Wednesday, February 8, 2012

CIA & U.S. Army (their response to phone call)

I just called a CIA toll free number to ask them to take responsibility for themselves or suffer consequences with the United Nation and they sent this msg back:

"This phone number has been disconnected; no further information is available, zero two seven P"

This is the site where I got the number:

I want to know if any woman has ever come forward to report Dempsey. How has he gotten as far as he has, with not one single woman ever reporting date rape or sexual harassment from him? or pedophilia? I am positive. I looked at his photo just tonight, the one from the Department of Defense website, and I'm positive. He is some kind of sexual predator. I've thought it before and just never said anything and never wrote it down. Even though I accused him of things or guessed a couple of things about his daughters, I never once wrote down what impression I got from him and it's that he has gotten away with some kind of sexual misconduct or predator crimes. So I am just wondering, ladies, why you are not coming forward about him and why you let him get as far as he has in the Army. Your refusal to take a stand is allowing a criminal person to be in a high position where he writes the check for other crimes that are even worse. For some reason, stuff about kids comes to mind which isn't really typical for someone so into Catholicism or a straight appearing lifestyle. But there is some kind of deviant and predator sex crimes from his past. I want to know what it is. I want him OUT of his job. Why is it all these women who were molested or whose kids were molested, step forward about politicians and often Protestant ones or minority ones, but never about military? These are dangerous people, in charge of giving consent to any number of heinuos orders and establishing that they have a criminal past should be something women are willing to stand up against. From what I hear, rape and sex crimes in the military are HUGE and uncontrolled and out of order. As long as women keep letting men beat them down and intimidate them into silence, nothing will change. This happens with police, law enforcement like FBI and military. They think they are ABOVE the law and that their positions entitle them to sexually assault women and children and these men all back eachother up because many of them have crossed the line in their lives, with at least one woman and they know and remember and hope they will never be caught.

"Renee Hudson", an African-American woman with U.S. Army answered the phone when I called the Army number. I called the same number listed on the site I posted above, with toll free numbers. I'm tired of being TORTURED and this country not punishing those in charge. I said I don't think it's a coincidence that you're answering the phone when you know your Hudson, NJ man Dempsey is responsible for torturing my family tonight.

I didn't swear over the phone or yell at all and she disconnected me or the call was disconnected by someone else. It lasted less than a couple of minutes.

My parents are being forced to go on a "trip" and it's all CIA. They do not want to go. I already know they don't want to go and almost started crying just thinking about it months ago when I first arrived. It's CIA. The CIA regional big house is in Phoenix, AZ, and that's where they held that Iranian scientist hostage and made it appear to everyone like he was completely free. He had a car, a house, looked like he was traveling freely...going to work, buying groceries, little things for himself.

Who would EVER THINK, "This man is being held hostage by the CIA." No one. Who would think, "This man is kidnapped basically." No one. How is his "travel" obstructed even? He appeared to be totally free. He was NOT FREE and neither are my Mom and Dad and they're being forced on a trip lasting "anywhere from a couple of weeks to a month" and they don't even know how long because THEY are not calling the shots.

Not only did the U.S. keep me from getting my money for college to block me from appealing my case with my son and getting him back, they didn't want me to use money to pay for holiday tickets because they didn't want my PARENTS to go anywhere or for me to figure out they are NOT FREE to leave this GOD DAMNED country.

It is CIA and military. The FBI and local police just act as the bouncers and protect the mafia that the CIA uses to do the dirty crap THEY want to mess with.

My parents are being tortured, forced to work, and they are forced to lie about everything and about me, and are being held hostage.

They have had to to AZ in the past too, for another fucking CIA check-in and to do more guinea pig work for others. I know it has been very bad for them in the past bc they cringe at the idea now, and when I already know how horrible things are HERE for them, I wonder to myself what kind of crazy crap are they pulling over in Arizona? They have to be torturing my parents because they wouldn't dread anything else as much. The thing is, they torture my parents HERE, so something has to be even worse over there.

It has to be a big CIA outlet because there is too much crap being generated from that single spot. They've got the Iranian man they dared hold, which is bold enough but now I know they've been doing this to my Mom and Dad for years. Then they kept tabs on that shooter that then went to jail for shooting the woman politician and others, who talks about CIA and military and how he was working for them but they deny everything--the one who talks about experiments they do with "lucid dreaming" or whatever. Mind control crap.

The U.S. has sold my son and put him in virtual chains with padlocks. They are torturing my son and have for a long time and are using him for mind control. They view my son as a piece of government property, not a child. They feel entitled to keeping him from me because they "invested" in him and don't want to start over.

They are criminals. They tortured us and abducted my son to torture him worse and use guardians they can control which is how it is ALWAYS done. They could NOT control ME so they took him from me.

I had talked openly about going to someplace for vacation and then all of a sudden, my parents were instructed not to give me any cash for anything and they controlled all the money and then stalled on processing of my education because they didn't want me to find out, and prove to everyone, that my parents are being held hostage and they also didn't want the public to know my son is being kept from me deliberately so they pulled out all the stops for this.

They are protecting their ownership and kidnapping and torture of my son like HE is an Area 51 all on his own person. They have used him and are criminally responsible for stealing children from every single generation of my family to use for the fucking U.S. government.

I hope another country takes this one over because this one has lost all its moral right to be independent. Who is standing up for US? Is it that bad? Is the U.S. now so corrupt that NO ONE in the FBI is standing up for us? or outside the U.S.?

Panetta is trying to squeeze us along with Dempsey because they are protecting their own church members who are criminals and don't want to get caught.

The U.S. didn't encourage the embassy break-in by a group of Iranians. The Holy See's men did, through other channels. Panetta and Dempsey deal with mafia and IRA. IRA gives arms to Muslim milias so if they wanted to find out about something the UK was doing that was of interest to them, or if they were wanting dirt on ME even (because they HATE my GUTS), they would try to find out who I was contacting by inviting a group to break in and then rewarding them with a special favor.

It wasn't a U.S. gesture of goodwill to the Iranians, it was Panetta and the Holy See and IRA thanking the thugs in Iran for giving them the discovery they wanted.

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