Monday, February 13, 2012

United Nations Complaint Submitted Feb. 11, not 13th

I submitted a UN complaint of over 103 pages.

I believe a man of Eastern Indian nationality took this complaint that I sent and reviewed it, because it was of someone who at least appeared (mind's eye) to be Eastern Indian.

I submitted my complaint on the 11th and they received it that same hour.

It went to the wrong person.

Subsequently, I and my family were tortured more severely.

My laptop which I privately owned was shut down completely.

Not only was I unable to sleep at all, due to severe torture, my parents were nearly in tears that next day that I spoke with them, I suppose because they already knew what the outcome was.

Someone who is corrupt at the United Nations took this complaint of torture. They are bribed.

Then, I got a response from someone from this organization just today, on the 13th, when they had received it on the 11th. They addressed me as "Sir" already knowing I am a woman as my complaint indicates rape of a woman (myself) by a man.

They are working with the United States mafia, FBI, and CIA.

It is true that an Italian-American man, via Leon Panetta, attempted to pressure the UN. immediately after I made an emergency petition and inquiry last summer regarding torture and forced labor of my family. He directed his bribe and reminder of who pays for poor country's to have food (the U.S., and alluding to the billion dollar with East India) to the director of the UN, who is Eastern Indian.

Panetta's entire move to travel to Eastern India and make a trade pact with them was done when he knew and anticipated I was going to contact them for assistance regarding torture being committed with collusion of the Holy See and CIA.

I knew it then, before later an Italian-American man even shot off his missile to the UN, to remind them of the deal and bribe.

The UN has received numerous allegations of abuse and torture and civil rights violations against the U.S.

They are attempting to negotiate around the delicate reputation of United States criminals.

By claiming the U.S. has not signed, and is not party to Convention Against Torture laws, they are attempting to force me to redesignate my petition.

I am not going to do that.

It is a torture claim, nothing less, and the United States signed the Geneva Convention treaty.

I find it strange that the person receiving my UN petition would first claim to have received it on Feb. 13th, when I sent it, and they got it, on the 11th.

Not only that, someone there knows that my family was punished further for my submission of this claim.

I sent a copy to the United States Office of the Inspector General on the same evening.

The person who is in charge of the OIG at present is Roman Catholic and nearly the entire staff is as well.

My computer/laptop will not work properly at all since I sent my petition to the UN. Immediately after I sent it, and copies to the OIG, someone was refusing to allow it to boot up, then they were hacking and obstructing my access to email. I am now at the library computer and had to wait through Sunday, after sending in my torture complaint on Saturday night. Sunday the library was closed, so I am now here first thing on Monday.

The only thing I did not do is electronically "sign" my complaint to the UN.

Which I still intend to do, because the grounds upon which my complaint was refused by someone at the UN are improper.

They cannot "receive" a complaint of torture if it is not properly signed. I believe, given the nature of the complaint, they can make efforts to treat a complaint as true, without signature, or electronic signature, but the grounds upon which they denied my complaint are as thin and flakey as the person who responded.

When someone who is more professional, who has more experience with United Nations, actually handles a complaint the way it should be handled, I might pay attention, but as it is, I feel that since the Italian-American man was worried enough to try to bribe the UN back last summer, they know I have grounds to file a petition against the United States AND Canada.

And my complaint was against both states, not just one.

The United States is guilty of torture and violation of rights and degrading treatment, as are Canadian officials who colluded to do the same.

Has Canada signed a treaty for Convention Against Torture?

They both signed the Geneva Treaty and are liable to be held accountable to Committee/Convention Against Torture.

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