Monday, February 13, 2012

Rich and Famous Killed For Being Protestant

I would submit to the general public, to please notice who is dying lately.

The celebrities and rich who are "suddenly dying" under suspicious means, are almost all Protestant.

Michael Jackson.
Whitney Houston.
Steve Jobs.
Christopher Hitchens (somewhat suspicious cancer in my opinion but who knows).

By and large, the sudden deaths in both the UK (Britney Murphy) and US are Protestant.

This is happening across the spectrum, from torture of some Protestant families that are middle or lower-middle class, to sudden deaths of rich, famous, or well-known Protestants.

Children are being taken from Protestants who are rich as well, as are their fortunes being divided (Britney Spears).

I do not believe that the U.S. Protestants, whether they are very religious or "churched" or not, are not paying attention to what is going on.

How many Roman Catholics are dying sudden deaths by comparison? None.

None of them are dying of cancers that cropped up, none are denied treatment for illness and disease. They are not losing their children to U.S. government experimental research and torture.

Some Catholics, SOME, have lost their children to bishopricks. Men of the "cloth" who use their religious status and connections with the FBI to conceal sexual abuse of their own Catholic children.

The FBI is to blame for the sexual abuse of these children as much as the torture of my own son.

Whitney Houston did not die a natural death. Neither did Michael Jackson. These deaths are being made to look natural or like overdoses, or naturally occuring cancers when they are not.

And the people who are currently in power, behind the scenes and in the fore, are Roman Catholic, some Jews, and some hypocritical "protestant" UK/US people who hide behind The 700 Club covers while working for U.S. human experimentation.

Many of these "conversions" from Catholicism are not true conversions either. They look more like convenient ways to pretend people creating misinformation are Protestant and not working for the Holy See or criminals.

Britney Spears, for example, had some problems but people around her created those circumstances and the person who had an interest in money and the child was Roman Catholic.

The Roman Catholic Church is stealing fortunes by finding out who has money, and marrying into it. Not unlike some Jews I suppose, with interest in the UK.

They are using their friends who work in government who have access and ability to torture others and then prevent anyone from holding them accountable.

Yep. I knew it.

I had Demi Moore to mind the other day and thought, "I will bet you anything she is not Roman Catholic and Ashton Kutcher is."

Another religious-political device by the Roman Catholic Church.

Demi, you are much much better off without him and please do not console yourself at this time with either female or male Catholic-raised parties.

I can't explain how I "knew" or got this intuitive or instinctive idea, but I did, just last night, after seeing just a photo on the cover of a magazine. I walked home thinking, it was another Catholic set-up hump and dump.

True enough. I just now looked up Demi, and she was not raised Catholic. She is actually now even more "kabbalah" or whatever. Ashton, raised conservative Catholic.

Frankly, they are monsters.

My opinion is that they have become very slick and schooled in how to ruin families and infiltrate and get to the top rungs by using others and then shitting on them.

Look at what happened to Britney Murphy. She insults Ashton's small Catholic penis and she gets murdered.

They're charming, aren't they?

Just like snakes Demi.

Okay, and look at the Victoria Beckham U.S. Catholic influence on UK "protestant" royalty now.


Every single way you look at it or size it up, they are sizing up the fortunes and torturing and killing people to take over.

They have been using military connections to take Middle Eastern leaders who favor Protestants out of power, and then domestically, they have been like Leons ravaging and roaming the earth, seeking whom they should devour, by marriage, consort, business, disease, torture.

Of course it's Steve Jobs dying of cancer and not Bill Gates.

Of course it's me being tortured, and having a helicopter flown above my private house after I picked up on "funny business" happening with the Britney Spears and her Catholic Federloins' monastic Catholic connections.

Every single friend or family I had, about 7 years ago, that was single and rich, is now married and tied into subjection with a Roman Catholic, or has been forced to split their fortune with one of them.

STAY away from them. I am not kidding.

Hey, Christa was a "converted Catholic." Funny. Great friend. We really, truly hit it off. Made each other laugh hysterically. And she was stealing from me and using me the entire time, for several years.

They are charming as snakes. You are not destined to be a snake charmer or hypnotized by their seductive gaze. You are in control of you, your life, and your fortunes but some of you need to look past being "PC" and thinking I sound terrible and think about it.

Is it adding up? It really does make the equation I am trying to point out to you and I did NOT believe it myself until I was tortured for years and then started noticing who is covering it up, who is sidling up to the rich friends and family I have, and who is committing crimes and getting away with it while wanting to kill off anyone with money or a voice.

Hollywood and NY are very PC. No one wants to sound bigoted. It sort of sounds that way, but it's not. It's the choice of looking at the evidence and wising up. I'm not being very "gentle" but I've been tortured for years.

Wise as serpents, gentle as doves.

The Catholics have been making doves eyes at YOU while eyeing your fortunes.

Just take some cover, please.

If Protestants don't stop allowing themselves to be cooked (or koch-ed) and seduced, it's only going to get worse.

At any rate, this is something for Whitney's daughter, because last night I prayed and asked God to show me something in the Bible that was for her and would refer to Whitney Houston. I opened at random, to "The Greatest In The Kingdom." The impression I had from it, when I read it, is how it says whosoever should be great must be least and whoever receives a child in my name, receives me.

