Saturday, February 4, 2012

(evidence photos) FBI does NOTHING about U.S. Military Assault

This is a photo of the laser burn committed in violation of Geneva Convention this morning. It is a burn above my belly button and I didn't want to photograph that so I just photographed the burn above it, and this photo is tilted to the side. The vertical line is horizontal, right above my belly button. That is just one of the things they did to me today. Most of the things create 100x more pain and you can't even see a mark to prove it. I did not do this to myself. I was sitting on my bed in front of my laptop and I started to feel a burning sensation and then I looked and a mark had been burned into my skin. Around it is a towel bc I was photograhing and covering my other body parts but I took some of me with the towel to prove it was me. I had been in bed in my pajamas drinking tea, eating oatmeal, and going through old photos.
Here it is again:

Here's another one with just a small part showing to prove where it was done, and I feel that the fact I feel forced to post this publicly is degrading and cruel. I have never put up photos or talked about the condition my son and I had, which was refused treatment, for the same reason. And now that I am putting these things up, it is humiliating and degrading and the only reason I even do this is because the U.S. has allowed religious hate criminals to lie about me on so many levels, I feel I have to prove some of it publicly, before taking it privately anywhere.

The FBI refused to allow me to make a private claim to them. I have tried over and over and over. I did not want to be public about it or share photos of myself with the world, but they blocked me from their offices and from making a report and then this forces me to make it public. How else do I prove I am not lying or delusional?

The Dr.'s took my son from me and so did CPS, lying and claiming I never had toxic mold or "thrust" from breastfeeding that they maliciously refused to treat. Did you know the entire Wenatchee valley refused to treat me and my son for this? It was refusal of medical treatment out of spite and as a result, I have had it since 2006 and it WAS systemic and never treated and then they just tried to cover it up and tell CPS I was a hypochondriac. My son had the same thing and he's never been treated. If he has been treated systemically, it's been done to cover up for malpractice.

I was burned with a laser again today. On my left forearm and on my belly button, through my clothing, as clothing was covering these parts when it happened.

I was burned in two diffferent places and in one place they made a design specifically.

This is of the design etched into my arm by the military. Also below.

I will add one that shows the circles under my eyes from lack of sleep and being tortured all night, but I will do it later tonight. Right now it's 3:13 p.m. and I have some other things to do but I will come back to this. I also have other photos to put on separate posts.

And yes, at this moment I am being tortured and they are using technology to suction my heart and it's by the kitchen window window and laptop. There is something wrong with this laptop and that's why someone wanted me to use this one and not the other one I had from D.C. They stole that one and left me with one that they use to torture me with.

This entire time that my son and I have been assaulted by U.S. military, the FBI has done NOTHING. They have violated every law and code of ethics there is.

They let me be poisoned and put it off, to cover up for their friends because their supervisor came in and told them to send me away. It's Washington D.C. at this point and Mueller is directly responsible. Very interesting how he snuck in a few more year without much notice, and it's not like the public was able to make a vote. They broke the rules for how long an FBI director can stay in office.

Next we know, it's the Presidential office.

"Oh these are "extraordinary times" and we need to leave our President where he/she is for another several years.

They broke the laws.

The FBI has allowed the most horrific things to happen to an infant, my son, and then to happen to him as a toddler, and they still refuse to do their job. They know about torture being done to us and they not only allow it, they participate.

They have proven they don't care what happens to anyone in my family. They abducted my son. They literally took PART in abducting my son from his only legal guardian and obstructed a political asylum claim.

I hope they start to feel what it is to be tortured.

If the CIA and U.S. military can use technology to experiment on their own U.S. citizens, why then can't another foreign country use their satellites to accidentally collide into U.S. ones, or start targeting some WA politicians? Does the U.S. FBI personally know what it's like to be tortured? and then called crazy?

I would really like to see how they react when a foreign country starts targeting their house and they begin having "odd things happen" and "strange aches and pains".

Since Mueller is ultimately responsible, I think it should be his house. His family. I think it can't be that "difficult" to know where his family lives, for a foreign country to start zeroing in their technology to affect his home and family and then after maybe just ONE month, then Mr. Mueller may have learned a primary school lesson he forgot--do unto others as you'd have done unto you. Aside from moral law, which he apparently ascribes to if he's "episcopalian" (what a joke), he has U.S. law he's violated by encouraging people from HIS offices to tell others in Tennessee, Washington and Oregon to refuse to take reports, send me to psych wards, collude against me, defame me, and allow violence and torture.

