Saturday, February 4, 2012

More Torture Of Parents, Crying From All Of Us

My parents are still being tortured and all of us cried today. All of us.

I witnessed their being tortured in their house and several kinds of technology were used and then it was used on just my mom and that's what they expected, but I turned around to help her and grab something for her and got zapped with waves of pain from technology to my stomach. It wasn't normal stomach problems. It was technology.

They would have just done this to my mother and I wouldn't have known, but I turned around last minute to help with something and walked right into it.

The exact same thing happened with my Dad the other day. I was walking away from the house and he said he didn't need any help carrying in firewood, said this in the house, and then I said okay and left and then I turned around anyway to help and walked right into the ink-bursts-out-of-pens technology and it was all around HIM and nowhere else. I mean, he went back into the house and I was standing there and it was still there, but where someone expected him to be and then it quit.

There are people around here, circling the house that are running generators and equipment that helps other technology work, to facilitate torturing us.

Today I opened the door to my place and it was streaming in stronger there at the door than anywhere else in the house.

I'm not leaving my parents because they'll torture them worse if I do. I am not going anywhere until I have my son returned to me and I see clear and convincing evidence that my parents are not being coerced to work for someone or held against their will.

Just the other day I thought it was very odd, this woman was talking about how Panetta was expressing joy at how "economic sanctions appear to be working!" against Irann and how the Taliban is "significantly weaker than it was 10 years ago."

This said, on a day when I was too weak to do anything bc of being fumigated in my own home, and tortured, and what a correlation! because it's been 10 years these people have persecuted me and used CIA and military technology against me, when I was an innocent civilian. And what have I noticed? They have tried to cut me out of working for anyone, anywhere, unless it's THEM, to give THEM an edge over me just in case I sue them. That's what this is all about. It's about a group getting out of being rightly sued. I never went out to make a buck suing people. I was working and going to college and I was FORCED to sue to protect my name. They stole this right from me.

When others tell me to "forgive" or act like there is something wrong with me when there's not, in that department, I look at this $40,000 lien the Archdiocese holds over my head.

Here's what happened. THEY offered ME $40,000 TO KEEP MY MOUTH SHUT. THEY did. They knew they were guilty and that they had caused serious damage and they offered me $40,000 in a settlement.

I asked for $60,000 in a counter, and then they decided to retaliate, ignored me, had my own lawyer ignore me and tried to have me lose the statute of limitations.

Then, it went to court and once it did, they harassed and tortured me to win. I was literally FORCED out of the lawsuit by illegal machinations with Catholic Judges and law enforcement and Portland FBI. I would have attended the hearing to defend myself against an award by default to them, but I never got notice of the hearing and I was sick. When I found out, I tried to tell the Judge but they just had it stick.

Then they tortured.

So, here's how it works people.

You ruin my life and force me to file a lawsuit after ignoring me when I made a counter-offer for settlement terms. Filing a lawsuit to protect myself cost me a lot of time and money and much more than it cost any of you because I did it alone. I was the victim, and you knew I was the victim and you forced me to rehash all of that just to defend my name. Then YOU harass me and force me out of the lawsuit and try to stake a $40,000 claim.

It sounds like revenge doesn't it?

"You wouldn't take our offer of $40,000 so now you owe US $40,000?"

All this time, you say whatever you want, you claim there is no "religious hate crime" occuring. There is. It's gone on a long time. And for some reason, your clergy show zero evidence of morality, christian "charity", forgiveness, goodwill, or apology.

So maybe there are some Catholic people who are not horrible or don't have a vendetta against me, but if you want to know who hates my guts, look no further than the same Archdiocese and Abbey that first offered me $40,000 and then tried to make me pay THEM that same amount.

I think it speaks to the character and the fact that this is about their idea of revenge.

They are not good.

Are they good?

$40,000 tells me they're not. They're some of the worst and vilest offenders I've ever had to deal with and they still think they can take pride in themselves and what they stand for and do this to me and my son.

Do you know what they've done since this?

Instead of apologizing and saying yeah, we know you were extremely ill and that we shouldn't have retaliated and we'll drop it...

Instead of this, they have tried to force me to WORK FOR THEM.

They've stalked me and blacklisted me, screwing me out of any normal job with a regular employer, and then have forced or tried to force me to work for them to "pay off my debt" to them while they torture, harass, and use me to get back at me.

I didn't agree to "indentured servitude" but that's what they did. And they got their CIA and military friends involved.