"I Believe The Children Are Our Future, teach them well and let them lead the way, show them all the beauty they possess inside, give them a sense of pride, to make it easier, let the children's laughter, remind how we used to be. I decided long ago, never to walk in anyone's shadow, if I fail, if I succeed, at least I live as I believe, no matter what they take from me, they can't take away my dignity, because...The Greatest Love Of All, is happening to me; I found the greatest love of all, inside of me...

Everyone is searching for a Hero, people need someone to look up to. I never found anyone who fulfilled my need--a lonely place to be, until I learned to depend on me/chorus."

So that is what I got for Bobby Christina Brown, her daughter. I sang it last night, took a ton of Advil before that because the U.S. is torturing me (literally) and stayed in the bathtub a long time. I then got out and found this in the Bible after I prayed, and sang this. Then I sang the refrain for "trouble the water". Trouble the water/trouble the water/trouble the water; my God will trouble the water. Stand in the water/stand in the water/I'm not afraid to wade in water/cause my God, he's troubling the water. Pools of Bethsada/Angel's on the water/moving on the water/my God he troubles the water. (I made up some lines)

And then I sang a chant, sort of a Freedom Chant, about God is taking up my fight. I made it up, clapping a freedom clap, and sang about, Taking up your fight. God is on my side, hands down, hands down, He's taking up the fight. The Holy Spirit's on your side, hands down, hands down, cause He's taking up your fight. Jesus is on your side, lean on him because He has the might. Hands down, hands down, he's taking up the fight.

Just hands down, hands down, believe He is on your side.

And then I got tortured more and had to take more Advil just to fall asleep.

(sort of impromptu singing for a short while and then that was it).

It's not mental illness. We are being tortured, literally. I am tired of it.

There were some other very interesting things that happened last night but I don't know how much I have time to write about it. I listened to some classical music and got a lot of visuals from it and then this morning I heard Leonard Bernstein's Westside story theme just before 11 and loved it!

My notes this morning from this, before I knew what song it was or who it was by:

"shouting then this violin @ 10:35 a.m. like misty silk nets falling and someone rising up, me, to be kissed.

cat burglar stealing diamonds and paintings, handing out bricks, passing money underground railroad paved with art and diamonds.

20s? french? or english on US Great Gatsby moonshine music?

sort of 50s noir but possibly going back as far as 20s? 10:42, there IS a beautiful romance...(tears) strings IIIII (5 big III (at 8 changing) IIII (fading at 12)--pause, then 13, 14, p., 15."

"symph. dances/westside story/leonard bernstein/1961" 10:47 a.m.

Music bach by perlman #4 D major. That's when I stepped out but I absolutely and thoroughly enjoyed the westside piece this morning. I had no idea it was from westside story but then I found out and thought my imagination sort of fit the music.

I counted the drums at the end for some reason. I wanted to know how many times. It changed up maybe 4 keys? at 8 beat and then fading, a little quieter and then longer pause after 12 and then 13, 14, longer pause, and 15. I marked my paper with straight lines, like prison scratches, marking days on a wall to remember.

My notes from last night, if I have time...

Well, maybe some other time. It was Norwegian music and this "posthumus" piece by Beethoven
which I loved, Opus #103 E flat, Zaveena maiers on clarinet. I saw it as a ballet.

I also like Mahler's Symph. 6 in A minor. (7:15 pm)

And then at about 8 p.m., for the Norwegian etude, Opus 5 of 1879 I thought the piano was an exquisite and felt it was the quality of the instrument itself in part. I wrote next to this one, "lots of sex...he wrote and had LOTS of sex" good piano--nice quality instrument.

I wanted to know what brand and model of piano it was actually.

And I liked the one by Roberto.

I wrote a lot of notes. Made a lot of descriptive notes about what I heard and scenes, but that's all.

We need to be torture-free and we need help from the UN and other international community.

I cannot live this way. In chains and tortured and knowing this is what my family endures. I can't live in a country that kidnaps children from innocent mothers.

Oh, and I saw a woman leading a horse in a circle, song 5 after 8 p.m. and then they played, for #6, Parker 1. "wearing of the green" and "cropping boy" just as I was pouring my green drink (from a green Silk soy milk carton, and with ginko, spirulina, and kelp) and wearing green (sort of funny). She was leading the horse in a circle with a little crop or whip to crack by not hitting the horse. I've done this before. I can't remember what it's called but I did this with horses. Bizarre? It's where you stand in the center and have the horse on a short leash, so-to-speak, and train it to go around you. And then I saw posting. I have never done posting myself, but that's what the song had in it.

I also heard about UN news and peacekeeping stuff and made notes about it. Anyway. I heard Laura Ingraham for a split second on a.m. radio and then switched and it was a protestant christian a.m. program talking about hard-hearted laura's. Hmm. Sounds about right.

Torture of children is hard. I thought to myself, "It sure hasn't hurt Laura any, to convert to Catholicism, has it? In fact, she got promoted in SUCH convincing ways."

Out of my entire weekend, the most I accomplished was writing a few notes about music (and christian hard edge music too), singing 3 songs and taking a short walk.

That's all I accomplished. Why?

Because it's "difficult" to do anything at all with ones time when one is being tortured and not "promoted" through membership in the Catholic church.

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