Monday, February 13, 2012

Evidence of U.S. Signatory to Geneva Convention Against Torture

Here you will find a list of countries which signed and also signed and ratified The Geneva Convention treaty, which is a primary treaty against torture, which is enforced by the UN.

The U.S. signed and ratified all sections in 1955, and 2007 and then signed a couple of other sections as well.

Canada has fully signed and ratified all sections.
This site is from the United Nations official website and shows the United States has in fact signed the treaty for Convention Against Torture, and actually, even had OTHER countries sign it, in New York, U.S.A.

How clever to invite other nations to sign a treaty they later attempt to deny signing themselves.

What? The United States is unwilling to put their name to their own signature, and elevate their reputation by agreeing they do not subscribe to torture of their own citizens?

The U.S. is either a state that tortures its own citizens or is not. It has either signed the treaty or not.

This link is from 1997, but the other link shows they signed and ratified Geneva and other torture treaties from 2007 forward.

The U.S. is guilty of crimes in the name of religion.

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