Sunday, January 29, 2012

Tortured @ CIA-Catholic "church" (middleton's revenge)

Really interesting "church" thing I went to a couple of days ago. It included criminals locally and from Redding, CA. Some of them were all the way from Nashville, TN because I recognized some of the kids even. There were even a few of them who had British accents.

It wasn't "church". It was a bunch of hypocrites.

I am sure that some of the people there were good and decent and normal. I am positive. But many of them were malicious, hateful and had nothing in mind other than working out their government research. It was quite discusting and artificial.

I said to my mother, whispering in an aside, at the very start of it, "Did they have
'interpretative dance' last time?" because they had gone the night before. She said no and then I noticed the easles and said, "Oh, I just noticed. They have interpretative painting." I added, "I just don't want to get any LSD in a communion wafer."

The entire thing was a government set-up and I'm sure there were others who were not government, but the entire time I sat there I was tortured so badly that I almost passed out.

I got up to use the restroom and my body cooled down bc they were heating my body at such high extremes I could hardly walk and then I cooled down dramatically in the bathroom and by the time I went back to sit down, I was seeing black spots--almost passed out. I literally almost passed out.

I said nothing, showed nothing, and said nothing. But I almost passed out and had to focus on staying conscious. I literally almost passed out, literally started seeing black patches and then I was extremely nauseous.

There were a bunch of fucking CIA assholes there.

I looked over at my parents and they were trying not to cry.

I actually looked at someone else and they had the exact same restrained tears in their eyes. I don't know why. I didn't talk to that person. I don't know if my parent's were also being tortured, but I definitely was.

All that people cared about, was working out their selfish motives and govt. or other revenge. Several of them were just hateful and half of them were into the CIA-military research.

Middeltons are CIA I am positive.

Have you seen that movie with Brad Pitt?

The one about rescuing the woman and man in a prison after the CIA does a hump and dump? In the very beginning scene at the CIA offices, a woman resembling Kate Middleton walks through their halls.

It is no accident.

It's kind of like, yeah, some things are coincidence and other things are the work of a film producer that is connected in some way to CIA who wants to put in a little "wink and nod" for those who already know.

Spy Game

Check it out. It's "Spy Game" with Brad Pitt. It's not a coincidence anymore than Steven Spielberg adding an English saddle under a rug that is exactly like the one I used to have, which was under a trap door, which I told my Dad about--that I had in a dream.

I have no idea how she got past the British intelligence but she did.

I didn't know if someone had made my parents go to the restroom and put something in the water bottle my mother brought in or what but I saw both of them drinking out of it and thought, maybe they are drinking this in the open so someone here makes sure they are taking their "medicine" or getting poisoned or drugged. So when the idea crossed my mind, I asked to see it and then opened it up and smelled it, which I wouldn't usually do in public.

My mother took it from me, when I did this and she drank the rest and put the bottle under the seat so I asked to take it to the restroom to fill with water. Then I tasted it, just a little and couldn't tell but since I got gotten up and left being tortured, my body cooled down suddenly and I sat back down and almost started blacking out. I had not been gulping the water, there wasn't much there but I tasted it and thought, what in the world because after this, and my sitting, I started to see the room spin and couldn't see as well and was nauseous. I think it was because I had left being lasered or ultrasounded.

All these people there KNEW.

I am sure some did NOT know. But there is no possible way some of those people did not know I was being tortured there in front of all of them.

I was so ill, that I wasn't sure if it was from the water in the bottle or from being lasered. But I was sick and then I focused through it and felt better.

They did this same thing to me in Nashville, TN, in their govt. funded women's shelter. It was even set up the same, with a section to the left, one in the middle, and one to the right.

This place was called "The Father's House" and it's in Winston, Oregon and owned by a "Susan Gelnette" (supposedly). That's what it said on the ownership thing for the business, not that she knows what happened that night or anything, but it was in the drawer bc I looked through all the drawers.

When we were leaving, I realized I couldn't speak the same.

And I realized, oh my gosh, this is the same thing my parents have had too. My Dad has come home from "work" or wherever he's been or who he's been with, and speaking with this odd slurred speech, not like drunk, but something wrong with ability to speak. And the exact same effect happened to me after that night, after being around some criminals (who go to church! so that makes them better..?).

Again, I don't want to offend anyone who was there and was completely innocent. But many were there who were NOT innocent.

My mother has had this same slur of speech. It is the exact same way I ended up speaking once we were in the car. I started talking and trying to talk and it wasn't the same.

If it was not from something in that water, it was the effects of high level torture.

Which means, my parents are being constantly exposed to high levels of torture from technology. I only swiped the bottle with my finger to taste the water, just a tiny bit, to see if there was a flavor. There was no flavor and I thought well maybe someone could gradually drink something and be exposed to it and have it not affect them.

