Sunday, January 29, 2012

My Mother Stole My ID: SHE is the CIA

I think my mother just stole my ID and all the money I had left.

I would hate to assume and it's a horrible thing to write, but yesterday when I got back from my walk the only thing that had been stolen was a package of shiitake mushrooms.

I noticed the shiitake's were gone, one package. Then a time I told my mother some of my water bottles had been taken and she was trying to prompt me to say how many.

She works for the CIA.

She works for the CIA period. I don't know what they do to her and I'm sure it's horrible, but I do not work for the CIA and they are fucking me over.

Not only that, I don't know what she's up to exactly because one minute I think she's trying to help me and I believe it and the next minute I'm asking her why she went out of her way to deliberately humiliate me in public, in a public store, in front of others. So I asked her about it and then all of a sudden she actually got defensive as if that's not what she had done when it was, to make me look like I was just taking from them and not willing to do anything myself, which isn't true, but she made it a public point to some women in a store. It was a dollar store and I still remember exactly what happened.

So I just remembered this, and said something but wanted to know what her motive would be for actually wanting others to have this opinion of me. Who does this benefit? What is the point?

Then, just today, she was giving me some banana bread and I invited her in and she fucking stole my money and ID. There was no one else to do it. She was the only one here and at first she hadn't wanted to come in at all, so in retrospect I would think maybe she knew someone else did it, or took something, and she knows I will accuse her. But I invited her in and went behind a curtain I have to get to my bread to show her, and in that time, she was on the other side of the curtain and my jacket was hanging right there. I had the money in the jacket pockets.

I thought about it when we went to that church service, how I shouldn't have left my money there. So when I got back, it was still there and yesterday, I went to the store with money in my pocket and my ID and I only bought 1 carrot.

I bought one carrot for 12 cents.

There is no one in the Air Force "transporting" my ID and money. My mother took it today.

It was my food stamp card and my TN ID card which is my only form of photo ID. Then she took all the cash I had left.

So I just went out and said you stole my money and ID and I wouldn't dare say this to my own mother unless I was about 70% positive. She said no she didn't and I said yes you did, you were the only one in my house and she said, "I wasn't in your house" and I said, "Yes you were." She was. I said, "You gave me banana bread and you were in my house."

So guess when she came over with the bread? After I emailed her saying fine, I'll go on the fucking disability and I want to go to college so can you pay for this transcript tomorrow?

I had just sent that email and then she shows up at my door with banana bread and I invited her in and she stole my ID and money.

In the meantime, I had already sent an email stating that yes, I'd go on disability and I wanted the transcript paid for if that's okay, and I said I would so there, I will.

So this is after I didn't know she had stolen from me. I even called up bc I didn't get an answer and she said we'd talk about it tomorrow and I said I would fill it out so could we pay this off tomorrow? and she said they're starting a movie and to talk tomorrow.

She knew all along I would be rightfully upset to have my money and ID stolen.

So she said, "When it turns up and you find it, you're out of here." I said, "FUCK YOU CIA." Not very nice, but neither is having your own mother use you for her personal research project for the fucking U.S. govt. and then stealing from you and lying about it.

It's an excuse again. It's an excuse to provoke me and upset me and then try to wiggle out of paying off the transcript they said they'd pay. I said I would do what they asked and they are provoking me again to find some other excuse.

It's not going to turn up because it wasn't heisted by transportation from the Air Force. She took it. If she didn't take it, she already knows who did, because she acted nervous to be in the house anyway and at first didn't want to come in. I already checked all of my coat pockets and my jeans pockets and my shirts and pants and no, it's not there. It's not anywhere. It's been stolen.

She never wanted me to have my son either. She wants her best friend, Holly Avila, to have him. She never wants to admit to having anything to do with saying things about me that were negative to support her own family and maybe Canada even knew this is why I shouldn't contact her. Maybe they thought she had something to do with it.

I see her being tortured so I would say no. I also see my Dad being tortured. I don't know why she was pointing out a lid to me today. She looked around the corner and then pointed to something and said, "What's that? is that a lid?" and I said yes, it was off of the jar to my sprouts I started yesterday from red wheat berries and then I showed her the jar.

Something was bothering her but I don't know what. So either she knows who took my money or she did it.

The only thing I can think of about the lid, or her mentioning it, I don't know. I guess my Dad's eyelid is permanently damaged. The left one. There is a permanent mark from what someone did to his left eyelid and it's still there. I thought it was just the one day, when I saw his eye the next day and it was different but it's permanent damage. I guess there is nothing else I can think of.

I have been in my house all day today. The entire day.

Yesterday I got home from going downtown and buying a carrot and I haven't been back out. I had my money with me at the time I bought it.

My mother acted upset like something was wrong and the dog was wandering around, cold and wet and shivering like from trauma and usually my mom keeps her eyes on him. When I got into my house my bottle of apple cider vinegar had been moved, and my napkins, and a box of shiitake mushrooms had been taken.

