Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Torture and Obstructing Reporting: Landmines

They have been obstructing my blog all day.

The U.S. military used technology to torture me the entire night last night after I put up my art post. I did not sleep one minute. Then the ENTIRE day they targeted me and followed me around, from my house, to walking dowtown and then all the way back to my house.

So either the military zoned in on me the entire time, using CT radioactive fluid to tell me apart from other civilians, or some other thing was done to activate or tap into the metal in my neck that is showing up as an undetermined circular spot.

I'm the one with landmines. I have landmines in my body.

I have what is appearing to be a microchip in my neck and it shows up on a CT and the only time they could have done this was when I broke my neck and they did a surgery and had access to my neck. So it would be really interesting to find out that I, the one they were going to put a "halo" on, is carrying around a landmine because the U.S. put it there on purpose, to track me after knowing what they could use my parents for.

Halo Trust and landmines may as well be me. I am the one who they were going to put a halo on, and yeah, I have something like a landmine in my neck. A small round metal object they implanted which they used to maybe follow me with and not harm, and now they're harming me with it.

It is on my CT so it is not my imagination. "Undetermined incidental significance" of some signal density which they wrote was maybe a "cyst" but was showing up as giving off some kind of flare of some kind, I mean, they put something in my neck because I can feel this.

Diana did the landmine publicity in 1997, just 2 years after my surgery. Maybe even less than 2 years depending upon dates.

They're using the radioactivity to find me while I am walking I am sure. It's everything on the left side of my head and neck and I cannot function like this. If I push on one part it gets a little better but I've taken tons of medications all day and nothing is helping.

I could not sleep or function all night last night, and then all day today I was in extreme and severe pain including now and then I was so exhausted from all of the pain that when this FUCKING GOVERNMENT quit torturing me for about a 1/2 hour, I was wiped out and went to bed. That was at 6:30 p.m. or so. Then a 1/2 hour later, they started it up again. I had all electricity in my house turned off, including heaters, and they are doing this to me. I cannot sleep, and I am in severe pain.

They have also targeted my head with headaches again too and then everything else is the left side of my body.

Does this not make any sense to anyone? How is the U.S. and all these steel companies who are popping up as supporting Middletons, all over the place, and showing up as party to my defamation in even huge newspapers, why steel?

Why the military?

It puts the bad people with regard to what happened to Diana on the steel side and the good people outside of that camp because she was challenging military which profits steel and she was also possibly alluding to something else.

My parents are psi gifted. They're psychic. Diana was totally into that stuff. She would have enough resources to potentially know about them. And she might also have enough connections to have heard that something was done to me after my car wreck.

I know I've been stalked ever since.

The U.S. wouldn't want anyone to know if they had done this to me. It sounds too horrific and I was a nice, pretty, and talented girl who was a virgin. They would have had horrendous problems. And here they believed I was traveling to Middleton, TN so they were possibly worried about something. Worried someone might mix me up with another group they were favoring and had used to push me down so long.

After they killed Diana I know my family suffered.

So aside from wondering if I have a virtual landmine in my neck, and basically already knowing this is the case, I am wondering which country is going to take it out for me in a surgery because all the U.S. would do is hide the evidence.

I have not even been allowed to see the results of my own CT yet. I don't have a CD drive and the library one doesn't work with downloads for programs to view, and my mother had someone telling her not to let me see. So SHE has seen it, and I haven't.

Which still makes me wonder how long the military and CIA used my parents to coordinate research and illegal experimentation of human beings without their consent.

My babysitters were trying to hypnotize me, just as I witnessed my son being hypnotized in CPS visits.

The CIA has used me since I was a kid. FUCK THEM.

Not only did I see bugs on my wall one night which was exactly like coming off of an LSD drug, I remember having babysitters over that tried to hypnotize me.

I don't think that's typical, and this is exactly what I witnessed this God damned country doing to my son.

Then all day my internet was obstructed and turned off and froze up and I could not do one single thing for my legal case.

I had a couple of days before yesterday, of not being tortured very much, and not hardly at night and then they just came back for no reason and tortured the living daylights out of me.

Maybe because I wrote in my blog I might leave the U.S. in a "few years" so these fuckers thought they could show that to the UN and say I'm not really being tortured. Oh, she wrote that she's leaving the U.S., but not for a couple of years, so how is she being held hostage and how is the torture so bad?

I know exactly what these assholes were thinking. They thought that when I blogged this, just recently, they could use this as an alibi.


If I say I'm going to use my financial aid money to get the hell out of this country because they're trapping me here and holding me hostage, do you think I'll get my transcript paid off?

Is it that bad? Yes, it is that bad. It is bad enough to where I know this country is damned and has lost its blessing from God. I have never cursed God, but I've cursed this country, because this country already brought a curse upon itself.

