Monday, January 30, 2012

My Mother Works For CIA & Consented To My Being Drugged

While my mother possibly wasn't the one to steal my ID and money from me, I don't know for sure, but I don't think so, she does work for the CIA.

She consented to my being medicated and drugged since I got back from Canada after asking for political asylum. She was in no position to do this--neither of my parents would have been because they hated me at that point in time. My mother's family was doing bad things to me and my mother said she could have me on the streets if she wanted me there.

They told me they refused to wire money to me or help me after they took part in defaming me to get me and my son sent back to the U.S. I had $30 on me and they screamed at me over the phone saying it's your fault and we're not doing ANYTHING for you because you left your entire family. My mother's own Dad probably sold her out to the CIA a long time ago. He was Army and it's not like the U.S. doesn't have a military and intelligence presence there. It was CIA from the start. And the FBI has just taken advantage of the situation for their own interests. My son and I were being tortured and we left with good cause and then my Dad was upset I was going to change my son's name and my mom thought I had something to do with my Dad wanting a separation. If they were being forced to be mean to me then, no one said anything. They were upset I was leaving the country. If I had known the kinds of things they're forced to do, I would have tried to sponsor them to leave the U.S. as well.

But I think CPS and my mother worked together because they all had something to cover. They knew my mother didn't want me finding out about her involvement or her family's involvement in any way, and CPS wanted to cover up for their corruption and torture of citizens and hate crime.

She was then wanting to know about any doctor I went to, in Blaine and I was given things to eat that were medicated. She has refused to even broach the subject of my being injected with Haldol, trying to blow it off as no big deal when I got over here and how nurses here told her its just given for nausea or to calm down agitated people. I wasn't any of the above, and it's destructive and since when I arrived in TX they referred to a "guardian", it is possible that she has acted as one for the CIA or military or someone and all this time lied to me about it.

When I was filling out an application for health insurance in Oregon, I didn't include their names as contacts for accessing my medical records and they looked upset about it.

She has demanded access to all my college matters and then doesn't even share with me whatever it is she's telling people over the phone.

If I left for a new area, she was always wanted to find out who the doctor was, or where I was going. If she's taking part in medicating me, or having me drugged, this would give some groups reason to try to blackmail her. "If your daughter finds out..."

In addition to being medicated and doped up by people I worked for or lived with, I was literally poisoned and completely illegally drugged as well, by people random to me. I am not lying about that.

I know she works for the CIA and military because the entire time I've been here, they have been forced (or not) to use me for research. The ENTIRE TIME.

I'm not being paid. I have a tiny trailer and try to look out for them, but it's not like I'm working with them or that I am using THEM for research. I am NOT consenting to any of this. They do it anyway, and this is what they've been ordered to do since I arrived.

That's on top of the U.S. trying to force me to work at Devil's Kitchen for total strangers who used me for the same research. They were experimenting with me in a federal holding facility in Knoxville, TN.

My parents act like twins. One minute I'm dealing with one mother and the next minute I'm dealing with her twin. Same with my Dad. I thought "Did I ever think this when I was little?" and the only thing I remember as being different was that one day I noticed my mother's boobs were a lot bigger than usual. Sometimes they even look differently and if there were twins, at least that would explain the memory lapses from when I was a kid when one of the "twins" didn't remember they had said something or promised something.

When I left that place in TN, I was then bringing up my Uncle Howard who said what is going on with your parents? because they can afford to help you and why don't they? When I mentioned this, I was then sent back home to find out my own parents are using me the same way this woman did in the federal facility.

So let me be very clear about something. I am NOT working "with" them. I have never worked with them and I never had any clue about their psi work until I showed up here. For over 35 years of my life, I never knew what they could do. Ever. It never crossed my mind, I never suspected anything, and I never worked with them on anything or was trained by anyone or talked to by anyone, ever...

My coming up with thoughts about psi was random. It was the same thing with Diana. Totally random. I had no interest, no connection, and then one day I came across soemthing I related to in some fashion and it led me to the next thing. I think Diana came up bc I was being called crazy and I wasn't so I looked at cases similiar and found Diana used as an example, and that led me down the trail. With psi, that came up even later and mainly came up when I started thinking about my old boyfriend saying I had esp or something (I didn't). I looked at that along with MK-Ultra bc I knew govt. was involved with me and my son and I didn't know why and one day I read about this. Which was on the East Coast. I was in Washington D.C. when it first came to mind. But I dismissed it and then didn't really look into it until after I split from my Ex. It was at the end of a year in WA and into the start of TN that I first started seriously reading about.

So these ideas are not planted by anyone, or suggested by anything or conversation. They have come up bc of my own life and research and then being led to something.

So when I first knew positively that the U.S. was using me and had most likely funded all the money for religious hate crimes against me as well, I was in Knoxville. Then they allowed me to go back to see my parents after 7 years and everything was different.

