Friday, January 27, 2012

Torture 4 Obstructing Justice & Hacking Laptop

. I have had someone really causing disruption to my laptop service and normal internet function for about the last 2 weeks especially. It has been since I've been working on the OIG complaint and most especially when I quit bleeding and then attempted to write more (but didn't get very far).

I have been tortured all day today. The entire day.

The only time the U.S. quit was when I was taking photos tonight of some things. If I take benign photos that have nothing to do with my hearings for my son, or trying to get work done on legal things, they don't torture me. They let me take photo after photo. This is a pattern that has repeated several times.

I once thought it was that they just quit torturing me if I took photos of myself because they stopped then, but no, they quit torturing me if I'm taking art photos, house photos, whatever.

They torture me all day and night if I do anything at all that has to do with my son. They torture me using technology if I am doing research for any case that has anything to do with him.

It's not just my son that they want to keep kidnapped and tortured and used for CIA and military reasons. They are obstructing justice to protect criminals who refused to do their job and concealed evidence.

I just spent over 2 hours taking photos and the entire time, they quit torturing me. Before I did this, all day they tortured me. When I started looking up internet stuff for my son's hearing and legal case, as soon as I quit taking photos, they started torturing with technology again. They have done this every single time I have ever taken photos for a length of time. From Wenatchee, WA to TN to here, they stop torturing if I'm taking photos.

All day today they used technology that affected my heart specifically, and then this DJ tonight makes some odd comment about heart stuff and how you have to have a beating heart still (out of blue, referring to nothing) and I got in my parents car and they were doing it the entire time I was in the vehicle.

Then, almost the entire time I was walking when I walked to the hospital and back to pick up records.

Basically, they're following me in my house, tracking my parent's vehicle to torture with technology (a moving vehicle) and then tracking me while I walk, away from my house and miles away from it.

I was surprised they were doing this in my parents vehicle. At different times today and last night, I went to my parent's porch and even if they were not home, their house was buzzing with ink-bursts-out-of-pens technology. Then on top of that, they've been using something else that basically sucks on the heart, like it pulls it out of it's normal place.

No I'm not kidding. It's some form of technology that specifically targets the heart bc it doesn't feel like it affects any other organs and it lifts it up out of place and feels like it's being suctioned. I have no idea how a technology would only target the heart and not other liquid dense organs like liver or kidney too. When they've used ultrasound and the microwave or MRI that causes twitching in me and my son, it's not just the heart but other related organs feel it.

This is something they are using that is targeting the heart specifically and it is literally suctioning it upwards and then the ribs go in slightly concave a little from the pressure but mainly the actual heart is being pulled upwards. I have no metal near my heart so the only metal is in my neck, if someone taps into that and it can pull, I don't know.

But that's what they have been doing for several days in addition to all the other forms of torture they have used to prevent me from getting my son or proving my innocence.

It's not coming from the neighborhood though I am very sure someone could do this, it's coming skyward down. They did this ALL DAY today.

I got in my parents car and they had targeted my parent's vehicle and it was even worse in there than outside. And first they only did it while I was in one section of my house and then today, they followed me with it, almost every single place I went. Not everywhere, but almost everywhere.

This also causes my heart to speed up and beat faster than normal and I guess that's because it's stressed from being suctioned. It's like it's magnetized but unless I got something strange in the contrast from the CT, there should be nothing in my heart that would allow for this. Then a couple of times, I put my hand across the area and someone turned it off but not because it's coming from straight ahead. They are doing this skyward and monitoring my family in other ways.

And not only do they quit torturing me if I take photos of stuff, whether it's myself or art stuff, they actually try to "help". I am not kidding. Someone starts getting the focus better than it normally is, and it suddenly starts picking up detail this cam will not pick up usually. And colors get thrown in sometimes and added...most of it is my own but a few things someone else has done. And on top of that, they order my photos in sequences someone likes. Instead of going in the chronological order, they do themes.

What kind of WHACKED out people like to play with layout and organizing my photos thematically know what it's like?

Silence of the Lambs.