I think that's a serious problem.

Sorry, but you don't force victims to work for you in a lousy attempt to recover money for yourselves and keep me down at the same time. What have I gotten out of it? Nothing but torture and no normal work since and no normal work references either.

As long as they hold onto their little $40,000 grudge which proves how wicked they are all the way around, for abusing me and then trying to retaliate just because I said I thought it should be a little more and explained why. So is that how the Catholic church works?

You don't get what you want so if someone doesn't take whatever it is you want to offer, you torture them? and collude with a few Jewish who have other motives for wanting to do the same thing?

Because I know what has been done to me, and all about what kinds of illegal schemes have worked for so long, I find it incredible that they can feel proud of themselves at all, continuing in this. However, it was an enormous shock to find out they are not christian in heart at all. They are corporate and that is all.

I think it's odd to be proud of ruining innocent families in Afghanistan and Pakistan through targeting Taliban and Al-Quaeda after the U.S. was first helping and supporting them. There is no reason for some of them to have become so upset with America, when they viewed as friends, unless they were also harassed and deliberately provoked to give the U.S. an excuse to illegally invade their territory.

So I hear it's about oil. We don't own their oil reserves, not even now, so I'm not sure who has been profitting but I guess a lot of Steel Makers, like the Roe Family, have profitted from war and killing people.

Why not torture people? They'll get excited over stock market hikes over their steel.
My family has been tortured without any cause. My parents are talented and I am in my own way, and was moreso before they allowed people to ruin my life and rob me of everything I have. Is my son part of the indentured slave package by-the-way?

You think I didn't pay you your $40,000 that you literally owe ME and over and above this amount by now, and you steal children and torture entire families to get what you want? I know some of the criminals are Jewish. I know that. And I know you've colluded with them.

So anyway, for the others out there, my parents were in tears tonight, both of them, and I was earlier today over my son and the mockery this country has made of the justice system, and supposedly no one is letting my mother sell houses anymore and they're getting billed large amounts for electricity and don't have many spaces rented. What's rented, is being taken for free. Most of it.

So Panetta's little quip and his members interest in sharing the news about how "economic freezes" work! is disgusting because they've applied this philosophy in America, to American citizens they want revenge against who did nothing wrong.

I was forced to work with Catholics who were abusive, to pay off bills just so I didn't go to jail for a fine on something I didn't even do.

They cut me out of work, housing, clothing, my vehicles, my health, medical treatment, and my son. They literally cut me out of work. Unless it was working for them and then they treated me like I was working in a shoe factory in a North Korean prison camp. They FORCED me to work for them. They called up people--politicians and leaders they knew to force me out of housing. They slandered me to people who ran women's shelters making it impossible for me to stay there when I was being targeted by gangsters and ridiculed by people like Holt. They stole my clothing (who else did?). They either ran into my cars, vandalized all my cars, and tried to cause serious auto accidents, or forced me to relinquish my car.

They refused to treat me and my son for simple things our insurance covered us for.

They tortured us.

So I am just wondering, for the times I was NOT forced to work for Catholics as an indentured servant and form of revenge, was it maybe human trafficking to torture me unless I was sleeping with a Catholic man? Not that I was even with many, but I think the clergy is so corrupt and corporate they didn't care--they wanted me to! because then they could say I wasn't such a nice girl, or try to buffer all the horrid defamation they created about me.

They are that bad.

So the "economic freeze" idea was used illegally on American citizens.

Do you know what that is? It's called anti-trust and violations of free competition. You don't get classified privileges for doing that. It's also called obstruction of justice. Panetta's form of "economic freeze" for Iran is practiced by members of his church here, just like they did to Protestants in Canada, who were so terrorized by Catholics, the Catholics forced huge Protestant populations to move.

They forced them out of housing and work and the Protestants moved to Toronto and founded the district of Toronto.

We hear all about Northern Ireland and how the Catholics are persecuted by the Protestants but how much does the world get to hear about Catholics forcing resettlement of Protestants in Canada?

The ENTIRE Protestant population had to move. They were FORCED out.

I highly doubt most people know this. I highly doubt most Canadians even know this. That is their history. Their history is one of severe persecution by Catholic members of the Catholic church who ganged up against them and forced them to move.

I don't believe N. Ireland prisoners should be tortured anymore than Protestant ones. However, when I know what I've been dealing with, I think it is really strange that there are mountains of books and documentaries and MOVIES all about Northern Ireland and HOW MANY MOVIES have been made about persecution of Protestants in Canada?



