Thursday, January 26, 2012

why are the middletons getting my FBI files

. I cannot say for sure, of course. And I'm sure it's my imagination.

But I prayed last night and asked, among many other things, about Kate, as I thought briefly I mentioned her in my report. (it's very low on the list though). So I wondered why include it at all so I prayed but I don't know that what I got was accurate and probably it was all my imagination.

First I saw her hiding something or not wanting someone she is close to, william I guess, seeing some kind of papers or receipts or something in her hand. she was sitting and someone came up from behind to the chair. They were looking over her shoulder and she looked back.

I don't know what it's about though.

Then, separately, I saw someone giving HER copies of MY FBI records.

So when I am being refused the right to view my own records about MYSELF, I am sort of wondering why I'm getting the impression someone is sharing it with her. I mean why, and how would they get it to her anyway? Who would have access to my FBI records and file and how would they be authorized to get into it?

That was the main thing I got. I asked if she worked for the FBI, CIA, Mossad, British intel, or what and didn't have anything come to mind. ON my own, I've thought her family has to have something to do with U.S. intel. But that's on my human level of thinking.

Her getting records about me was more of an intuitive level, or impression.

I just saw her and paper. Paper and paper and more paper. And something to hide somewhere and then later, something about me and FBI. It didn't seem to be documents that were 3rd party--like comments from another intel group after viewing FBI. It was more like straight out of my FBI file.

Which is concerning, if it's true. I can't say for sure bc I have no evidence and I don't always trust my own impressions, because yes, sometimes they are spot-on, and other times, it's wrong and just human error.

I thought the response from the Office of Information's Janice Gallis-McLeod was well-written and not mean in tone. It's a cover up and excuse but I didn't think it sounded mean. It's just mean on the face of it, because it is allowing the continuation of torture of civilians. I saw her signature and instantly thought, without trying to think of anything, "she's an alcoholic" but I think that means nothing and I would bet I'm wrong. I mean, why get that? just from seeing her signature? I think it was interference, because I'd probably get other things too, positive things.

I want to know who in the U.S. is passing on my FBI records to Kate Middleton. Her mother? Or who. And how is she getting them and who would dare to make copies?

The other stuff she's hiding, I have no idea what that's about. Paper in both hands. Smaller pieces of paper.

The FBI stuff wasn't small--normal sized paper.

1 comment:

  1. Why would Kate Middleton want your FBI files never mind have them? That's pretty far out. I hope you are doing well. I enjoy reading your blog. You should write a mystery novel.