My parents were never doing this stuff in front of me when I was a kid. Not that I noticed. I showed up here and said, "Wow. A help wanted sign right there." I knew someone wanted me to work there. There were about 3 or more signs in town and then I took a job next door and while realizing my parents were doing this same work, the people at Devil's Kitchen (FBI in my opinion) were trying to use me too.

So why is it all these people are assigned to ME. Why doesn't the U.S. have their people trying to figure others out? Instead, they have used me. Since it's my own parents, I noticed and tried to help because I don't think it's consensual on their part either.

But I am not helping them nor is anyone training me. They are doing their thing, in reading me, and it's for the U.S. And I quit that job at DK because I am not consenting to this kind of degrading treatment. I consented to a job as a waitress. If you wanted to turn it into something else, you should have told me. Then, for the first time since I'd been here, someone there used technology on me while I worked for them. So Day One it happened once or twice, and Day Two, it was a little more and I quit because the point is this: I did not voluntarily work at Logan's Restaurant in TN. I was brutally used, ridiculed and tortured there, in the workplace and the only reason I was there that long is because I was forced to be there.

It was NOT voluntary or consensual work. So when another job came up that started to turn in the same direction in Coquille, since I had a place to live and was trying to go to college and had other means to support myself, I quit working for these people on Day 2. Why? Because I do not consent to being tortured in the workplace and if I had stayed there, when I didn't have to and wasn't forced, it implied consent. It would have implied that if I had been willing to work THERE, in Coquille, when I clearly didn't have to, that it really wasn't so bad in TN and I must not have been forced to work there.

I was forced to work there and I was tortured in the workplace and used for govt. research and almost all of them were Catholic.

As soon as I quit working for DK here, and tried to go to college, the U.S., and Catholics in the U.S., tried to block it. They have been obstructing my education and entire life ever since. They wanted me to keep working for DK under the same conditions I worked at in TN, to cover some U.S.A. asses.

I was illegally forced to work there. Period. And yes, I was tortured and ganged up on in that place. And they have a Roman Catholic CEO who has ties to the CIA. It's an international firm and law firm that represents them and they sponsor lawyers to defend Guantanamo prisoners. To be nice guys? No. To get inside information, period. It's self-interest, not altruism. A company that chooses to torture U.S. citizens and force them to work there, doesn't then have a "good" side that wants to help torture victims in Guantanamo. Either you support torture or you don't. Logan's Restaurant supports torture. So the fact that they forced me to work there and tortured me, while claiming to help torture terrorist victims in Cuba or whatever, is a lie. They have a law firm that does "pro bono" work to "help" these people. It's an excuse to get information and most likely, to contain damages that could be worse if the prisoner had a better and different lawyer. One not coming from the law firm that Logan's Restaurant uses.

When I quit working at DK here, after they tortured me in the workplace, the U.S. decided to then torture me on my own property out of spite. My parents have used me ever since I've been here. They (or someone) has this entire property staked out with predictions and if I do this then what. The entire place is basically booby-trapped. SO I said, "What exactly was the plan? that I live here and go on disability as a disabled person for 5 years while you guys predict what I do as I am forced to do nothing? and you just follow me and see if my actions match up to things you've had planted around your yard for govt. research?"

The U.S. Catholics in govt. wanted me to either be fucking one of their men, or forced into poverty and unable to do anything but be tortured.

The United States kidnapped me and my son, defamed me, and has used me ever since. They have never taken responsibility for their religious hate crimes.

They ruined my singing voice. They used me for years to sing The National Anthem for this country, and then allowed people to poison me and torture me to destroy my singing voice.

"I hope you find your voice" is what this B.C. man told me in D.C.

No. I did not find my voice. I lost everything to this God damned country that my parents work for and I DO NOT work with my parents.

It is questionable that they even work for this country on a voluntary basis.

What I know for a fact is that I and my son are not the rest of my family and I know for sure he and I were kidnapped and illegally used and tortured.

For 6 months I have been here, forced to do nothing again and I did put out applications but everyone here is military. If I don't work for one military or FBI/CIA government asshole, I am not going to work out with any of the other ones either. Clearly. So I have been tortured the entire time and now as I have deadlines for court, they have drugged me again, through a "gift" of fucking banana bread, and stolen all of the money I have and my ID.

I cannot respond to any of the federal deadlines for Eastern District, about my injunction or son. I cannot add a Motion to my application for appeal through Washington State. I can't mail a response about an FBI matter. I cannot mail to the Multnomah county courthouse. I have a letter to send to the Commission for Judicial Conduct as well, and everyone knows this. The Catholics all know. They stole from me to trap me.

They trapped me.

They fucking stole everything I ever owned and had, drugged me, and trapped me and then try to tell ME they are not paying off the fucking transcript they said they were paying for.

It is exactly what I said it was. The U.S. has trapped me, allowed people to rob me, and is controlling whether my transcript is paid or not. They are 100% obstructing justice again. This is nothing new. They have drugged me, and tried to use me for other programs, and they're corrupt. I am a hostage and have been made a hostage for almost 7 years.


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