Monday, January 30, 2012

Significant Amount of Money (marked bill) & ID Stolen

My money and ID are still stolen but I don't think my mother took it herself.

It was stolen by someone else and she knew and that's why she didn't want to come into my house because I'd see it was stolen. It's possible she did, but I think maybe it was already gone which means someone came in at night. In fact I'm sure of it because when she got to the counter, the money was not there. So someone else outside of my family stole it. I put it on the counter with my receipts and someone took the money and ID and left receipts behind. I actually had some in my jeans pocket and that was hanging up next to my bed overnight and the only way someone got that was by illegally entering my house while I slept, and stealing it from the pants.

It wasn't a few dollars, it was a significant amount because I had returned some grocery items and they gave me cash back instead of putting it onto my card. It was all that I had to use for legal matters and making copies and printing.

The man from the post office here saw that money because I went there on Saturday. The post office is closed Saturday but someone was there to pick up mail and I knocked on the door and asked to borrow some tape.

He opened the door and I used the ledge on the door, his counter, to write a letter to TN and enclose money to be sent for payment of fines as I did last month. He witnessed this and I took out a wad of money from my back pocket which was buttoned up and put it on the counter there and he saw it.

After I went to that post office, before 3:00 p.m., I walked to the trailer park and looked at this one trailer and then I walked to Safeway, not stopping anywhere inbetween.

I bought one item, a carrot, and still have the receipt and it was purchased at 15:30on 1/28/12. I took my money out there again, and paid for it.

Then I stopped at McKays but didn't buy anything and I had my money then. I got all the way back to my house and helped my mother with gardening and the money was secure. It was in my back pocket and when I got into my house, I took the receipts out to look at them and put them on the counter. The wad of money was still with me and it was under the receipts.

I only left the house that night for a minute, to knock on my mother's door, and a plane was hovering ahead at that time which is becoming an annoying occurance. I was only at the porch for a minute and went back to my place and that is the only time I left my house between Saturday and Sunday. So then I went to bed and hung up my pants and they had money in the pockets still.

They took everything I had and left 21 cents in my pants. I had more than $21, well over that amount, that was stolen from me.

All day Sunday, I never left the house, not to walk, not at all. My mother came in but I was wearing my jeans and there wasn't money on the counter by the receipts then, I don't believe. There wasn't. I'm positive.

So basically, someone wanted my mother to go in and take the blame for their theft.

She knew ahead of time which was why she didn't want to even go into my house and then get blamed for it.

But it was done overnight.

They stole from my house overnight and it was not a few dollars and it was not just a $20 bill either, it was more than that, and they took all of it and left 21 cents behind, which I still have in my pocket. Someone had marked one of the bills with a number in black ink, with "21" on it. So this person stole this $20, along with a lot more cash, and then left 21 cents in my pants pocket. It's a marked bill so anyone would know who has it. It had 21 and a circle around it in black. I had tried to pay my mother with this for a printer cartridge and then she was saying she didn't know when I could print so I kept it to be able to use for printing and copying my legal documents. And that's not all that I had on me, but it was everything I had and this criminal took all of it, and took my ID. Wouldn't it be funny if I were to discover the same person stealing from me, or asking others to steal from me, is also connected to the criminals that work for the U.S. who hold me hostage? They are holding me hostage and my son hostage.

So the U.S. has paid criminals to not only torture us, but to steal from us.

The man at the post office saw my money as did the checker at Safeway and I had my back pocket secured and buttoned up and my money was still with me when I got to my house, which I never left until I discovered last night it was stolen.

Then my mother sent me an email that sounds exactly like the same person that has told my Dad to write in a journal and write things that don't even sound like him. It's Theo's voice and I can tell, and his parents are in this town and terrorize my parents. They're the ones with the "adopted kids". While his parents were here terrorizing mine, he was abusing me and the U.S. military and CIA knew it, in Wenatchee. Abusing, as in bringing in military technology into the house to torture me with (I saw him do it) and screaming in my face, jumping on my bed while threatening to hit me and rubbing dog poop onto my clothes. Psychological torture and the U.S. knew about it and I was forced to stay there because someone in Seattle told Wenatchee to kick me out of the federal housing without cause. He was sharing with CPS's Erickson the entire time. Erickson is also military connected.

My mother even said, "What is that?" pointing to a lid, because I guess that's what someone told her to do. If she was in my house, point to something and have me notice the money stolen and then think she was pointing something out to distract me so she could take it.

She didn't take the money.

The U.S. federal government is the criminal. I would bet it was someone like Theo, illegally entering my house at night to steal this from me.

I went over to my parents house and asked where it was and said how was I supposed to believe this, or that, and then I said, "You've been using me for your own psi research for 6 months." She said what's that and I said you know what it is--you work for the CIA.

Before that she told me "Get back" and picked up cat food and then she said, in response to my confrontation about psi, "Goodbye Cameo" and turned off the porch light and closed the door.

