Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Torture Last Night & This Morning (for Alvaro)

The entire night last night I was targeted with technology, which caused pain to the metal in my neck, on the left side only, my left ear, and my left side of my jaw where my mercury fillings are.

I have taken over 8 pills of ibuprofen and tylenol in the last 6 hours and 2 ibuprofen before that.

It does not matter where I go in my house or outside bc I left in the middle of the night to tell my parents and ask them if they could take me to ER because I shouldn't have to deal with this.

The U.S. military and CIA are responsible.

I told my parents I think they imagine that if they could force me into having to apply for SSI to get my transcript paid, they think they can torture me and hope it will push me to call or try to contact Alvaro to eliminate their liability.

That is not going to happen.

If I already went all this time being tortured and not trying to get back together with him, why would I make any attempt now when I know he's a rat and a cheater and frankly, FBI and CIA, I don't believe in human trafficking of myself. I don't believe in calling up someone who sold me and my son to torture and research and who tortured me when I wouldn't sleep in his bed. Who tried to keep me from taking care of an assault and false charge for restraining order in Maryland. Who tried to obtain information about me to use against me, who took photos of my personal photos with his cell phone and shared them with others. Who tried to get me to talk about sex over the phone to him so clergy and their lawyers could try to say I used explicit language when I never have in my life and had never written any letters to their monks as they lied. He wanted me to degrade myself by allowing someone else to capture me talking this way to him after I'd already broken up with him. It wasn't for him, and he wasn't into that--he wanted the information for a group that wanted to use it against me to mock me with. He tried to gain information on who the father of my child was to use against me and to degrade me with, if possible and allow criminals to use for harming my family.

All this and a nice bow on the package with FBI and CIA written across it too. Wow. Who needs the mafia?

Who walked past U of Washington medical professionals in a striped shirt that matched the curtains of the hospital in Coquille where staff and Jose Agosto have tortured my parents?

Who has friends keeping me out of getting a copy of the marriage license and steal everything from me to try to erase the fact we were even together. Who spoke in a court hearing on the record, making it impossible to deny what relationship was there, which I can then use against the U.S. for illegally coercing me to marry him and knowingly torturing me.

Who wanted to dump me while I was bleeding in the hospital but otherwise hold me hostage and otherwise use me for his convenience.

Who tried to see if I would pay him back or he could get me to GIVE HIM MONEY for gifts of clothing he gave me which were part of gift giving. And then he is trying to find out if he could put a fucking mafia repayment plan on me and see how much he could get out of me, like I am a "soldier" for his FBI Fowler fucks. You know, like paying "dues" to the mafia while over here, I see my family being tortured.

Who degraded me in public by sleeping with women and propositioning them even in Wenatchee with everyone knowing while I was trying to protect my SON.

Child nurturer? Fuck his daughter. He cares as much for his own "daughter" and "sons" as he did my son. He followed his lusts rather than the best interests of a child.

Who seems to have been set up and put up by the Middletons who work for the CIA. Which is why they defend them by torturing me and did this before and after Alvaro because Alvaro was their ticket to getting me out of the way and serving their own interests.

Then punishing me for not marrying him as they tried to force me into through illegal human trafficking courtesy of the government of the United States of America.

Why? because apparently the CIA thinks I shouldn't have my son Oliver unless I am with a man. They're too chicken-shit to give protection when they know it's needed so they torture to force people into the positions they want--on their back, fucking their men.

And maybe this CIA involvment with Middletons is why they wanted to start torturing me against last night through military connections (Dempsey). Maybe it's because Dempsey and O'Reilly are in with the IRA and N. Ireland which wanted to support the Middletons because they hate my guts.

Why else would they get a group of Iranians to mob the English embassy? They heard me admit I went to an Iranian embassy and then decided they wanted to try to find dirt on me or my family. They figured maybe since I'd sent emails to the English embassys in Iran, there might be something there right? Since the English and Iran have in the past had better relations than Iran and the U.S.?

I had nothing to do with Iran or talking to them about anything besides what I've talked to anyone and everyone about. I cried and and asked them about political asylum in their country and didn't have anything "to offer" and they never asked me to offer anything either. I just went in and they said well send them a report with details of what happened to me and they'd review it and then I never sent it. So that was the extent of everything.

