Monday, February 13, 2012

Continued Torture in U.S. Today & Last Night

I was in the bathtub for several hours last night because of torture by U.S. military and CIA.

They were targeting me with technology that made my entire body twitch unless I was underwater.

Then, after 3 or more hours in the bathtub they did something that made my body twitch even then but not hardly as badly.

For some reason, they quit, or were not able to do what they were doing as well if I was in the bathtub.

I am getting proper nutrition and there is nothing wrong with my blood labs. All of that work has been done and I have no nutritional or mineral deficiencies.

It is the U.S.

Today they have targeted the metal in my neck and my ear on the same side of my head, while I have been at the library working on trying to send out a signed statement to the UN CAT and OPCAT.

My laptop has been shut down by the U.S. military and I am unable to use it--this occured immediately after my submission of my petition to the UN on Saturday night, and follow up to the Office of the Inspector General for the Department of Justice in Washington D.C. (Cynthia Schnedar).

I have no way of checking my email now or making emergency communications and I had money stolen from me at the last hospital trip, which makes it impossible for me to send a fax internationally and be able to pay for it.

I was able to electronically sign a PDF form of my document through Xchange viewer, which I had downloaded on my personal laptop, but as soon as I sent notice to the UN and OIG Dept. of Justice, my laptop was forced down, to make it impossible for me to sign electronically.

I attempted to go to a neighbor's house that same night and they didn't have a computer. That was February 11, 2012 that I then went to a neighbor's house out of emergency.

Following this, I was subjected to worse, and more severe torture by U.S. military/police technology.

My laptop is not old and showed no signs of wear or tear. It was forced down to prevent me from electronically signing a document claiming torture by official U.S. and Canadian government officials.

There is no international investigation of me or pending investigation or use which justifies any of this, as this torture began as early as 1997 and increased to full-blown torture after I filed a report of FBI misconduct in 2005.

Certain U.S. officials colluded with certain Canadian officials to commit torture. Torture occurred to me in B.C. as well as within the U.S., against my son and I. We were also subjected to cruel and inhuman treatment by both "states" (U.S. and Canada), and illegal human trafficking.

The person who took my UN complaint wrote back that they were "refusing" it because the U.S. had not made a "declaration" in support of the Convention Against Torture, but this is a lie and an excuse to justify protecting persons and taking bribes.

I submitted back to the UN, links from their own website, which proves both the United States and Canada have signed and/or signed and ratified all sections of the CAT. Signatory parties are subject to treaties as if they had made a "declaration". Their signature IS a declaration of agreement to abide by these laws.

If they do not abide by these laws, this signature is their release to the UN, permitting the Convention to investigate them and hold them responsible for breaking their agreement to obey the international laws against torture and cruel and degrading treatment.

I have now, as of this date and time of 2:34 p.m., February 13, 2012, sent my petition in MS works format by attachment to, as well as to and

While I was doing this, one of the women librarians here, who is Roman Catholic and who had been viewing my computer activities in the back room, began talking loudly about mental illness programs and making reference to me.

This is what they have attempted to use against me to discredit my testimony, false claims of mental illness. The rest of my family is forced to lie about me and their own torture because of blackmail and involvement with government. I am the only one who is free enough to tell the truth, and I am tortured for doing so.

It was Roman Catholics in Catholics who colluded primarily with Roman Catholics in the U.S. and they are the ones responsible for using FBI and CIA and military contacts to deprive me of life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness, and my own son. There is also a Jewish group, but it is mainly religious hate crime by Catholics.

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