It's like you have the most disturbing people in U.S. govt. giving orders to torture us and then if I take a photo break they get excited and into it and start playing around with it while humming I imagine. Like the sadist and cannibal Lector who hums and puts around the house like nothing is wrong, and looks very normal and is even a psychologist with good career credentials. In his time while not working on surveillance and hacking into computers to arrange photos, he is torturing people while they still live and watching with a distant satisfaction. He-she, whoever.

This was the exact same thing that happened in Wenatchee and they didn't get in a van and park next door to camp in the woods and stake out our place to torture us as little mafia militia men.

No, they have the U.S. govt BACKING THEM and they are Hannibal Lectors.

I have even had my photos disappear from my post after I publish them, like they got deleted, and I find them again and someone gave them a new scroll number or whatever it is. You know, the string of letterrs and numbers.

I am not nuts and I was myself shocked to find they are targeting and following my parents vehicle. I have been in the car when other forms of technology were used when it was me and my mom, but I cannot believe these people don't quit.

It has nothing to do with govt. research. It's hate crime.

They don't care if I do something pointless.

They don't care if I humiliate myself.

They don't care if I work on photos.

They did care if I sang.

It is like my voice was too good for them and worried them because it was a gift that had been buried and they didn't want anyone to be "enchanted" or moved by my singing voice. They didn't want me singing worship songs either, after I'd said worship is a form of war preparation.

But they let me take photos because I guess they feel they can interface or be interactive on it. And probably because they know it's never going anywhere except for their own documentation. It's not like I'm going to make money off of my internet photos. They know I COULD have made money from singing and writing my songs (that some of them stole ideas from).

And they don't care if I take photos at all but if I do research, or even check my email and try to catch up, or sometimes blog, or try to work on legal matters, they turn off my light and shut down my electricity repeatedly, torture me so badly it runs me out of my house, and then I find out they have gimlets threatening my parents on the side.

They're torturing me to obstruct justice--not for research. They were doing this before I even had my son.


  1. Cameo, sorry, but you are nuts UNLESS you can explain why so many different agencies have taken an interest in torturing you. Why would CIA, FBI, CPS, federal courts, state courts, various states including Texas, Tennessee, and Washington, and Wash Dist. of Col., and your parents, and random people driving by, and law enforcement, and Catholics, and Jews, and various employers, and pretty much all your landlords, etc. WHY WOULD THEY WANT TO TORTURE YOU? The simplest explanation, aka Occam's Razor, is that you are mentally deranged. Have you thought about seeing a psychiatrist to see if you can maybe get on anti-psychotic medication?

  2. First of all, fuck you.

    I'll address your other points in my next comment because I needed to get that out of the way in a separate point that will have nothing to do with my response.

  3. Yes, "that many agencies" have been involved.

    You act like it doesn't make sense. They all work together, and are not separate countries. They are even all under the directorship and supervision of ONE person, since the U.S. decided to create one overarching organization (think McDonalds arches, and "M" for mafia, not "Peace Arch") to oversee all of them.

    They are not separate. It's like saying the different parishes for the Catholic church are not all under a bishop, archbishop, and ultimately, the Pope.

    The overarching organization is called "Directorate of Intelligence" or something like that. They gather all the information from CIA and FBI and other intelligence agencies, including military ones, and review it and make suggestions.

    The only group above that one is The White House. I suppose you could say some of the House and Congress, but they are not even privy to the things the President knows and the President does not even get all the facts either. He gets the diluted version and a bunch of tickly feathers up his nose from the people who hand him reports and hope he sneezes with eyes shut when he gets to the important parts.

    Since 9-11, there have been so many changes, one of the big ones was to have FBI and CIA "share" information. So now they do, just as they share women they think are good in bed.

  4. So your assumption that "all these different agencies" can't possibly connected is false.

    The FBI and CIA are required, by law, to share information that they didn't share beforehand. Anything the FBI has about me, the CIA has already read, and any kind of defamatory report is going to cross into each office, every organization, and trickles down to the petty officers.

    Then, the fact remains that most of the intelligence and justice system employees are Catholic. Not only do the agencies all work together, the great majority have the SAME church in common, and it's a church that requires "allegiance" to another country first: The Holy See.

