Thursday, February 9, 2012

Plea To China & Russia & Other Countries (Please Invade U.S.)

Please invade the United States. Please.

I am begging some of you other countries to please, in the name of God, please prepare to invade this country that I live in.

IN the name of God, please.

I am being tortured in the name of religion, which is a false one and has over-run this country. They are corrupt. They lie and tell all the other nations they are superior and they used to be, maybe, one time. Not anymore.

I am begging you to please invade and take control of this country.

I am not being sarcastic and I am in the middle of severe pain.

I just went to the U.S. emergency room when they all already know they are torturing me and my family.

What is the point of my going there to get treatment when THEY are the direct cause.

I am begging you in the name of God to invade and take this country over. It is finished. This country is corrupt. It is like holding a void check that says so many hundreds of billions of dollars and yet it's void. It's worthless. All of the laws and constitution, bill of rights, everything is being violated. Children are being tortured, and this is while THEY claim to be religiously superior and more "moral" than other countries.

They are hypocrites.

They have been torturing me, first in secret and then outright, openly, for almost 1 full decade. My life is ruined, because of this country. This is supposed to be the land of promise and good and it has nothing left to offer anyone but the corrupt.

They are torturing me right now, at this moment, and this is after I went to the Emergency room for the pain because I have been taking 6 pills at a time, knowing it will do nothing because it's pain from technology that isn't cured by pills.

You have to know what I mean. There are some kinds of severe pain that no pill will help or cure.

PLEASE DO SOMETHING. Don't tell me that with all of your people and all of your training and armies, that you cannot join together and take this country over.

If they want a remnant of the land or what it is, give them Hawaii. Give them an island and nothing more. There, the corrupt can gather and continue their practices.

We cannot take this and it is ruining the entire world's economy as well. Why? because the idea was bad? No, because the people are bad and have lost any respect for the idea and laws of this country.

They lie and say all the other nations are terrible while they TORTURE us. Other countries even know about it.

They have gone from practicing this in secret to mocking me and my son, my family, to our faces, and laughing, while parading around with their games at our expense. We are not being "stalked" and "used"--we are being viciously and severely tortured.

The FBI is completely corrupt and tied into religious gangs who do nothing but favors for themselves. They don't know God. I believe God is done with this country. This is going to be the Babylon that the U.S. submits to or loses their lives. Jeremiah said, "Do you want to hear the truth or not?" and the King didn't really want the truth but said okay and Jeremiah said, "Don't kill me if I tell you the truth, promise?" and the King said, "I promise. Just tell me what is going to happen." Jeremiah said, "You will be captured by the Babylonians. You need to surrender and submit to them and you will keep your lives. If you resist, you will die."

That was God, telling the country he had even favored, that there time was up. I believe the time is up. It's too late for the U.S. to fix themselves. They have ruined too many lives, and not been willing to correct themselves. They can't do it. They refuse to do it and the ones doing the worst are making money and getting ahead while the rest of us suffer.

The justice system does not exist. It is 100% corrupt.

It is not as if the U.S. needs to have sanctions made on it. It needs to be conquered.

Maybe sometime in the future, after they are forced to read and remember history and consequences of ill management and torturing ones own citizens, they can try to assemble and re-establish themselves.

There is NO reason why China could not take this country over in one fell swoop. There is no reason why Russia should not be a contender. Some of these larger populations with lots of soldiers and people, they could do it and I am begging you to do it.

My son and I have been brutally tortured here.

At first, it was in secret. Then, it was flaunted out in the open. So many people in the community knew about it: protestants, mormons, catholics, jewish...and they did nothing.

They are cowards and corrupt. All they care about it is that it's not happening to them and they have mocked us like we're martyrs in the colleseum, for sport. It's been an open colleseum for me.

My son was just a tiny baby and everyone in the town witnessed what happened to him. That town of Wenatchee is full of so many hypocrites and liars coming from Seattle too, that it should be wiped off of the map. It should no longer have a name for itself at all.

