Sunday, January 29, 2012

Forced To Go On Social Security For Freaks

I am being forced to apply for federal benefits for Social Security.

I guess the FBI and CIA think I need to be compensated $700/month for their corruption and rape by their employees. They don't want to admit any of them have done anything wrong--they want to justify themselves by having me take money from them and make my argument to the UN weaker, and to any court of law weaker. I guess they are dying to get their hands on more medical records with an excuse for themselves.

That way, the ones they stole and used illegally, can now be gathered and they can claim they were legally obtained. They can continue research of civilians and follow the progress and decline.

They can get their contractual nexus and argue with that. I'm being told now, after I was first promised to have my transcript paid for to go to college, that after I quit working for more U.S. funded employees, and filing for FOIA from the FBI, the FBI and these groups now want me to take Social Security as extortion for my transcript being paid off to go to college.

I'm being extorted again, which is nothing new, and it's the United States government again.

No one even suggested this until I started researching on making the OIG complaint. So it's FBI and then it's FBI again and then more FBI.

To mark the occasion before it occured they got rid of the HP printer and signaled the new change coming with an Epson Workforce so I can be on the "disabled workforce" just like Stacey Epping.

Basically, more CIA shit.

I have this friend named Stacey who gets disability from not having a leg. And then lately all the Catholic assholes, since I've been told I am being required to take Social Security, have been limping around me on crutches, seriously. About 3 or more of them, in my face. It must be broken leg season--In a town of 2,000.

God damn every single person who is responsible for defamation of my character and for the torture of me and my son. God damn you and your family. And God damn this country for allowing crimes and being full of criminals in office and for using me for experimentation for research, after allowing their employees (federal) to fuck me and hoping I'd hang out with them longer, for denying justice to me and my child and obstructing my freedom of travel, work, and medical care when we needed it, and for obstructing my education and independence by extorting me to go on their fucking disability program that I want no part of.

They are using college as extortion to force me to take federal SSI.

Under both the Title II and Title XVI programs, medical evidence is the cornerstone for the determination of disability.

Don't you love the language? everything this country does has turned into a cover up for the biggest crime scenes of the century. God damn this country. I mean it. They wouldn't know what "justice" was if it hit them between the eyes. God damn every single fucker I've had to deal with. God Damn you. That photo of me with my hand over my heart? That's me, as a prisoner in this God-Damned country. I am not using "damn" as curse word either, but as a proclamation and prayer that God hears me and damns this place for what they have allowed. They have had full oversight. God damn every single man that touched me without my full consent and permission and God damn those in the U.S. who did nothing when I made reports about it. God damn those who obstructed justice by forcing me out of court illegally through torture.


And yes, newsflash. You can be a christian and pray for that this country gets what it deserves, and not be anti-patriotic or anti-God. There are plenty of prophets who have done the exact same thing and no one liked what they had to say very much either. I'm not a prophet, but just because someone says this country deserves the wrath of God for torture and crimes committed here against me, my son, and others, is not anti-christian at all. It's also not anti-patriotic. One can love what a country stood for and used to represent and still know that that it is fully corrupt and deserves retributition from God Himself.

They forced me out of getting SSI when I needed it most, for me and my son, and tortured us here and then they kidnapped us to be forced back here for more torture. Then they want me to take SSI just to get into college again bc college would make me appear too productive.

They want a legal excuse to have their hands on my medical records and an excuse to say they never denied medical care.

It is a little too late for that.

They tortured me all the way up to a hearing deadline to file a notice of appeal for my son and then slacked on the torture after doing it again on Friday in front of a bunch of hypocritical CIA fuckers. Then for the last 2 days they stopped torturing me for about 3-4 hours while torturing the living daylights out of me all day and night, all the way until late at night. Last night, I fell asleep finally and then woke up again, to being tortured.

Tonight, about the time I started writing about Kari Sue and Tim, the odd smell started to fill my place again and I had to open up all of my windows to keep it aired out.

My mother came over to give me some banana bread that matches the appearance of bread I made last night. That's just on top of everything. More fucking CIA and U.S. military experimentation. Of course I was nice and thankful but then I'm like, "Yeah and here's my bread, see how they look alike" because I made bread with garbanzo and white navy beans for flour (along with oat bran ground into flour) and then added pieces of rosehips. First I made it into a banana bread shape but I had to flatten it bc the toaster oven ceiling is too low to allow it to rise.

It was basically like a loaf of banana bread before I had to flatten it.

The thing is, this country takes and takes and takes and takes and kidnapped me when I was asking for political asylum and then they ruined my singing voice.

The U.S. kidnapped me back to this God damned country to be poisoned, drugged, tortured, and harassed and mocked, and if they had not, I would still have my singing voice.


They fucking Tortured me to lose my singing voice. They kidnapped my son and tortured him and hypnotized him. They forced me onto the streets and tried to sell off parts of my body to have babies for themselves with my DNA.

GOD DAMN THOSE responsible.

And they haven't quit either. They kidnapped me and my son from protected international status to abuse us further and use us. And first all it was, was hate crime. This military and CIA had nothing to do with that. They ruined my life, and I tried to leave to protect my son's life, and they have caused greater damage than before.

God damn the United States of America. AMEN.

They are also trying to force me off of my parent's own property where I am able to see when they come and go and who is around.

God knows, there is no possible way to express the amount of damage that this country is responsible for inflicting upon my family. Who gets TORTURED to not even be able to go to a law library or file documents for their own child?

GOD DAMN the U.S. GOD FUCKING DAMN this country and those who try to cover for the grossest crimes that have been committed here in decades--to totally innocent people, as a COVER for religious hate crimes.

How in the world could God even be against me, knowing all things? There is no possible way that God is against me or angry with me, or thinks I am taking the wrong perspective. God damns this kind of activity regardless of the person who is a victim. He personally damns those responsible. It doesn't even have to be about ME. It could be about, or could have been about, anyone else, and I'm sure there are others, but regardless of the person, God damns this kind of activity. So I do not believe I am incongruent to profess I love God and pray and firmly believe and that I do care about this country and the citizens, and to still pray God damns those responsible.

If they tortured me all the way up to the hearing deadlines for my son's case, making it impossible for me to do anything, there is no altruistic and well-meaning reason to force me onto SSI disability. All they want is more legal excuses and loopholes for themselves. If they cared about me and my son, they wouldn't be torturing me through all the case stuff and ever since they kidnapped us back from Canada.

I am 100% fully held hostage and now being extorted to take a federal program to cover the FBI and CIA's ass. There is nothing well-meaning about this. If someone had quit torturing me and allowed me to write motions and do research here locally, I would also not be asked to take disability because if they had quit torturing me, it would mean they were going to let me get back into college and prove I was not unfit to mother my own son.

But that's clearly not what they're doing. They torture me. And they do not want me in college proving I am well or fit to be in college, or free of SSI. If I made a big point against SSI in the past, they want to use it with me while I am taking SSI.

I am a different case from my son so I can still argue he is free to not have a SSI number. The fact that my son is not and was not a U.S. citizen when he was forced out from the country he should have stayed in, is a different argument from my own argument. I already had a # and I've been forced to use it ever since, just as I was forced out of a political asylum claim by crime. This doesn't mean that it's not null and void if someone is saying, "I removed myself from that place because they tortured us."

If the U.S. breaks it's contract to its own citizen by violating all laws and privileges, how does it then argue we are citizens to be forced back? You get to treat us like "citizens" when it's convenient for your criminals.

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