Tuesday, January 31, 2012

stanford gets sued with Roe: torture to avoid lawsuit

I cannot wait for the day. I tried putting up the FASEBJ site bc it's really interesting what they've done and featured. It relates to my appeal for my son even. This is coming from Amy Roe's college and I was stalked by another stanford person while I was in Wenatchee.

If I have to go to the bottom to get the money to then sue the shit out of Amy Roe and her colleagues, it is my fucking pleasure.

Funny when the leverage for people who use big words and don't know what they mean are torture of others.

You are all criminals.

It is not over and it will never be over until you are forced to pay back what you stole through criminal activity.

So be ready bitches.

You may have to wait for a few years but it's coming honey and when it hits you, you are fucking running and hiding again, like the fucking coward you and your mother are.

These people defamed me, and then they used friends in high places to torture me and falsely arrest me to avoid lawsuit in the future. They had nothing to defend themselves with.

They slandered an innocent person with good work history, social connections, college, and no criminal record. When I started writing in a blog, it was normal until I was being tortured by their friends.

They have used torture through friends in CIA and military to cover themselves because they knew they lost by default for illegal reasons.

Now, after they've sent me to jail on false arrest, morally maligned me as being promiscuous, and had me defamed as mentally ill, along with torturing so badly and harassing to provoke a reaction, they fall back on the same blog they never wanted me to write in.

My blog was being used against THEM, not me. They had to torture me before they could elicit a reaction so my blog and history worked in their favor.

It has nothing to do with U.S. interests.

It's criminal conspiracy and I really hope to find most of you in jail.

I had to make this post separate from the one before about FASEBJ because someone repeatedly shut down my computer and wouldn't let me access the link again through my email.

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