I have tried everything. I have tried and done everything any human can possibly do. I have been tortured here, on THIS soil, as a CITIZEN, and innocent, for over 10 years. I have prayed for them. I forgave them and tried to be peaceful for years. I tried to work with them. I tried to be tolerant. I tried to COMPROMISE to the point of degrading myself just to have them return something they knew was mine to begin with--my son. I have also tried threats and tried to sue and should have won and not been tortured and blocked.

There is nothing left. There is NOTHING left that can be done about this country.

I have done everything humanely possible to avoid being TORTURED. Something I should not have to even ask for. How is it I am an American citizen begging my country not to torture me? my son?

They tortured my son in front of my eyes and kidnapped him. There is NO justice system. The justice system is functioning now only for the richest businesses and corporations and no one else.

I have tried to pray and forgive, for YEARS while being tortured. I have tried using verbal threats to take action and sue. I have sued and been pushed out by illegal methods which the FBI took part in. It wasn't just citizens pushing me out of court, it was the federal government.

I was the one willing to say, as an innocent mother, "Call me mentally ill then! okay, you win! call me mentally ill, and I will agree if only you will then increase my visits with my son."

They had no right to take him to start. I reduced myself to their level, to the point of saying, Please, take everything then. TAKE EVERYTHING BUT GIVE ME MY SON. Give me more time with my son.

They didn't respect compromise or even my willingness to let them elevate themselves and protect their own interests.

They maliciously took everything and then blocked me from even seeing my son. When I DID see him, they paraded him around me, with cuts and slashes, mutilated genitals, bruises from harm, not talking normally, out of it, showing signs of hypnosis.

God DAMN this country. In the name of God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit, this country is damned. I beg another country to please invade.

It was not just people in the community who witnessed torture of my son. They shared all of the information about us to everyone but kept records from me. They used my family as a circus for their own amusement.

God DAMN them.

Every single law anyone could possibly break, I have witnessed being broken. The only thing I have not witnessed firsthand is a hands-on murder and I've witnessed everything else.

Tonight I took 9 ibuprofen following other medications (after several hours). It wasn't to overdose but to desperately attempt to treat pain from being tortured by the U.S. FBI and military. They were 200 mgs each. I have had prescription strength of 800 mgs before and told to take 2 rarely. So after I took a few and they didn't work, I took a few more. Then a few more to see if it helped. It didn't touch a thing. I went to the ER and they gave me 6 vicodin and 6 valium. I was only planning to take 1 of them and tried to work on my UN complaint.

I am still in extreme pain and I gradually added one and then another. I have taken 5 of them in the last 2 hours. I have 1 left and I feel no difference in the level of pain. These Vicodin are 5 mg. each and 500 mg tylenol. I know I shouldn't have this much tylenol but I am in extreme pain. I feel almost no relief. I took a half of a valium but that's it because I can't sleep when I'm being tortured and trying to make a UN complaint.

I am being brutally tortured and the only reason I am still writing is because with what strength I have, I am begging another country to take this one over.

I don't care what the UN does, aside from hoping they influence the U.S. to quit tortutre. Why is it requiring UN intervention at all, on something like this? The only other complaints to UN from the U.S. are coming from male prisoners or convicts who allege excessive police brutality.

I am one woman with a child.

This country has ruined my life and then tortured me systematically and tortured my son. It's not just men who are criminals getting beat up worse than they should.

The U.S. is torturing women and children and then Hillary has the gall to preach to the Middle East about their treatment of women. What a fucking bitch and hypocrite. Where is Hillary on the "village" that watched my SON suffer as he and I were tortured? Where is anyone, on our suffering? Are we the only ones treeated THIS badly? My parents can't even be honest and speak about it. My Dad's eyes are totally dark grey and sunken in and depressed into his face. It looks like he had a metal clamp on his nose for hours and was electrocuted in the eyes.

I am almost ready to get a pair of pliers and tear out my entire molar with this filling myself. I put my finger on it and it's radiating. The dentist who did this filling was military and worked at a federally funded clinic in Wenatchee. I have never seen my dental x-rays since he did this filling because someone repeatedlly steals them and I have never viewed them. Something is wrong with it. I do not believe it is a normal filling. There is something else going on.