I believe very strongly that Mr. Mueller has no idea what it is to suffer.

Oooh a papercut?

That's his idea of suffering.

He signs off on all kinds of suffering for others, and tells his offices to do nothing and allow crimes to occur to others. So I sort of forgot about that, while traumatized by their stealing my son from me and after being tortured. Sort of forgot. Then I met the CIA. Real nice paddywhackers.

For some reason, being around more of the CIA causes you to forget about the FBI. But they have all worked together. Just as the FBI bribed Portland Police Sgt. Austria not to make a report of sexual abuse by FBI employees, the CIA and FBI bribe eachother to keep their mouths shut. And they all give eachother raises as rewards. It's the most discreet form of bribery. Oh we won't say anything. You'll just do this for us and every time you do, you will notice how you are promoted to a better position? see how it works? no one calls it taking a bribe, or corruption of office.

Maybe if Muellers daughters get raped he'll be more sympathetic. I don't know. I am quite sure he would be more sympathetic if he and his family started getting tortured the way mine has been. If it's not someone from the U.S., how can he control it? What? does the U.S. control outerspace the way it controls U.S. airspace? The U.S. has not made any stake or claim in "The Universe" or "The Cosmos" and has no control over the satellite operations of other countries.

So I think some other country should put the U.S. "law enforcement" in their place since they can't take responsibility for their own actions. They violate the law and mock me and they have not returned my son. They continue to allow abuse and torture. If there is no U.S. body in this entire country that is going to "discipline" them and regulate them, then they need to be regulated by some other country from a little further out.

And no. I do not "believe" in torture of people or animals.

But when there is a head of a department that is allowing torture of many others, and could do something about it and doesn't, then the only way to acheive peace is to teach the violent person a lesson. One of our "violent" persons is Mueller. He is violent by his inaction to control his field offices and/or offer protection to civilians that have been tortured.

There is NO excuse.

What did I ever do to harm him or anyone in the FBI? Nothing. What did my SON do, by-the-way. Oh my little boy was a REEEAAAL terrorist.

The FBI blocked my report of religious hate crime and then allowed full-blown torture against me and my son and nothing has ever been the same since.

You let that entire shipment down the slippery slope and you lost it. Which means, as soon as hate criminals waited a little while and then realized they were going to be BACKED by some FBI members, they and any one of their friends in military or CIA felt free to join in. What punishment would they get for it? None. As soon as they knew this to be true, they broke down all the gates and stampeded my entire family and do this every single day and night since.

The FBI is responsible for that.

So after my son and I have been tortured for this many years, I have every right to think what I think and be justified. I would be abnormal if I did not believe Mueller needs to know how it feels. He clearly can't understand in a figurative way or by "hearing" about it. He's kinda deaf.

So this morning the military burned a little tulip or W, M, mark on my forearm and then burned a spot immediately next to my belly button.

They are also using technology right now that causes the suction feeling of my heart which actually lifts it out of place.

And for some reason, I DON'T think my health is so great when I tried to go to the hospital yesterday and they refused appropriate treatment and I noticed, my BP was odd.

My blood pressure was something like 106/97 or 98. I have never had such small difference between diastolic and systolic. That is highly unusual for me. My entire life I've had at least a 20 point difference and usually much more than that. Whether my top number is high 120s or not 80s, the bottom number has always been much different, like if I have 120 on top, it's 67 for the lower one. Or if it's 85 for the top one, then it might be 40s for the lower one. My BP runs low and always has, but I know something is wrong because of these 2 numbers being so close together.

It was only a ...ahhhh, wait wait. I'm wrong. I double checked. It's not that close. I read it wrong. It was 104/67 so that's fairly normal for me.

At any rate, how would you like to be on house arrest without anyone even telling you that's what it is? Since I can supposedly leave this house, it's not house arrest, it's more like being a hostage in this country. Or, since I don't want to leave and I want to live here and NOT be tortured, it's just like having your own personal terrorists who ARE in the U.S. government, using you like a black site operation.

