Monday, February 13, 2012

UN CAT for U.S.A. and Canada (2 states, both signed Geneva Treaty)

Subject: FW: Emergency Petition To Convention Against Torture
Date: Mon, 13 Feb 2012 11:57:03 -0800

Dear Madam or Sir,

First of all, my complaint was emailed to you on February 11th, 2012, not the 13th.

Secondly, my complaint is against TWO states: The United States of America and British Colombia (Canada).

Has Canada made the respective declaration?

Both states have government officials who have colluded to commit torture against my family.

Additionally, because the nature of my torture petition involves religious hate crime most particularly by members of the Roman Catholic Church, my petition should not be handled by any person who is a member of this church, from any nation.

Please let me know about Canada and also how you are refusing my emergency petition when the U.S. signed the Geneva Convention agreeing not to torture any of their own citizens.

Forward this to a non-Catholic party, and please, one which does not accept monetary bribes and favors from this church.

Thank You,

Ms. Cameo Loree Garrett
on behalf of an entire Protestant family tortured in the U.S.A.

Subject: Re: Emergency Petition To Convention Against Torture
Date: Mon, 13 Feb 2012 10:19:44 +0100

REFERENCE: G/SO 229/31 USA(GEN) 13 February 2012

Dear Sir,

We hereby acknowledge receipt of your communication dated 13 February 2012.

After careful consideration of the contents of your communication, we sincerely regret having to inform you that the Petitions and Inquiries Section of the United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) is not in a position to assist you in the matter you raise, for the following reason:

According to article 22, paragraph 1, of the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, the Committee against Torture shall not admit any communication concerning a State party which has not made the declaration recognizing the competence of the Committee to receive and consider communications from or on behalf of individuals subject to its jurisdiction claiming to be victims of a violation of a violation by this State party of their rights set forth in the Convention. United States of America has not made the respective declaration under article 22, paragraph 1, and therefore the Committee against Torture is not competent to receive and consider any individual communications concerning the United States of America.

Yours sincerely,

Petitions and Inquiries Section (Section des requêtes et des enquêtes)
Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights
Palais des Nations
CH-1211 Genève 10

Fax: + 41 22 917 90 22

From: cam huegenot
To: ,
Date: 12/02/2012 07:33
Subject: Emergency Petition To Convention Against Torture

Dear Convention Against Torture:

I have 103 pages of my report of torture of my family.

It is out of order but my father showed up with another knife cut to his throat and I cannot waste anymore time.

I have the information to contact us with on first 2 pages. My parents will answer their cell phones but will not admit to being tortured in this country because they have been repeatedly assaulted and it will be worse.

I continue to be assaulted by technology and this has made it impossible for me to continue to try to organize the rambling information I have so far, and put it into chronological timeframe and order.

I hope that by sending this it is enough to request the U.S. to immediately quit all torture against these listed family members or use of them for any kind of government research and work.

I will continue to organize what I have and there is more to add, and parts to edit which are redundant.

Please help us immediately. I will follow this report with an electronic signature after I find a PDF program but I don't have access to a fax machine to send a signature to, so I will have to use PDF signature.

Because I am worried and this is urgent, I am sending this unsigned copy first, and then will do my best under these conditions of continued torture, to find a program to sign this with. Then I will continue to work on this and organize it better for your reception.

Thank You very much for your time. My parents have been sent out on a trip that is coordinated by the U.S. which they did not want to go on. They are in California now and will be traveling to Arizona and I believe the stops are involving CIA in both locations. They are forced to work and forced to remain silent about torture.

I made an inquiry in Summer of this year and they were instantly retaliated against. My mother had a 2 inch scar on her face and I reported this to the UN and the next day she was taken out of town and returned in shock, glassy-eyed, and abused. For the next 3 weeks she was forced to apply 100% solution alpha-hydroxy acid to her face to peel off evidence of the knife scar to her cheek (it was not extremely deep but visible as a knife scar).

I have not been able to try to address your CAT earlier because of the severity of torture and being drugged as well. My Dad has shown up with knife cuts under his chin and to the side of his neck and recently showed up with this and was trying not to cry.

We are being tortured and the Red Cross here, the U.S. Red Cross, is a waste of time. They work with the CIA.

Please assist.


Cameo Loree Garrett
(this draft to be followed by PDF with electronic signature, and then completed copy to follow as soon as possible)

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