I have never heard of a vibrating filling before.

I just took 2 more valium which means I have 3 valium now and 5 vicodin along with 9 ibuprofen in my system and I am still in excruciating pain. If it does not improve, it is bad enough where I will call the ambulance again.

I cannot live like this.

It is not a matter of my leaving this country either. I don't WANT to leave. Why should I be forced out of my own country where it should be easier for me to get work and where I have been TRYING to go to college for almost 2 decades and if someone isn't discouraging me, who is jealous, it's a man raping me and then it's the CIA torturing me through military hits.

Am I Edward Howard's daughter?

Did the FBI break his neck and then set out to kill me? Are they just bent on destroying my entire family? Did the CIA set me up for their shitty program when I was a kid and then decide to side with Middletons later? All these MK-ultra freaks that use my family are connected--UK, Canada, and US--they all work together on the same programs and share informationn on the same kids who then become adults they hump and dump or promote if they're pliable and brown-nosing enough.

What did this country think? they think they can keep MK-Ultra crap a secret when they've been torturing and using generations of adults and their children? THIS is why my parents can't say anything about me. It has nothing to do with anything else. It has to do with blackmail about secretive programs that are FLAT-OUT ILLEGAL.

I've gone through almost 5 bags of chocolate from being tortured and feel like it's all a joke about how much they can torture me and will I eat through all the chocolate I just bought. These people in charge are mother fuckers. They are mother rapists.

I am not getting my son back.

There is no point in even trying anymore because I already have enough evidence to prove I have no chance, no matter what I do. I can prove already that the lawyers and Judges colluded and lied. That's not something you "appeal". It's crime that the FBI is supposed to investigate and THEY are in on it.

The FBI is the reason I am not getting my son back.

