Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Catholic Church Harassment Through Torture

Now they're using the research program as excuse for harassment and not just cover.

First they used torture to cover up and excuse crimes and defamation. Now they are using torture to win their "psychic" games with U.S. military programs.

I am still being tortured and it's severe. I rated my pain at 8 but it's worse. At times it's been far worse and this has been going on a long time. They tortured me today just to push me to do, say, and act out what they wanted.

They deliberately provoked me to such pain and frustration of sleep that I had to call 911 and "lost it", swearing and saying God damn this country and on and on, and screaming. Real nice.

It's exactly what they wanted.

The sickest part is that the only way to get this, was to torture me for weeks and at varying levels and to prevent me from sleeping on top of everything. In addition to making the torture worse every time I tried to lie down, to frustrate me, they kept me from even reading my email today. They changed the times of the food bank too, which is at the Catholic church.

Every single thing they could do, to have me go in the wrong direction or waste my time, or provoke me, they did, and it's not like I blew up and freaking lost it over a little "pain".

They are blasting the eyes out of my Mom and Dad and they are brutally and horrificly torturing me.

I am putting out my torture report now. I'm not waiting. I will submit more to the UN but I need them to address this now, and put in for the interim cease-fire they can facilitate because we are already in danger.

The reason the UN does this is because they know the moment a country (or corrupt persons in a country) make a UN claim of torture or violence, the hostilities and violence is likely to get worse.

It did.

I am not joking.

I say things got bad when I asked for FBI FOIA, but actually, my entire family experienced retaliation by the U.S. and hate groups, right after I filed an inquiry to the UN asking them to please help us.

Right after this my parents were assaulted, I lost all good grace with everyone in town that wanted to use me (maybe some wanted to help), and we were all immediately punished.

It is exactly what happened.

So the UN knows retaliation can be expected and that torture will be continued so they can iniate a "block" to this, by contacting the state in question, while the complaint processes for a year.

I do not believe my parents should be going to Arizona because I think it's more CIA and that they are endangered as it is.

I just went to the hospital and the torture was there too. No matter where I went and even now, I am being tortured. I took a vicodin after the 1800 mgs of ibuprofen I took and I am still being tortured. It doesn't help.

All this, not even to fight me on things as much as to win predictive games, which is all it is now. The hate groups hate me. They hate my guts or they wouldn't go to all this trouble. But they are so beyond being worried about me, that now it's just games to them on top of the violence.

Before, it was sheer hatred. Now, they mock me while they torture me. The sentiment and feeling has shifted. They feel assured that they have the upper hand. And they do. They have the upper hand because their friends have the power and are using technology to assault us and are getting away with it.

So tonight is the night.

I am filing a 1 page report tonight or so, to have it immediately considered for emergency reasons and then am letting them know I have supplementary timeline and documentation and evidence to give them and that my family has been retaliated against since I made the initial inquiry last spring. I have not even been able to work on my complaint, because they've tortured me ever since I filed an inquiry.

It has made the process extremely slow and almost impossible.

Am I proud of my reaction? no. But only God knows and can Judge because only He knows the severity of pain and the harassment and use of my family, the degrading treatment...God is not mad at me. He is not looking down on me with shame or in anger. He is for me and is not shocked by my response. I do not feel shame and as I write that, the moon has appeared from beneath the thick clouds, shining very bright white and round.

I didn't think there was a moon tonight, the clouds were so heavy and thick, but then as I wrote this, it came out and was revealed. God is with us. I just know it.

Here's a prediction:

If a man is standing next to a river and a bunch of people outnumber him and take hold of him and throw him over the edge, he will end up in the river.

Oh, here's another one:

If a woman is told to apply for a license or die, she will apply for the license or die.

Here's another prediction and I bet I'll win this one:

If a child is yelled at, humiliated, and beat up and deprived of sleep for several days, if you desert them, they will cry.

Here's another one:

If you torture people, you will win anything, no matter how stupid you are, how cruel, how far from God, and how untalented.

I'm not impressed with petty people who attempt to prove they can make accurate predictions when they use torture as a convenient crutch.

I'm not impressed with those who get ahead when it is inevitable they will by use of torture. It doesn't mean you have favor with God or that you're the better person--in fact, it means the opposite.

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