Thursday, January 26, 2012

Mom Tortured & My Torture-OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE

I just saw my mom and she's been newly tortured. It's local torture, not from somewhere else either. She has distinct outlines of blackened-bruised skin on the insides of her eyes and as I'm staring at this and asking "what happened to your eyes?" she's saying "there's nothing."

I asked where she'd been and she said "lunch with friends".

She was acting totally shaky too, bc it's obvious they're tortured.

I have been tortured all day too as well. I had a few hours of sleep only.

The military has been torturing me all day and night and then lately, after I can't sleep, quits for a couple of hours in the early morning and then I'm so tired, I end up sleeping the first part of the day.

Why? because they're torturing me the rest of the time.

It is impossible for me to fight for my son's case right now.



These people have turned my parent's gift and political work for the U.S., into an excuse to torture all their kids when they decided they "didn't like" me anymore.

And then if they think they get some kind of remote success with it, they use this as an excuse to keep torturing us for the worst section of the Italian mafia. Panetta is involved.

I don't have anything to do with psychic work or govt. research and I DON'T WANT TO HAVE ANYTHING TO DO WITH IT.

I really don't think my parents do either, when they seemed relieved after I wrote the first request for help to the United Nations. But then, all the criminals attacked us and punished THEM for my efforts.

I have been subjected to cruel and degrading treatment in this country, BY members who work for U.S. government, ever since religious hate crime decided to USE ME, a totally innocent civilian, for psychic-mind control research because they NEEDED a cover for themselves.

I had nothing to do with this kind of work.

I was never involved in this kind of work, I never signed up for it, and I never even KNEW that my parents had these gift until 6 months ago. I never knew. They didn't tell me and I never noticed. The only reason I noticed when I got back, was bc this country had just done the same thing to me in TN while torturing me.

I never consented to this kind of treatment or torture, ever. I have been an innocent civilian that never had anything to do with govt. work.

I was being tortured by the CIA and military before I even had my son. Then they tortured me while I was pregnant with him and then after he was born, they tortured us full-steam ahead.

I wrote something to the military AFTER I was being tortured already, without consent. AFTER I was a repeated victim of hate crime. I did NOT give any consent to the torture prior to my email to military branches, and when I did that, it wasn't even voluntary as I was jacked up on PRESCRIPTION DRUGS because of childbirth trauma AND bc of being tortured. I was already on high levels of prescription drugs and being refused medical care (oh yeah, get they increased pain and suffering, they then started telling me I couldn't get painkillers anymore).

Ever since someone got an idea that I'd written to military, that's what they tried to turn this into and that's not what this is about.

This is about hate and keeping someone down for over 7 years because they're jealous.

Having an excuse later, to torture someone and degrade them, only works to cover for their crimes.

I have NOTHING to do with govt. psychic research. I was TORTURED and DRUGGED with my son, and before that I had people trying to get close to me, thinking I knew about my parents' gifts bc they did. I didn't know. But now I know why people tried to get close to me and started stealing from me.

When I later said I'd like to work with helping with govt psi research, that was on the basis of my going to a place, deciding to agree with full informed consent, and then signing out, with compensation or possibly not, if it didn't take a lot of my time.

They started their "research" in Wenatchee and then they did it in TN the entire time I was there and used almost all Catholics against me and tortured me. They have used my son. They have degraded him and tried to shove this in our faces like the mafia. The U.S. has acted WORSE than the mafia and clearly, they are already tied in and corrupt.

Then, they didn't just use me for research, they tortured me and PUT ME IN JAIL when I called police to report torture.

I don't want to be tortured and I get jail time and a criminal charge???

for REPORTING violence and assault against me.

Then the U.S. USED this opportunity of another false arrest, to experiment with me and degrade me in front of several of their guards. I saw for a fact that this work is U.S. funded and sponsored bc they did this in their own building on their own property. Then they let me go back home to find out that this is what they have done to my parents and what they wanted out of me.

They have used me for research for 6 months since I've been here and in that 6 months, the U.S. has not compensated me for any of it. Not only that, while they make this their excuse, they torture me the entire time, and refuse to even let me get my son back.

They torture me making it IMPOSSIBLE for me to even attend to legal matters and hearings.

They let hate criminals and people who were JEALOUS of me, get away with violence in the NAME OF THE UNITED STATES.

This is what is going on. It's HATE.

It's not that I don't work or want to work or can't work. It's that I'm forced out of everything because of religious hate crime that is getting a veneer.

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