I have never, in my life, heard of any movie that is about what the Catholics did to the Protestants in Canada, not even very long ago. It wasn't the middle ages. It was fairly recent, in the last 100 years.

There is no mainstream movie that's been made, and if there's a documentary, I've never heard of it.

So just like the Jews enjoy capitalizing on the atrocities committed against them and sideline the twins, gypsies, handicapped, and all others who were equally targeted by Nazis, I feel the Catholics are even worse. At least the Jews acknowledge a few of the other groups. The Catholics just want to hide everything under a rug and keep people from reporting an accurate history.

They've been squashing people out of writing the history for centuries and they're still squashers. Kelly Ripa. Maybe she could go out and do a little squash the grapes dance for us, to the tune of the Papal Processional.

Also, it wasn't like I could go back to Canada to get my car. They said I could and then when I tried to get instructions they forced me to sign a false confession and yelled at me saying they were going to put me in jail. They told me not to come back to Canada for 1 full year or added to it.

I couldn't "walk" into Canada to get my car. I was told to get someone to drive in for it for me and I didn't know anyone and my PARENTS refused. Why? They were FORCED TO REFUSE TO HELP ME GET MY CAR. I called a few friends and they wouldn't help either and now I realize a lot of them were Catholic.

I kept calling the Wal-mart parking lot there to make sure it was still there and you know, the FBI owes me a fucking car. And you know what? Make it fucking NICE. If you want me to make a list of DAMAGES this country is responsible for, it's beyond the pale.

The next thing I knew, my car was towed to a towing place that suddenly got "bought" like the same week, and some new owner had rights to my vehicle and destroyed all records. Yes, the new owners were Catholic. And they are the ones who told me they had no records on my vehicle because they destroyed everything when they bought the place and any valuables or belongings in cars...they said they had no idea where these things went.

WHO FUCKING BUYS out a TOWYARD just to get to MY car?

I'm sorry about the swearing, and I actually prayed for myself to restrain a little more, but right at the point where I am writing about being threatened with jail to get my car, and then losing my vehicle to all of this horrible treatment, I think the FBI owes me a car and that's to start.

Then they had people going through all my stuff at my house.

I feel like it's been the FBI trying to obstruct me from having counseling too. From the very start of stealing my son from me, they were involved through others there, and I was told I was "mentally ill" and then not given counseling. I wasn't mentally ill in the way they claimed, but I had PTSD from what the religious hate groups and FBI did.

This ENTIRE TIME, they have not once allowed me to have counseling. People have obstructed it. I am sort of thinking now that it's because the FBI already knew I was talking about them with my last counselor, Brett McDonald. I don't think they wanted me to be creating documentation of damages and trauma.

I was talking about Catholic church stuff, and then I switched to FBI. And that's where things reeally didn't go so well. Ever since then, I've been prevented from having counseling anywhere except for in D.C. at this crappy place that was state-run and would have screwed me over. I was supposed to have a thorough evaluation which they never did and counseling all through the entire thing. Even in Wenatchee I tried and they blocked me. They told me I was required to go for counseling and then refused to pay for it and I went to all the clinics and even the supposedly "free" ones turned me down. All of them.

They blocked me from counseling to keep me from creating records and documentation of damages from former litigants and U.S. employees. They wanted no one to like me or be familiar with me--and find out I wasn't what they claimed I was and they didn't want records against them.

They refused to provide counseling in Tennessee when I tried on multiple occasions through the YMCA. I have a huge email list. Instead, right after I was trying to get in for counseling to establish nothing wrong with me, they hastily had people sending me to a PSYCH ward to be injected and abused and experimented on. The man in charge of that Y was former military. I went one time to this woman who said I could talk about my emotions but not about anyone in the government. I said that's what my emotions are about, religious hate crime and people in the govt. She refused to counsel me.

I tried to apply in D.C. and I was refused, even through CPS offices in D.C. and in Wenatchee.

I tried to apply in Wenatchee and was pushed out and blocked. I even went to the women's domestic shelter people and tried and they blocked me.

If I didn't have a Catholic blocking me, it was someone involved with military.

They took my son from me with nothing but defamatory visitation notes that were pure lies, and a 1 1/2 hour "evaluation" which is including testing time for MMPI, a parenting test, and prep.

They knew.

All along, they knew they were committing crimes.

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