Saturday, February 4, 2012

Camera or Laser Under Screen to Laptop

I just wrote this but I'll post it here too. Today I turned my computer a certain way in the light or at an angle and something under the monitor screen showed up and it's a round camera or laser (?). It is round, like the webcam but larger than the webcam I have.

In the past I've noticed a red dot a couple of times, from the same spot.

But today I saw the entire outline of how large the camera (or laser) is. I don't mean through the mind's eye, or imagination, or hallucination.

Like I said, in the past I have seen what looks like a red laser dot in the very middle. I thought it was a quirk when I turned it off or restarted it. It's happened a few times. Then today I saw the entire outline and it's round like a webcam, and it wasn't a reflection, and in the center of my screen. It's larger than the round webcam on my laptop.

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