But I'm sure some Irish Catholics and others who hated me and were guilty of religious hate crimes through FBI and other connections wanted to make access of Muslim friends they dealt arms to on the blackmarket to try to get something on me to have a cover for themselves.

Dempsey is IRA connected. So WHY is he in the position he's in? He supports a terrorist organization.

Then here comes the Italian Catholics, circling wagons for the hispanic and Irish Catholics that were repsonsible for assaulting me and my son and torturing my family and colluding with Jewish to do it. A little reward, we'll pick up some Iranians as a thank you for the break-in on behalf of the Holy See.

Can we talk about something? how is THIS in U.S. interests? Are the Catholics in office really serving U.S. interests or just themselves and trying to use their positions for the country they really have allegiance to? Get a little discovery for the Vatican lawyers to make sure they can keep down anyone they are worried is a potential legal threat to their criminal enterprise. They have used so many of their own members in official and non-official positions, to torture and harass my family and collude with a Jewish group that had motives of their own, they will go so far as to support an embassy break-in to see if it will help THEIR lawyers.

Not U.S. lawyers. Holy See lawyers and Catholic church members.

Is it standard for the U.S. to help and assist Iranians to conduct their business after being captured by pirates while putting sanctions on them at the exact same time? "We're going to freeze you out of money but oh hey, we'll save a boat of your people for doing us a favor with that break-in for the Holy See. No one will know. It will look like good old U.S. goodwill."

? Economic sanctions for the entire country but they're saving one boat of Iranians? Which ones? the ones who get funding from the IRA? Isn't, like, Michael Middleton a Northern Ireland supporter? which is how he got his daughter a nod from them?
I took another 2 aspirin an hour ago (now it's 1 p.m.) and just took another 600 mg. ibuprofen and 800 mg. tylenol. Why? because I'm being tortured by the United States.

They have had this going ever since my art post from last night. Maybe someone felt threatened by it. Like I've said, whenever I write something good, beautiful, or normal, these people who abuse their positions in government feel "threatened" and torture me more to provoke a response that will not gain favor from anyone.

That's how it's been.

I asked my parents if they would take me to the ER because I am not going to live with this kind of torture and they refused, saying they were both called up by the Coquille Valley Hospital.

Apparently, the Chilean doctor who smugly sat through my parent's worship service, wanted to defame me. So without any authorization to this hospital, by me, to call up my parents, they did, and said they had felt "threatened" by me and almost called police.

Which is basically attempting to intimidate my parents.

They had no authorization or consent from me to contact my parents about me or my medical care. It was not any kind of emergency. It was something that John Kaempf's Catholics have routinely attempted, to create false documentation that I am harassing people or threatening and then use this to intimidate my family.

I didn't do anything threatening there at all. I didn't use even one swear word, I didn't insult anyone or call them names, I didn't raise my voice or yell, I wasn't crying or upset or angry, and I didn't get up off of the examining table. The only thing I did which she didn't like was ask questions, politely, and then answer back "That's a psychotic" when she suggested thorazine.

So if it's threatening to have a woman stare at you and know what you're trying to pull, the doctor is an issue. She then asked me to leave the hospital when I said why would she give me an anti-inflammatory when I just took a ton of Ibuprofen. I said okay and didn't protest and said I would just like to take a copy of the chart notes with me from that visit. So this was brought, and I signed the papers, and I left peacefully.

I did not do or say one single "threatening" thing.

When I got HOME, I wrote more about her. But I didn't do anything threatening.

So they called up my parents, unauthorized and threatened and intimidated my mother and father by lying and claiming they almost called police.

They had called a police officer to greet me when I first arrived, before I even walked in the door, and she stood at the top of the hill and watched me walk up. I have been to that hospital one other time and there was NO incident.

So basically, the Roman Catholic Chilean who mocks my family's worship services and targeted my back while sitting behind me, wanted to create a problem and be intimidating from the very start. They even had the ER door locked and that entrance is not supposed to be locked to the public. It wasn't a door for the employees, it was the main ER door for the public.

So today and last night I'm being tortured and I'm in extreme pain and we're forced out of even painkillers for the pain, because this Catholic medical professional and her nurse called up to intimidate and threaten my parents.

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