Like arsenic. The Chinese used to slowly build up arsenic levels bc if they did it in very careful gradual amounts, if they got poisoned by an assassination attempt by poisoning, it was a resistance. They didn't die because they had it in their system.

So for a split second, I wondered if it affected me but not them bc they're always having to drink something toxic but I don't totally think so.

I think the nauseau and black patches were from being lasered at high levels and then cooling down and getting dizzy and sick.

I kept the bottle. I didn't say this at the time, but if anything happened to my parents and they keeled over or got sick, I wanted the evidence. So yeah, I didn't trust those people bc right there among them I was being tortured.

So then my Dad said why didn't you stand up for healing?

I said, "Right. I was being tortured there, and I'm going to stand up and ask the same people who know they are torturing me to pray for my 'healing'?" So my Dad said, "Even if you were tortured, who was doing it? and how would everyone there know about it? they don't all have something to do with it."

Then I remembered too, some things to add to my report which I forgot to write about, regarding restraining orders put against me to smudge and smear my record and who was making the most of that. I haven't even heard from my old best friend, for 7 years, since she got married. When her husband asked the police to "restrain" me and her MOTHER, after we went over there out of concern bc her mom said she sounded kidnapped, they put that on me and all the Catholics used it as a shoe slide for an excuse to then add their own. I'm still sort of worried about her, bc to this day I have not heard from her at all and it's not like her. And I remember thinking there is something about him that is different than what I thought. I mean, why did he have all these Catholic books in his bookcase? I never noticed until I was over there after they got married. And the person he knew, "Kari Sue" was a hateful horrid woman. She was hyper-religious, always doing her Bible studies and claiming to pray for hours in her attic upper-room in a house she owned, but there was something very controlling about her. She was an administrative, inflexible, and self-righteous personality with a lot of jealousy issues. She came in like she already knew me and hated me. She worked as secretary for the church we went to then: New Song church. Kari Sue. Uggh. My friend ended up living with Kari Sue and a couple of other women who were very controlling of Monica. They tried to even ruin our friendship, and then HE knew Kari Sue, and she was a TRIP. She was definitely NOT someone who was on my side in any way, shape, or form. She showed up to give Monica a place after I had met the monks of Mt. Angel. I think her background was actually Methodist, like Mykal Holt. Actually, no, I think her background was maybe New Science or that Scientist one. Church of God or Christian Science or something. She supposedly was from CA and also lived in Kentucky or Kansas and then swooped into Oregon to take over. She was short and petite and had a big show about "worship" publicly--dark brown shoulder-length hair. Just a piece of work. One of those controlling, holier-than-thou types that has a reserve like a spy and a cunning like the devil but so-happens to work in church and come between close friends. She's the one who brought her friend "Tim" over to meet her housemate (my friend Monica).

I owned my own house and Kari Sue owned her own house at a fairly young age. I had roommates very liberally and generously. I mean, I didn't try to make money off of my housemates actually. She was totally different. She was there to make a buck off of people.

For example. I had a house with bills (mortgage payments) and I had extra rooms, so I rented them out. I had (have) good business sense, but I am also generous. So I paid the most, and then the other 2 renters paid very little, I can't remember, but I think $200-$275 but I almost think it was a lot less. I didn't make money above my mortgage. I could have. I could have charged more and actually paid my mortgage AND gotten extra. You know, pay my bill and have a little leftover to put into savings. But even though I could have, and been within renting rates, I chose not to.

So they were essentially helping me pay my mortgage while living there, but I wasn't making additional money off of them. Kari Sue was totally different. She wasn't there to be a generous soul. Kari Sue charged her renters enough to cover her actual mortgage costs and then well beyond it. So while claiming to be the "missionary type" and having a "missionary heart", I was the one with the missionary heart while she had the corporate heart. Nothing wrong with a corporate heart, at all, but the incongruence with how she wanted to make herself appear vs reality--they were totally different things.

Not only that, she treated her renters like they were in a women's shelter and not as independent women managing their own lives. I said the rules are this: pay rent on time, pick up after yourself, and if you're gone for awhile, let someone know so we don't call police and can look out for you, oh, and recycle whenever possible (I had sections for plastics, glass, paper, etc). That was it. My place was their place and they had full independence. I didn't feel the need to lord myself over others or control them.

Not Kari Sue. She had a whole "chore list" and made everyone follow a scheduled list with chores and checking boxes and rotating. She charged her renters to make a profit, not for generosity or pious reasons while she tried to claim she was so religious. Then on top of that, she had curfew for her renters. I mean, it was like a women's shelter. And then on top of that, she was one of the worst gossips--she had prayer meetings for others to divulge secrets in and then keep gossip among themselves. She told her renters not to tell anyone how much she charged them for rent, and basically, while she gossiped about others privately, and tried to separate close friends, she asked everyone to keep it a secret.