I had my money with me when I came back to my place. And I was here the rest of the night and then I've been here all day, and didn't go out for a walk. No one has been in my house to take my money and ID except for my mom. I haven't opened the door for anyone and I haven't moved things around.

The only thing that's strange is how my mom didn't want to come in or acted like she didn't want to, when I invited her. If she planned to steal my money and ID I don't know why she'd hesitate, which is why I know either she knows who did it or she did it herself.

Then when I was on the phone asking if they could pay it off tomorrow and that I would sign up for this disability, she was stalling saying they'd talk tomorrow.

Most recently, she's said I could pay for a printer cartridge and then she stalled and didn't allow me to. For my own court thing for my son and then I asked to use the copy machine and she said okay and then didn't want me making the number of copies I needed to make.

I think my mother has been acting like she has something to hide which is why she's doing all these favors for gangsters and CIA. Like Wasson telling her it would be too expensive to allow a New Trial. There are some things my Dad has done which I think she disapproves of, but all of it is CIA and military crap.

This one guy that I noticed smirking and not so good, who was driving past as I walked to my house, was one of the drummer's for the "christian" band from last night. He looks Irish but could be German. He had no reason to be in town so close to our house and property.

That money is all I have for making copies and getting other things done legally. I can't mail anything or make copies or file anything without money and my mother stole my cash and ID to force me to do a bottle return?

I have enough bottles for something like $2 if that. That's not enough money. My own MOTHER STOLE MY ID and MONEY.

I think she drugged me too, because I ate that fucking banana bread and I am not responding like I normally would to something like this. Maybe not, but I can't cry so something is wrong with whatever was in that bread.

I don't even have that one bottle. I took it but then it was taken from the place I put it in the bathroom and I only took it to the bathroom bc I thought it was water that was possibly tampered with. History has proven that the FBI lies and cheats and steals and rapes women. The FBI even tries to hide and cover up religious hate crimes, don't they Ms. "Laura Leighton" or oops, "Laughlin". They even commit identity fraud, their own SACS do.

So, why should I think anyone is looking out for my parents after they tortured me and my son for 7 years and did nothing but laugh? I am a better woman than any of them. Not one of them has done their job, that I've met. Not ONE.

Then what? my mother doesn't want to come inside my house because she has been told if she does, to steal my ID and money from me? Or because someone else needs a cover. The only other possibility is that someone came in at night, and I don't see how.

I came back from the store, and put my bag down and had my jeans on with my money with me and ID cards. My mother was weeding so I weeded with her, and said I would haul away all the dried brush and branches. So I did, and took them to a huge burning pile to be burned later. After this, I went to my house. I left the house for a split second to knock and ask a question but never went inside the house and then I went back as a plane that was hovering above with lights on, started to move past me above.

I don't appreciate being stalked by planes either. This is the zillioneth time and I'm fucking tired of it. It started with the military's Chris Rozollo and his wanting me to step outside in Wenatchee and notice a plane and then it's happened here. It's not interesting. It's an invasion of privacy and fucking wrong. So that happened last night when I turned back to go back in. There isn't any possible way anyone was in my house in that couple of minutes when I left and the plane was practically in the same position.

Then I went to bed and was tortured all night and then hung up my pants. They used all kinds of things against me last night and then quit early a.m.

I got out of bed and I've been here all morning and wore the same pants I wore yesterday and different tops. Someone would have had to enter in my door while I slept and stole money out of my pocket. I was thinking it was coat pocket but that was the night before and then yesterday on Saturday I went to town with all my money and paid for a stamp and the post office man saw I had money bc it was on the counter.

It was my MONEY from FUCKING WORKING you assholes. Oh yeah, and I don't hold people hostage either fuckers. You know, I don't do things like practice extortion to get soemthing out of someone, like my college has been held up.

So he saw my money and wasn't happy, and I put it back into my pocket and then I walked home and when I was home, I set down my bag and helped with weeding. Then that's it. My money was in my pocket and I do not believe, for one minute, that it disappeared as the result of Air Force 'transportation'.

They DID teleport a pen and one key and these are separate items. No one separated my bills and money from my change and thought to take my ID cards too. No one does that and that did not happen. What happened is that I've been fumigated here and had a number of incidences of break and entry ALONG with crappy Air Force and CIA shit.

"When it turns up again."

This is my FOOD STAMP card.

YOU FUCKERS. I have to fucking BUY FOOD.

Oh, and since I've had the medicated drug bread, I am not being tortured. Why?

Because these fuckers like to make excuses for why I "feel" things and report things they've fucking done to me.

It would be one thing, wouldn't it, if I tortured people for a living, or held people hostage, or lied about rape cases to get my friends off, or had a lot of money to spare and instead, none of the above is true. I was tortured as an innocent mother with her baby, for making someone feel fucking inferior.

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