Also, I looked through my webcam photos and the person who arranged them shows signs that they are disturbed. They put my photos of "bye bye hooters" following a photo of me trying to capture my arm in an evidence photo of laser burn where I have one boob in the frame (clothed). So whoever is doing this, is making a sick joke out of it. Then, after the tunnel with the "rose" or heart shaped thing that sort of glowed, which I wrote reminded me of the tunnel for Diana, they then put a photo following it, of a ghost. The ghost photo was a perfect white ghost shape that the light made by accident when I moved the camera. I had not even seen many of the photos I'd taken but found some of them today. So this group of people had a ghost photo following the tunnel one. And they had my bye, bye hooters photo following a photo I took of lasering of my arm that happened to also have part of my torso (with breast) in it. My ear that has been targeted is also the same ear I have in photos of me, where I did something artistic one night and then it featured listening cue or silent signal to that ear (my left one) and that's the ear that's been tortured. Literally. Not on the right side at all.

They've made a mockery of me. My entire blog makes me sound horrible and has torn down who I am and what I would normally write about. I know it's been to disgrace me and humiliate me and lower me in the eyes of others.

My conclusion: they are sick.

I told you. It is exactly like Silence of the Lambs. I'm dealing with Hannibal Lector, truly. The only thing that's different is that there is more than one cannibal out there.

Then today too, I went to this screen to look at photos and was deleting different photos (accidentally deleted a couple I can create again). And anyway, when I hit restart it started up and then someone had my laptop make the sound of deleting a photo when I had not even gone to the webcam yet to delete anything.

Right now they have my webcam removed so I can't even access it. It says someone accessed it at 2:01 p.m. and right now it's 2:04 p.m. and it wasn't me that accessed it.
UPDATE 5:25 p.m. I take back what I said about Mueller if he is actually doing something and others are in the way. What I vent about is coming from a victim of torture.

I also took down a photo that showed it was me, because I am alive and can verify it's me. I think it's best to have a face to match stuff but even though the towel covered and was more modest than what most wear, and was not tight or revealing, I am a victim of torture, not an object of lust. My family is not walking runways, we are living lives filled with physical torture every single day.

If I find a different one I might use it. This is serious. I am not trying to win a popularity contest--I am dead serious about being tortured. If I can't find a better one I might use it afterall, since it's really not that bad, but right now I am documenting torture and this is NOTHING to reflect what we actually feel and live through.

Here is a photo of my eyes. I wear concealer usually to cover up the circles that are because of torture. It's not age. I never had this until I was deprived of sleep and tortured every single night, almost all night. It's a terrible photo and I even look slightly cross-eyed and my hair is weird, but this is the reality of what they are doing:

Actually. I would kind of like to know what the motive of the U.S. is, to continue to violate the law and do this to me? Are they USING me to get to someone? because something tells me someone in the U.S. tries to use this stuff and point it out to someone who is powerless to help, and rubs it in their face. Doesn't anyone even WONDER why the FBI is obstructing justice and disobeying all the laws?

Does the FBI just have selective listening? Maybe the FBI has a dirty habit of allowing the CIA and military to torture MK-Ultra victims. Sure, no torture for me for awhile, and then I pissed someone off, so they take a different route and the FBI backs them.

From everything I've read about mind control programs and government use of humans for research, the FBI is involved and knows about it. They used James Whitey, who they already knew was an MK-Ultra victim. So why wouldn't they use my parents, or try to use me and force me to work for them or be used by their employees? The FBI is not ignorant about MK-Ultra and similiar programs. They are covering up torture of my son as well, for this reason. They get off on it, because the religious hate criminals get to do whatever they want, with an excuse.

In town today, there were a ton of military and law enforcement and all they did was watch what I did and track me. They've treated me like an animal.

Also, today I noticed something different about my monitor screen. I turned it one direction in the light or to the side or something and a round object under the screen appeared, it was a round camera. It was slightly larger than the size of my webcam camera and it wasn't a reflection. In the past I have also had this same spot turn red or flicker or something when I was shutting my computer down. There has been a red dot there in the past and then today I saw the outline of some kind of camera right in the center of where the monitor is. I do not mean "in the mind's eye" or imagination or hallucination.

There is something wrong with my laptop or different about my laptop. I bought it and then it has only been seen by Chris Rozollo (had problems with it only after that) and then it has been to the FBI's laptop guy they do contract work with: Andy Panda. And then here locally, at the Black Horse.

I think I need to make a separate post about this.

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