    So when you get someone like me, who angers anyone in this church about not wanting to be with someone bc they're Catholic, they take it personally and share info through all the agencies.

    It's worse for me because since my parents worked for the military and CIA, even if I have nothing to do with these groups, and didn't know, and have been an innocent civilian, they abuse their control and use of my parents to then try to control me, who they hate.

    I was very young, and getting ahead of the game at an earlier age than all my peers who were going into massive amounts of debt instead. I was a young investor at 21 and managed my money well and had potential to do whatever I wanted, and this, combined with the fact that I had a talent of singing and was smart and very pretty (then) too, AND was NOT promiscuous and was a virgin, was too much for some to stomach.

    They hated me just because they were jealous.

  5. (I'm splitting this up bc it only allows so many "characters").

    The first time anyone ever tried to say I was "mentally ill" was when the monks and lawyers for the Roman Catholic clergy wanted a defense for themselves bc they worried about sounding "immoral" and losing tithes.

    They tried to say I was immoral and a liar and mentally ill instead and used police they knew to push that theory.

    Before that, it was Catholics who were mad I said I wouldn't date a Catholic (Janet Bechtold re. her son) and Jews who wanted the Middletons to be in control with the UK. So that was a separate jewish tangent, but it's true.

    Diana knew who my parents were before she died and she knew who I was. I have that much figured out and why she knew, I don't know, but someone wanted her out and then they've been yanking my chain ever since too.

    I never once heard her mentioned in my household, and never thought of her until a few years ago, randomly and on my own. But people were pushing these towards me, like big photo albums of her in Portland, as if I knew something back then when I didn't.

    Having a Princess ("") from another country who is interested in your family didn't make others less jealous of me. My parents are highly gifted and have been used by the U.S. for CIA work because they can predict things, remote view, and read minds (literally). I never knew any of this. The CIA has always known and so has the military.

    Since it's secretive work they can't talk about it and since I'm not the gifted one, I'm just the person who has been used and violated with zero consent or willing participation. Since most of the intelligence is Catholic and gets intel from Israel, if these groups don't like me, guess who controls the people who have a say in who gets tortured with military technology or not? They do. They masked hate crime with research later.

    Other countries maybe wondered if I was like my parents, but I'm not. I am sort of intuitive and that is it. I am not like them. They are like the "precogs" from that one movie, and what is really sick is that I've had people around me for years, who knew about my family and got close to me just to keep tabs on me "in case" I could favors for them, they could get info from me, or whatever. I remember someone taking me to see this movie about precogs and staring at me intently to see how I reacted.

    Oblivion. Through D.C....oblivion. What the U.S. has done is foster hate crime and allow it because some of their own got mad at me and jealous and wanted revenge.

    It's never been about research, but since my parents do this work they used this as an excuse.

    They have tried to ruin my parents lately too, and I think in the past as well. I see them being tortured in front of my eyes.

    But when I first showed up I said, "Your fingernails all look fine and my nails shows evidence of being tortured. So how come YOU'RE not being tortured?"

    I guess the CIA likes to hump and dump whoever the want.

  6. The other aspect is mafia. The CIA and FBI know all aboout the mafia because they work together, not apart.

    If one group or mafia has favor and more contracts with the CIA, guess who the CIA helps?

    Middletons! Oh, oops. er, The mafia with the contracts!

    Others, if they used them in the past, they have blackmail on them so they can torture them or do whatever they want and they're helpless to defend themselves.

    I don't need a psychiatrist and I don't need medications but I've been tortured, and drugged and medicated to ruin my mind.

    It has not been for research--it's been to facilitate hate crimes.

    They kidnapped me and my son when we were internationally procted persons by our petition for political asylum and B.C. officials who were corrupt and church-connected, worked with their friends in the U.S. to illegally force me to return after allowing kidnapping of my son.

    We have been held hostage ever since.

    I have been refused work, education, travel, unemployment, housing, and justice or access to the courts ever since.

    They give me food stamps, that anyone can get, for $200.

