Sunday, January 29, 2012

Evidence of Torture to Me (photo) and art photos

I'm including what the marks from laser to my hand now look like today (after peeling). One of me showing it's me and then a close up of the marks.

These are my Bibles. Blurry photo. The things sticking out are ties (twisties) I use to mark spots with, along with pieces of paper and mail--whatever is at hand if I suddenly don't want to lose a spot and grab whatever is closest)

the following are not necessarily best quality or focus or clarity but maybe i liked something about the balance. some of the best ones are in hiding right now bc i took so many so they're not showing up. so some of the best ones will not be up today. i might put up a few of things as I found them too, which are not art but interesting things I found.

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