Goodbye Cameo.

I couldn't even cry when I was there at the door because of whatever was in the fucking banana bread that someone wanted her to take to me.

It's all part of the National Directorate of Intelligecence for the U.S. and it oversees military, CIA, and FBI. They are corrupt and have tortured me and my son and poisoned us and had people rape me and they have done nothing but attempt to cover for their religious hate crime tracks.

God damn the U.S. for torture of its own citizens.

Here's the email they had my mother compose which sounds exactly like Theo Lewis and nothing like my mother:Re: My Money and ID cards‏
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Sent: Mon 1/30/12 7:09 AM

Hear me and hear me well...we did not...or "I" did NOT take your things. Why on earth would I need them, even? How on earth could you think your own mother would STEAL
from her own daughter??? #1...we SPEND waaaay more than that each month just having you here, not to mention spending money on things for you like clothing, I have spent
probably at least $300 buying you things, and it costs us approx. $200 each month just for additional electricity and water now that you're here...and in the past, we've even offered
things like fixing up a trailer in the park for you! And yet, after all that, you think I'd want to sneak into your trailer and STEAL a few measley dollars and food stamp card from you????
I cant believe you! You'd suspect your own mother before thinking that either you'd misplaced it or had it fall out of your pocket(s) while walking or something!

Well, I did not take it so you won't be getting it from me. In fact, the only thing you'll get from me is a one way ticket out of here if you want it...and if you don't want that, we want you
off of our property and not living here regardless...we've had it with things like you cussing and ranting at us over totally invalid ...or EVEN over valid things. That is NOT how anyone
can or should be allowed...yes, allowed, to treat their own parents...honor and respect???? not hardly...

So, if you've lost those things, you'd better take steps, I guess, towards replacing them....and you won't be getting help from us. You are mentally ill, Cameo, and you need help, but you
refuse to get it or let anyone help you get it, so we have tried to put up with your tirades, but it's taking a toll on US and we're done. You are filled with hate and fear and bitterness. You hate us...yes, you do or you would NEVER even suspect such a thing, let alone treat us and say to us the things you do...and I read your blog post about the church in can you
live with such hatred and suspicions and not even want to have a change or help in your life? Satan has got you in his grip for sure, and unless or until you can at least consider that and try
to get help, you will not only continue to be miserable, but most likely get worse..because his goal for you is destruction. Your entire idea of Christianity is warped. You have knowledge of
the scriptures, but you see them through the twisted lens of the enemy; like Adam and Eve, you have believed his lie and it is leading to your destruction... There IS a way out!!! But you
HAVE to be willing to humble yourself and admit that you do NOT have the answers and can not do it in yourself and that you need the help of the Lord Jesus...and need his love and forgiveness to come into your life and loose the chains the enemy has bound you with and remove the scales from your eyes. He CAME to set us free, and if anyone ever needed to be free, it is you...and It is not freedom from CIA or FBI or Catholics or is freedom from anger, bitterness, hatred, fear, despair, self-righteousness. I think when you can do that, and mean it,
you will find that he will not only free you from those things but also give you back your health and a sound mind because THEY are being affected by the other with the result that you are truly in bondage ...and Jesus died to set ALL of us free from whatever bondage we are in. Satan has come to put you BACK there, and he has succeeded to a very large degree, but it's not
hopeless because there is always hope in the Lord.

Well, that's about all I can say. I will continue to pray for you and pray for your freedom, healing and deliverance, but for now, I think you need to be seriously figuring out where you want to live and how you're going to do it. Your time here has come to an end.
So that's the end of the email. Your time here has come to an end?

She gave me the end part of a loaf of banana bread that someone had put medications and drugs in. I am not kidding. And then they wanted to set me up to blame my mother for something they stole from me, from my house, at nighttime.

I am not wrong about being drugged. They put some kind of "happy med" into the bread and I started laughing after I ate it, for no reason and then all my emotions have been dulled ever since.

The U.S. doped me up because after they stole everything I had from me, they didn't want me to get too upset. Maybe my mother didn't put it in the bread, but she gave me the bread and there is no way she doesn't know some of the people in on this.

She refuses to talk about who is involved, and lies about me to my face. She knows I'm not mentally ill and not for one single minute has she believed this. She lies to say what she thinks she has to say or someone tells her to do and yes, she has used me for her own personal psi govt. research, along with my Dad, for over 6 months.

The entire time I've been here. And their "friends" are not friends and they do the exact same things.

My Dad is working with that "girl" today.

My mother even tried to denied giving me medicated items or drugging me today but wanted to open the door and see how I reacted at least, and if I cried or how I looked.

Whether she's forced to do this or not I don't know. But she lies about all of it.

She works for the CIA and I would not be surprised if it's Mossad on the side. Half of these people torture my mother and then I see her crying about things to do with me, and then they act like THEY are protecting HER. It's classic Stockholm Syndrome.

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