Thursday, January 26, 2012

My Mom's Papers and "81"

this is not a good photo. no date showing. let me take a different one.
I'm not putting a different one up. This is it. What I noticed, is that the U.S. tortured me unless I did something that means nothing, like take photos of things. If I try to research legal things or work on my case for my son, they torture me. The U.S. is torturing me all the way up to hearing deadlines and dates and makes it 100% impossible to get anything done. If I sidetrack and take photos of benign things that have nothing to do with my legal matters or son, they quit torturing me. They have been literally obstructing justice by using torture as a weapon.

I wrote my post about seeing Kate Middleton with smaller pieces of paper and hiding them or something after someone approached from behind and looked over her shoulder as she sat in a chair (her left side). She looked over her left shoulder.

I didn't tell my mom I had just blogged about it and then I went to the door to let her know I was going downtown to get something and said where there 30 or 31 days this month? couldn't remember and then said, "Oh yeah, do you have that calendar or something you said you give me?" (a free one from work or something).

She said she could get one but here was something for now. She handed me 2 rectangular pieces of cardboard or stiff paper that had calendars on it and they are perforated so you can tear them into card size. They had scripture verses on the back and photos of seashells by the ocean.

They are all the same, the photo, but the verses are different.

It's not what I saw in Kate's hands, and it wasn't cards either. Sort of a wallpaper effect like I was getting with FBI SACs Laura Laughlin's photo.

Any connection between the hidden pieces of paper and then my seeing FBI records about me in Kate's hands (separately?).

Maybe it's Patty Otterbach. Maybe it's Patty accessing FBI records and somehow getting them to Kate. There is also California--I'll bet she has a contact through CA or OR. Maybe WA.

Then I ran out to my parent's car and I realize now, they knew it was the left shoulder. I had thought they both just looked over their shoulder's, back at me, from the left bc they thought I was going to that side of the car but now I know, they knew what angle I got or they knew what I was going to write about tonight.

And they were sort of laughing and then said get in and I got dropped off to get cinnamon and dutch hot chocolate.

Something sort of detail-y from last night. I had to go out to the barn to flip a breaker bc my lights went out and I came back and this rock fell out from my shoe. I normally don't notice but it got my attention and I looked and it was perfectly V shaped. A total triangle rock. I mean, like it got cut out into a triangle and it was black. It was like an arrowhead.

I have NO idea what it means. This is totally separate from my mom's stuff or middletons or whatever. Just random stuff that's happened. So out of all the rocks and pebbles, this one got stuck in the sole of my shoe and came out with a noise and I bent over because it was this arrowhead shape. I stared and I am reeallly not a weirdo, but I thought, "That is sort of strange." So I thought, "God, is this supposed to mean something?"

I asked, because that day, yesterday, I had been led to several passages about how God sometimes (caution-operative word is *sometimes*) works.

It talked about Joseph saying how dare steal the cup my master drinks from and "divines" with and I thought "a divining cup?" and then thought usually it's bad about diviners but maybe God shows things sometimes in unusual ways. Then, i had also read about how this king solomon had a dreeam. I sort of thought it was not a dream but a vision he had or God speaking to him directly. But no, the question to Solomon about "what do you want?" came in a dream. Solomon answered in his dream and it was like it was real and then he woke up and noticed it was a dream. So sometimes people and technology manipulate things but I had thought well, sometimes God uses things to point to other things.

So I had put this penny on my kitchen table.

I had 4 pennies left after sorting out my change and wanting to change it for bills. So I had 4 pennies and put them in a jar. I hadn't looked at the dates and then I did and out of the 4 I picked out the one that was dated 1982.

I picked the 1982 one out, because I had asked FBI for FOIA going back to 1982, for me (just myself).

So I had it on the table and the other 3 in my jar with pens and pencils and then I came in from the barn and this triangular rock came out from my shoe and bc I had just read that day about how God sometimes shows things to people in different ways, I decided not to touch it and

(this DJ that just came on the radio, while I am being newly tortured with technology announced, "LIVE LIKE YOU'RE DYING BABY--GOOD ADVICE". Wasn't really pleasant actually)

So I didn't touch it and just stared and asked God, "Does this mean something? show me." So it was brought to my mind, "It is an arrow pointing to something".

I had just cleaned and swept my entire place and even the floor was pretty clean but I looked to see what it was pointing to and there was one tiny piece of paper on the ground. It was the size of half a fingernail. Just a tiny piece and I don't know if it got there by my other shoe or what but I hadn't noticed it bc it was so small.

It was one inch away or a couple inches away from the arrow. I picked it and turned it over. It said 81. It was just a number: 81.

It was white and blue stripes with the number 81. The stripes are vertical navy blue stripes and the number 81 is also navy blue. I just counted them and 6 stripes and a tiny part of another but mainly 6.

I thought, "81, not 82"

I picked it up and put it underneath the 1982 penny to straighten it out bc it was slightly curled at the corners. And I put the arrow next to it and thought, "What does this mean? anything?"

I sort of thought maybe it was to ask for FBI FOIA from 1981-forward, not 1982-forward. And then I also looked at what I had set it under and it was under my Thomas Train (which makes me think of my son and has the #1) and then my purple nailpolish which I was wearing and how I sometimes called myself the "8 ball". I don't know, that's a stretch maybe. The first thing to my mind was to go back 1 year and ask the FBI for more.

And when it dried it wasn't black. It's a grey arrow. The color of the rock is gray/grey. And then the other thing was that I waited to see if there was anything to "divine" in my saucepan.

Someone work with me here. I mean, tolerate me. I wasn't "divining"...I just thought, God, I don't get it but is there something you could show me in my saucepan? it is not a cup but whatever. Sometimes God does weird things and i don't do spells or witchcraft. Truly. Well there was sort of something but it would sound too weird.

I was just taking a few photos of it and thinking, yes, I think it's for 1981.

I just got this letter from the FBI and then the Office of Information, denying my request for FOIA from 1982-present. It was given a number.

If I go back 1 year, it's a separate request. It gives me another chance to make a stronger argument over the same material but designate it differently.

Maybe God knows something that I don't about that year too, 1981.

There was nothing else on the ground when the rock fell out. It was just the piece of paper. Which is only strange in that my mother has all this ticking in crimson and white or cream for curtains and then I found this on the ground with blue stripes instead of crimson. Maybe it's pointing to a criminal...

We'll see.

I know to go back to 1981 with the FBI.

Why 1981 instead of 1982?

What's weird is that I looked happy in my school photos still, in 1981.

Well, I take that back. In my kindergarten photo, in my green polka-dotted dress, I was pouting. I wanted a pink dress with lace and ribbons and frills and stared at this polka dot creation like "Are you KIDDING ME?"

I still remember how excited Granny and my mother were, over that polka-dot dress. I sort of ruined it forever. It was the last dress made for me. I really did throw a fit. It was all they could do to persuade me to wear it just once, for my school photo.

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