    That's what I have in this country. Food stamps.

    They took someone with brains and potential and abused and tortured them to allow corrupt and lesser persons to advance and then they want to torture me for years.

    My own family wasn't happy I was leaving the U.S. They were all angry with me so most likely, there are records they don't want me to see either, which is working to everyone's advantage in keeping me from defending myself in court or getting my son. My mother's family didn't support me when I was in jail and they were actually attacking me and hostile. My mother said she could have me "on the streets" if she wanted. Which happened. Her Jew friends halfway supported that venture. And then I told my Dad I was changing my son's name to take his name out of the equation. I was going to legally change my son's name because we were being tortured and he refused to even let us go back to Coquille where they were to live.

    So I was leaving my entire family behind to take my son legally to a new country and they didn't like it.

    If they later felt sorry about it, I don't doubt that. If they later had someone try to blackmail them, I don't doubt it and I believe that was happening earlier otherwise my dad wouldn't have changed his verbal support for my fighting my defamation to "drop everything". Someone told him to pressure me to quit my lawsuits and that was before false arrests against me.

    But yeah, my parents probably did some pretty bad things that my worse enemies use to blackmail them over. And they worked for the U.S. so they are controlled. And honestly, they may have even sold their own kids into CIA slavery a long time ago, with the military there whenever they wanted.

    Like LSD experiments only happened in the 50s and 60s? and to adults?

    Why has OUR house been an "open house" to everyone in the community and since when is my life a communal one and not my own?

    I think my parents have things to hide, but my real enemies are far worse and just capitalize on the fears of others of what I might do, to keep themselves safe from discovery.

  7. By the way, almost all of my former employers were either Jewish or Catholic. I had one Protestant employer out of all of them.


  8. I guess too, that if Mossad or someone with Jewish groups thought my parents were in Europe in 1972 helping some group, like palestinians or something, they could use that as blackmail ever since.

    Or if my Dad had a vision or got an insight about something with a royal family and told someone, they could have gone after him or our family to keep us down and prevent it from happening and to mock him, like Joseph with the coat of many colors.

    They've had the coats of many colors.

    I was definitely blessed with many God-given gifts and things like even a nice appearance, which I can't control and have nothing to do with.

    Maybe I would have been psychic too, or talented in that way, if the CIA or military hadn't used technology on me from a young age or damaged my head in childbirth through "molding". For all I know, they tortured me when I was a kid and I didn't know and thought it was just "growing pains".

    Half the stuff they do now, can be masked as a naturally occuring "headache", "toothache", "back pain", whatever.

    Last night they tortued me badly enough that I woke from sleep with my foot curling like it was warped bc they used technology on me for hours that caused muscle twitching.

    That's the good old U.S. and military hate crime for ya.

    Now they are trying to use MY SON for purposes of getting to me and my family and for research. They degraded him and tortured him and this country thinks they own him.

    Just like they think they own me and my parents. My parents CANNOT leave this country--the FBI won't even let them to go Canada or Mexico without a govt. escort.

    They are illegally detaining me here and froze all of my assets. That's in addition to torturing me to make it impossible to get my son.

    I couldn't go to the law library in town because the one time I was there, they tortured me, with police all around.

    I found someone online through "findlaw" about 'kidnapping' but if I try to make searches about thinggs to do with my son, nothing comes up in google searches and I am tortured to prevent my research.

    I was recently heavily drugged while sleeping. My entire house was fumigated and gassed with a chemical they have used over a dozen times since I have been here. My place REEKED, my clothes stank, and I had to air it out. It hasn't been done in the last 2 days or so but was done just recently and right afterwards, my stomach began to swell up unnaturally from breathing it.

  9. The CIA and military torture me and know my parents will say nothing to defend me because they sold out their own kids. Not only that, they can't, because they've been blackmailed and since they worked (work) for the CIA and military, they cannot divulge information about things.

    So basically, I get drugged and they say nothing. If the Catholic church wants them to say I'm mentally ill, they get their friend who is in the CIA to tell them to say this or be tortured, and they make other threats.