She was just horrid. I had starting wondering where in the world she had come from and why she had any interest in me at all and wanted to remove friendships or keep her house closed off to others. And that is the person (woman) who brought in her "friend" with all of the other weird people she knew. There was this woman named Ana and her husband, and they seemed nice but everything was about being rigid and controlling. They preached and encouraged absolute, total, and full "obedience" of the woman to the man. Monica wasn't allowed to have an independent thought separate from him, and that's what they encouraged. It wasn't just "wives be submissive to your husband" like scripture, but "wives do not think, act, or do anything without your husband's permission.

She worked as a manager at a bank or mortgage company when I knew her. She was a bank manager for some time and then ended up working as secretary for New Song Church.

With Monica, all I know is that it wasn't just me who was concerned, I knew her mother and her mother had never acted panicked before until that time. The police totally supported Tim but some of them wanted something on me anyway--an excuse from a Protestant. But I had started to wonder what his background really was and SHE, Monica, had told her mother that she felt kidnapped. She had quit and cut off all contact with all of her friends and even her own mother. Her mom (Mexican-American) said to me she thought she had married into some kind of hippie-weirdo-cult.

Ha. It was probably just the CIA. The last time I ever talked to her, it was telling her about these things that were happening to me after these monks, and what was going on. She was freaking out about it and believed me 100% and then the next thing I knew, I was at their house and Tim sort of came onto me and after that, he never wanted Monica alone with me, EVER. So I didn't know if it was bc he didn't want me telling Monica her new husband had come onto me, (which I didn't do), or if he was somehow connected to the monks or something. I just thought it was odd and then they were isolating themselves with just a couple of people who acted suspicious and closed off. For all I know, they heisted Monica for CIA shit. She was a virgin, like me, when she got married, and then had kids, so how do you tell anyone about anything weird. Her mother was forgiven, but I never was. And then her mom wouldn't talk to me either. I guess bc things were getting so bad for me. But definitely, these new friends were very odd. They wanted to enclose her and isolate her and those poor kids. I can only imagine what some of them have done with them.

But yeah, he showed up after I knew the monks, through Kari Sue. I don't have anything against him inherently at all, I just know she wasn't acting mentally healthy after she was married to him and then she had kids and we were all isolated. I don't mean I thought Monica was acting "ill" but not herself and self-doubting and panicked. Out of it, basically. They probably tortured her in childbirth and she didn't even know what was happening. She also had this overly long child bearing session. I wonder if her kids' heads got "molded" too. They treated that entire childbirth like an Area 51 Top Secret Project, barring her own mother from seeing her.

(there was a new DJ switch and now the man that replaced the woman is entertaining the pregnancy topic. About being sick. By the way, I also saw that about Kate Middleon. Looking through receipts or papers of different sizes, smaller, in her hands and someone looking over her shoulder as she tried to hide it. Then her reading my FBI files from someone and I'd like to know who is giving HER my FBI file. And then something about throwing up--I just saw it once.)

Anyway, I am not pregnant and there is no possible chance of that. I've been celibate for almost 3 years now, again. I guess in 3 months it will have been 3 years of celibacy again.

Like I've said, it's not a problem for me (celibacy by choice). You have to get over the habit like anything and then it's homefree. Sure, if I'm married, I know it would be everyday, but there is no problem going from one extreme to the other for me. Which is WHY I am NOT an "addictive personality". I can quit anytime I want. Mind over matter.

The only things I imagine would be unfair to almost anyone, is maybe heroin or crack cocaine or the things I've heard someone say it's like you try it one time and you're hooked and it's almost impossible to stop. I mean, stuff like that would challenge the self-control of anyone, and definitely, tobacco is addictive. But I can take something on and quit it, like a snap of my fingers.

Love you! oh oh. You crossed the line. I don't love you starting now. Tah-dah!

Most times, on the relationship thing, I give people way too much leeway and benefit of a doubt. I mean, it took me years to face the facts about my "friend" Christa. I gave her several years past when I should have known but I didn't want to jump to conclusions. Even when so many things add up, still, I wanted to be sure.

Anyone who thinks they have to be in a relationship or can't survive without something, hasn't allowed themselves to be abstinent long enough to see if they can really do it. Some people are chain-daters like chain-smokers. They have their next one lined up before the last one ended, just in case.

No way jose. Not for me.

You know what pop song I love? the one about "I'm not doing a drive-by...I really like you but I'm not doing a drive-by" or whatever. It cracks me up only if I think about James Cartwright singing this song. It cracks me up, only to put this next to a professional person. Drive bys.

