Monday, February 13, 2012

"Ridiculous TN Catholic Terrorists"--Connected to Osama bin Ladin's death

I still have not addressed or talked about the kind of torture and forced labor I was subjected to in Nashville, TN.

Some of the same people who used me and tortured me there, came all the way over here to torture and harass my family.

I am not done with my UN report. There is a LOT more information and much worse, and damning information to be added. It proves U.S. govt. collusion too.

There was an Italian-American guy with dyed purple-maroon hair and eye contacts, who said he was gay (the one who also worked as a decorator for a Middleton hotel), several black guys, one who used the word "ridiculous" (in a gay-sounding way all the time), Marissa and Beth (Roman Catholic women who were hispanic and married hispanics and who had relatives working as Catholic Bishops in Nashville Archdiocese). There was "Matt",who was a white criminal and was my "boss" there. There was "Ernie" who was part Colombian and worked for the U.S. Army--former U.S. Army. Marissa assaulted me, in the workplace, and then got away with it because her relative was a high-ranking Catholic clergy member.

I was forced to work over there, next to employees that tortured me, literally, IN the workplace, while I was working. There was a large, tall, white cop by the name of Jordan. He sort of tried to flirt with me and as soon as those men realized I wasn't interested in any of them, they started torturing me. Every single time he saw a police officer coming through the door, he was routing them away from me, and taking their table. He was a cop himself and dirty.

There was this white woman with very kinky brown hair, named Sheila, and I left TN to come over here and find one of the Power FM DJS imitating her style, voice, mannerisms, everything.

The other person who routed me around all the police and never wanted me to serve any of them was a Bartender, Jen. She was a Marine brat. They all used me, almost all of them were Catholic, and they were not good people--that business, Logan's, had law firms employed that support torture. They use lawyers for "pro bono" work at Guantanamo while torturing U.S. citizens.

Guess what? They even killed Osama bin ladin after leaving little mememtos there, at THAT workplace, that this is what they were going to do.

Those people threw me into a psych ward, then hired me out of the psych ward to force me to work next to them while they tortured me, and then left a symbolic message about killing Osama bin ladin, right after they assaulted me again, then fired me after I called police to report it and police refused to make the report, and then the next day it was Kate Middleton's wedding. Day after, Osama bin ladin was dead.

No, I am not making this up and I am not kidding.

Someone there, possibly more than one of them, had immediate ties and connections to the hit on Osama and ALSO to the Middetons.

And then after I was fired, when I tried to report them to police and police wouldn't take my report, I looked them up. I was so STUPID not to look them up earlier. I found out that restaurant, "Logan's Roadhouse" is RUN by...


Guess who Middle East?

Your pal Panetta's church, the Roman Catholic church.

There are more names.

Jonathan. There was a guy there named Jonathan who tortured me as well. All of the employees there were Catholic, and most connected to government crap too. They have used us, used my family, and we are being tortured.

And just so you know--the Catholic connection sort of leads to Middleton, and to Panetta who is CIA, and these "pro bono" Logan's lawyers, and I am being tortured by people who have this kind of power.

Panetta, Italian-American bribes to UN, FBI, Catholic torture in the workplace, Middletons, assassinations, international lawyers who pose to get close to people who are being tortured while knowing they represent torturers...

It's the same bag. You pick up the bag, you get everything that goes along with it.

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