's mannerisms while there, and made a point of it and then injected me with Haldol.

The Jew Crew has been trying to sideline me for a long, long, time.

I think the guy who pulled me over for the vehicle tow was Catholic and I know the Judge putting the issue out was, but I also notice sometimes when God points other things out to me and says, "look." Vanilla (what he called himself) next to the Coburg Police mail I got. Just ended up there and sort of already what I was thinking. Right after I get an email from Rabbi Rose about maybe we can work this out or I'll contact my lawyer and then I notice how I have just set this next to the new AG: Amy Tilger.

Their lawyer. Not literally, but they know her. I wondered why and then realized, how interesting, she has a Polish last name just like Lorraine Rose is Polish.

She has a hyphenated name and part of it is Polish and the other part is Tilger (who she married).

Ed Israel is the Jew who married a Catholic. Wonderful, the whole religious hate crime intermarriage thing. Carla was his wife. A blond Roman Catholic who hated me.

On topic of Rabbi Rose, yes, I think he is Jewish. The other Rabbi there at Beth Israel, Michael? Catholic. I don't care if he has relatives that went through the Holocaust and has a Jewish last name and his daughter is also a Rabbi and yadda yadda yadda--in his heart he is Catholic. That's what I *think* and I am not sure why and I can't put my finger on it exactly..it's just something.

So the Jew Crew can um, quit torturing my parents too, and take their hands off because I'm not so sweet when you're torturing me and my family and ruining our good name and playing hostage cards.

I guess partly they followed me around here, after I went on a couple of dates with middle-eastern Muslim men. The men never did anything wrong and I wasn't intimate with any of them bc I am not promiscuous. We just went out and had fun. I suppose the one guy with the Iranian father it was slightly different.

I was raped long before that. Just for being me.

Then I was in D.C. and they trailed me every single place I went. They did not act nice. I was nice, in general, and some of them were halfway nice and then they just turned on me. I don't think they ever had "open arms". Their doors were always closed and I believe it's because they knew they sidelined me and my family and couldn't stand to look me in the eyes. I think some of the Jewish animosity was there before I even said I wouldn't date a Catholic. I think it has to do with my parents and fear about me for some reason.

But yes, the Catholic hate crime is serious--it's just been a cover.

I prayed for all the countries recently and the one that was hardest to pray for was Israel. It wasn't me, it was something in my spirit telling me there is something very wrong. I selectively said then direct my prayer to only the few decent ones who are Jewish. But there was something that was not "right".

Maybe I had a harder time because God knows, through my spirit, many of them are responsible for things that have been done to us. That would definitely make sense. I prayed for all the countries, and the good people in these countries, bc every country has good and bad, but there was this "halt" when I got to Israel.

It's not that I take Rabbis or people here out on Israel, but I think there is something that has not been addressed that they should have taken care of a long time ago.

Hmm. Compensation? Or speaking up about torture as they ask the entire world to do for them? They know what's happening to my family so fucking


It's not me or a feeling of unforgiveness that kept me from praying freely--it was a halt in my spirit. Like STOP. I don't think God wanted me to pray for them this last week. It's been in the last week and each time: STOP. So I ignored it and prayed anyway, trying to narrow it down begrudgingly to the few decent ones that must be around.

It's almost like when God sees the boomerang and throws it back to the sender, you know, like the intaglio or relief of the "pharoah" in D.C. for "L'Taken" ends up reflecting on one of their own members.

And again, I have plenty to worry about and write about with regard to religious hate crime and it is majority Catholic. I'm not saying I don't like Israel. I am just saying there is something they need to address. I mean, don't address me personally. That's not what I'm saying.

I am sure God will remind them of what it might be.

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