The other day I was looking up legal stuff, federal law, about kidnapping and thinking about B.C. and what happened to me there and then I noticed my books, out of the blue. I hadn't planned it but stopped and noticed, this one book overlapping another one and the one under it said, covering the "w", "ellness". I thought about Elle from the legal movie. Elle-ness and the book is from CA Berkeley so I sort of laughed. Ironys.

Oh to have an Iron Bed 13 feet long and be known in historical accounts as "The King with the iron bed that was 13 feet long." And the bed was put into a museum where everyone could see it and amaze until one day there was a war and they melted it down for weapons. Make ? not WAR? Why does anyone need a bed that's 13 feet long?

Anyway, this whole "church" thing had people there imitating people from my old church New Song, which I thought was odd, and then torturing me, and doing bizarre stuff with trying to read people and insult them at the same time.

It went from my telling Monica to remember what I told her because she could be a witness in the future, to never seeing her again. Right before litigation. ? Totally bizarre. Now it's been 7 years. Which is not like her, and her own mom knew it but I guess once you're married to someone and have kids, it's hard to argue against it.

I wrote to an old mutual friend and asked if he'd heard from her and just through the grapevine but Monica had been telling me even 7 yrs ago she couldn't email me unless Tim said it was okay. First, when we were still talking, she couldn't meet me for coffee or to chat anymore without him there. Then it was not even email. Then it was nothing. By now, she's probably completely brainwashed.

Now I'm remembering. Kari Sue moved to California. She was supposedly from Kansas (?) at first and sometimes California and she knew Tim from a Bible place in California (pretty sure). After she was in Oregon separating friends, she moved to California I think, for a job transfer or promotion with the bank or lending firm she worked for.

Kari Sue. Straight from Hell.

I would love to know what she was doing before Oregon and what she's done since because she was so secretive and conniving. I think it says something that I am still not in contact with Monica. She had said to me then, "Tim says you have to send him an email apologizing first and then we can talk again."

The police were dumb enough to use him as an excuse to put a restraining order on me and her mom and then they dropped the one for her mom and kept the one on me bc it worked to the advantage of others who already wanted to smear me (and maybe who were even connected to Tim or Kari Sue). Her mom had said to me, "She says she thinks she's going to have a nervous breakdown!" and something about being kidnapped. I had thought she acted like something was wrong before she was even pregnant. It was in their apartment, not their house. She just wasn't acting like herself. That was most likely the effects of Kari Sue and the brainwashing of others telling her to obey them and get rid of long-term friendships. I think even though hippie people were from California originally. They were all Californians at some point.

I would bet some of them profitted off of smearing me for others. How much you wanna bet?

I was just at this church conference that says I'm right.

I almost want to say I remember hearing something about Kari Sue having some kind of connection to the Air Force too. I am pretty sure it was a military connection as well and I believe it was Air Force. Like her Dad was, or someone very close to her was.

On Saturday, the day after the church thing (which was Friday night) all these people were in town doing psychic psi stuff. I saw several people from the church service we'd just been to. I left to get something downtown and when I returned my Mom didn't look very happy and the dog was freaking out. I said, "Have you been around English accents Scooter?" I said with my mom overhearing and I said who was here. She said no one and I said, "He's shivering and acting like he's been around that one kind of English accent." She said no one but he was acting strangely.

There were 2 men with British accents at the thing that night (and other english without accents (slips) showing), but neither of the accents sounded like the one dialect that Kiera and that other guy use.

Kari Sue recommended that Monica buy and use Tea Tree Oil products. All of a sudden she was on a tea tree oil kick. Whatever Kari Sue suggested, she did. I know Kari Sue had a brother, but I don't remember which one was in the Air Force. Bill Gates' site just put up an ad next to my email which reminded me about something else. It's an ad "from corporate sponsors to end poverty"...which is hilarious. She gave to World Vision like I did then, but she overcharged her renters to profit from them so she could then appear to be a philanthropist. Sort of like Bill and Melinda milking others for billions and screwing over small business owners and ruining democracy so they can put their pile of change into africa in a big heap hoping everyone will see. It's like the parable of the business person that screws people over and gets rich or makes money off of them, and then goes to church to dump a bunch of money into the coffer hoping people will notice how much they gave.

The 'excuse' is that they can do good with their money if they ruin democracy and society by screwing other honest people over first. So instead of allowing others to make a living in business and contribute to helping people, they want the philanthropist credit to go to them. How about not screwing over the justice system so it stinks for everyone to begin with?

Thanks for weakening America while you try to take credit for yourselves.

(and I do NOT have anything against the rich and favor the poor either. I think the rich get persecuted too, just for being rich or talented...the point is the hypocrisy)

Here. Let me take away everything that you own and then I want to be the one to "help you" out of your grave. That kind of thing. It's a backwards idea of appearing charitable.

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