Someone broke into my house at night again recently and cut my finger, after I wrote something about Mueller, and moved things around including hand towels in my bathroom on a night I didn't secure my place very well. How I slept through a cut I don't know, but they did this to me at the women's shelter in TN. Someone sliced my finger while I slept in a bunk with tons of other around so for me to not walk up it had to be a very sharp knife that you don't feel when it's slicing. Some cuts are like that. I didn't give myself a papercut and it's not a papercut. It's from a knife.

I don't think all the people are bad in this country and don't curse them but this country tortures me and my son, and others, and yes, it has cursed itself by this.

They used ME as a kid and hoped I'd never know and then left me alone and tried to use me again later. Just oppressed me and then one day, full blown torture and then they were trying to USE me to work for THEM.

I do not want this for my son. My son deserves better. He is better than this country and too good for this country. He is not an American. Oliver was not given a social security number for a reason--because THIS country tortured him and me before he was even born.

Oliver is too good for the U.S. I feel the U.S. is beneath him. They are the terrorists. They are the abusers and they allowed this in their official name just as they used ME as a kid in their official name.

So no, I do not have Stockholm Syndrome and I am not lying about torture.

I am also not exaggerating how bad it is, because if it sounds like it can't be that bad if I say I might stay here and leave in 2 years or so, and not instantly, what else do you expect a torture victim to say who is trying to either NOT be tortured and left alone to get their kid and go to college, or, if torture continues, to take this money and leave this country at first available chance.

It IS as bad as I've said it is. And yes! I am being held hostage because it is NOT my choice to live here and be tortured. I would escape if I could and instead they kicked me out of all housing, my vehicles, my driver's license, college, work, and then they defamed me as mentally ill while they continued to torture me worse.

I have not been able to work on my case for my son AT ALL because of this. I left the house today and was tortured all day and you know what, God DAMN the Jews respsonsible too because they're the ones with the intel who DO know what is going on. So GOD DAMN those who are responsible for this and for being silent. And no, the Jew is not blessed above other when they lose their blessing and sell their bowl of soup with acts of torture against others. So it doesn't matter if they're Catholic, Protestant, or Jewish, if they torture others, they lost their blessing.

I am not a violent person and I've never done one single violent thing to anyone in my life. Ever. They attacked me and my son, innocent civilians, with torture.

They damned themselves, I just repeated the truth--That they are cursed.

I don't know why, but the U.S. backed off a lot on torturing me for about 1 week or less than a week. I would say 3-4 days, they backed off a lot. It was still always present, but I actually slept a couple of nights. Then, they brought everything back, as bad as before.

So God Damn them.

Whatever they are hoping to acheive through torture and use of little children for their research, did you know who the millstone goes to? Them.

It would be better for them to have a millstone around their necks than to have abused and used ME as a kid, and my son as a child. And as for torture, there is no forgiveness for torturing someone. That's crossing the line, to torture innocent people, even in their own country, who were made vulnerable in order to be tortured at all.

God damn Alvaro Pardo for not speaking up about the truth too. He had to know who did this to me and my son or they never would have quit on his account. So he knows. And God damn whoever was behind Alvaro, who knew what kind of crimes they concealed about me and my son which they could have shared.

How am I supposed to prove torture?

I've put up evidence of photos of laser burns and proof that medical doctors have been lying about everything.

Do you trust ME or THEM?

I might not have very much evidence to show, but that much, combined with the fact that it matches the testimony I've had all along, proves I am more trustworthy than they.

I just took 1800 mg of ibuprofen because I've been taking 900 or more all day and it's not touching the pain from what this country is doing. They ARE going to be caught.

Sorry, but I remember being hynotized, or having someone come into my house to use babysitting as an excuse to use me, just as my son's daycare is an excuse to use him.

FUCK YOU MILITARY and FUCK YOU CIA. YOU can all go to fucking HELL.

This is why and how my parents are being blackmailed. They were either forced to let the U.S. use me as a kid (and maybe my brother) or they voluntarily agreed it. So over the years, that adds up to a lot of material to blackmail with. Which is why my parent's can't validate me and agree this is what is happening. They are being threatened with jail most likely, or a psych ward.

It's the classic pattern of how the military and CIA blackmail people for these programs. My parents were victimized first, by the government and then they sought to use them and find grounds to then use their kids. Then, they couldn't use me to get to my son, so they tortured.

But all of this torture and turn of events was not research. Religious hate crime used the history as an excuse for covering up what they were doing.

It's why the Jews have wanted to control my parents too. They always want to be the #1 psychics who are supposedly right about everything. If they know about abilities of others or want to oppress them, or if someone is ahead or getting ahead of what they all agree they want, that's THEIR motive for working with Catholic hate crime.

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