    I am up to the deadline for filing notice of appeal and in this time I've had abnormal daily bleeding (until just recently), been gassed with chemicals in my own house several times in this month alone, and had my stomach swelling unnaturally as a result, and that's in addition to having my head targeted enough to cause another huge swelling and bump, and every single day and night, I have been tortured to the point of either being driven from my house, to taking handfuls of OTCs I don't need, to being deprived of sleep so I can't function because of severe pain.

    You try to research and write an appeal.

    I worked a little on a report to OIG and UN but not for legal research because they allowed me to write a narrative for the OIG but anytime I researched for my case with my son, they tortured me.

    Brutally tortured me. They obstructed me from doing any kind of legal research on my own laptop and prevented me from using the local law library which would have information.

    The United States is guilty of High Crimes of repeated violence and assault against its own citizens. They have deliberately interfered with my ability to get my son back because they don't want me to have him.

    They have my Mom and Dad working for THEM. And none of these people ever wanted ME to have my own son. They refused to let me research, write anything, and since I have been here, I've been used in cruel and degrading ways for psi research with my own parents.

    My Dad works with this other girl whom I've mentioned, and most of the people in this town are U.S. government workers and so are their kids. They have a dense population of U.S. government employees in this town and they all do the same thing.

    I can't even go to this local Safeway and not run into a majority of employees who also sideline for the U.S. and I'm not kidding about that.

    The last time I had my house fumigated they stole my Safeway receipt from me that I had worked on with a calculator, and noticed I'd been overcharged 10 cents. I wondered, after being drugged in my own house, where it was bc it was no longer on the desk by my bed where I left it when I fell asleep that night.

    Today, I finally found it, in my laptop bag where I never put it because I left it out to remember to take it to Safeway and it was next to my calculator bc I had then been figuring other things out about water--how much I was going to get next time and total cost with deposit.

    and it's not the same receipt but it's a Safeway receipt with the correct amount on it for bottle deposit.

    No one does this, unless they are desperate to make you sound crazy because they know they are using you and getting away with crimes of torture. This is the same Safeway whose phone I used and then had my call to my Dad's cell being rerouted to "Department of Transportation" when I dialed HIS number, not the number for the Dept. of Trans.

    I mentioned the Air Force presence here and put up links to the research that is currently funded by the U.S. I am not lying about the fact that most of the people in this town are connected to U.S. govt. and illegal black site programs.

  10. I'm not allergic to "bee pollen" either. I'm allergic to military chemicals.

    They were fumigating my house night after night repeatedly and my stomach swelled up, and it had nothing to do with anything I was eating or taking as a supplement and I didn't have a reaction before. Something was wrong with the taste of a portion I had set aside, but it was chemicals.

    The U.S. drugged me repeatedly.

    They haven't had their biochemical people out here though, since they blasted me almost out of my mind one night and came by to observe me the next day.

    Yesterday and the day before, I left my house and came back and there was no chemical smell. The same is not true for the several days preceding.

    They knew ahead of time that it would cause my stomach to swell up.

    They knew targeting my head would cause huge swelling, and they do it anyway.

    Oh yeah, and I'm not in college.

    Any idea why not? The U.S. is either stalling with cooperation of my parents who work for them, or they're torturing and blackmailing my parents to stall and not pay it off.

    They trapped me here and have obstructed any chance of my having any kind of money or career or to be educated.

    They got away with 7 years of crime against me and obstruction of justice, and then use blackmail of my parents to facilitate torture against me and keep my parent's mouths shut.

  11. Thank you for responding Cameo. I appreciate your effort. I am sorry but I think your responses prove that you are mentally ill. They don't make sense. At all. I feel sorry for you. I really do. I wish there was some way to show you that you have lost your mind. Diana? The Middletons? Really? Try the simpler explanation. Due to your psychosis, people that interact with you become concerned. Employers, law enforcement, CPS, FBI etc. You rant incoherently about conspiracies and they realize you are insane. And in your insanity you fit them all into your conspiracy theories. Go to Portland perhaps and see a psychiatrist and maybe you can get better. Good luck.