God damn Raul Bujanda and his mafia, inside the FBI and out. God damn Julia Thornton. God damn Laurie Laughlin, who is a worst mobster than some of the men. God damn Armando Garza. God damn Edward Israel. God damn Rabbi Rose and Lorraine and his family. God damn Josh Gatov their friend. God damn Mueller and his family and God damn the person that broke into my house to cut my finger with a knife after I said he was nothing more than a papercut sufferer. God damn Mary Ann McIntosh and her cold scientific fascination with games and psi. God damn and crucify Anne Crain for cruelly treating my son and disrespecting him. God damn Judge Wasson and Koch firm and Gregoire for attempting to intimidate and threaten my mother not to help me file things to appeal for my son. God DAMN you. I sincerely hope Bill O'Reilly ends up in a car crash. God damn Dempsey and God damn the Italian lawyer mobster for Washington D.C. CPS. God damn Leon Panetta. God damn Biden for taking part in a number of horrific cover ups including Ruby Ridge. God damn Judge Hotchkiss for using his bike gang connections to terrorize me in Wenatchee. God damn every single "Jennifer" (all 3) who slid in records to work against ME, taking advantage of my being tortured. God DAMN them all. Every one of them, and their illegal connections in TN. God damn Brad Uhl and his wife from the TN DEA and God damn every single FBI local office that closed their doors to lock me out so I could be poisoned and tortured and given death threats by their non-FBI friends. God DAMN you. God damn Gregory Fowler for coming over here like some kind of D.C. and NY joke for Alvaro, his buddy. Both of you are fuck-offs and I resent your presence when your very name is used to make a point about what happened to me and my son by being assaulted and dragged back into this HOLE of a country, with "refoulment". What a fucking joke. God damn your mafia-military presence to collude with other illegal military ventures against my family and God damn the FBI that is surrounding this property. And yeah, I started getting tortured worse when I mentioned Fowler. Why? because he's connected to the Koch mayor who knows Koch's over here that have been part of terrorizing my family along with the "goodmans" and Rozollos. God damn your NY connections to the FBI in NY that Karen knows, after she paraded herself around in an ensemble to match me and mock me at Stephanie Myers shower. God damn Stephanie for having airs and jealousy when I visited her Dad in the hospital. What did they think I was doing? trying to get something out of their Dad? God damn Joy for assuming too much. They were blinded and sideswept by a bunch of Catholic assholes after I stupidly said too much about their family and then they think they're better than I am. God damn them for having me sit next to their social worker friend from Seattle when I had my son with me. God DAMN you for your false friendship. All my life I was nothing but supportive and not once using them but appreciating the fun and friendship and they just took off on the track of noveau riche and putting on airs. I am SO sorry I was such an embarrassment. Making fun of me for gaining weight through pregnancy, putting on airs around others who hid their purses from me as if I'd pilfer through them at a shower, bringing in all these Catholic brown-nosers who showed up to marry Pamp and seduce Stacey and get as close as they could to money, after I stupidly mentioned the money. Giving everyone the best wine, the blush, at the shower to toast, but telling me to settle for a cheaper variety. FUCK YOU Stephanie, for making yourself out to be a real grown up snobbish disappointment after being a halfway decent kid most of your life. FUCK YOU. Not even stopping at withholding the best wine from me, but then looking down her nose and recommending I get a plain bagel with plain cream chees because I must not like things as sophisticated as "garlic onion bagels with sundried tomato cream cheese." Like sun-dried tomatoes are saffron or something exotic. And then smirking and asking if I've ever had risotto before. WHAT a fucking delicacy. RISOTTO. No, I'm just a poor girl with no taste who can't appreciate or understand risotto when actually I had more intuition with cooking than even she did but I encouraged it anyway because it was her passion and didn't want to steal any of the glory. Her thing. Let HER own it. I was humble and respectful even as a kid, while I was mocked. I got back from that horrific wedding shower and sobbed at how I was treated. I sobbed. "Here, sit next to the Catholic social worker Cameo." Because that's where welfare mothers should be seated. At the opposite end of the table of their former best friend, with the social worker prying and asking questions. Well, if we must be honest, while Stephanie was smirking at my thick oversize fat thighs from having given birth to a healthy baby, your boobs really do not look like the towers of gibralter they once were honey. But at least I didn't make a snide gesture or comment about how you should invest in a support bra these days while you were picking on me for being fat. Who is this "Campbell" Australian guy anyway? another fucking Catholic? The inclusion of Catholics into the Maiers family did not improve them, let's just say. and yes, they all glommed around them after I dumbly revealed their money and holdings. Not bc that's why I had been friends with them--I was too young to think about those things and just had friends for friendships'sake, that's it. But Karen was Catholic and became Steph's best friend, and Pamp was suddenly around this Catholic woman who seduced him and married him, and Stacey was approached by a Catholic man in D.C., and Christina was with a Catholic boyfriend...just a little strange, since Catholic Christa Schneider knew Karen. I guess it was the Catholics-in-the-Department-of-justice-and-FBI connection. I tell Christa what I'm going to wear and how I'll do my hair and why else would Karen wear the exact same thing and hair and make up and shoes as I said I'd wear? and I said to Christa if I could get Stephanie anything for the shower it would be a large clear crystal vase from Tiffanys. Well what do you know. That's what Karen gave her. A large clear crystal vase card included! Tiffanys. It was just a bunch of mean and bitchy mind games. And while I was feeling sorry for the Maiers for clearly being taken by the Catholic squad on clear financial motive, I was sobbing my heart at for being made to feel second-class trash. I told my parents how it went and broke down into tears. And not one of them ever contacted or called me after that shower. Not once. Why? mabye because the whole Karen twinning thing was a little odd or maybe because the social worker was trying to pry me apart because I was already being defamed in Wenatchee by CPS. I don't "God damn them" because I still care about them. But I say fuck you, as an aside, for the treatment.

Oh, got a raise in my level of being tortured now. Must be thanks to the Canadians who work in FBI offices in NY on behalf of Middletons worldwide. The french Canadians moved into town and we moved OUT.

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