Saturday, February 4, 2012

what parents can do

. I'll try to write a few things here and then my other posts.

1. Sound of something dropping.
When I was helping my mother weed, or carrying away the brush for her, she tossed something to the side steps and I heard it. Then the strangest thing was when I left I accidentally hit something and it made the exact same noise. Exact. Doesn't sound very impressive but it was.

2. My boxes.
I was writing my OIG complaint and turned it into a UN complaint and looked up their address and included some family members who are unable to write for themselves and had their information in boxes lined a certain way on the front page. I went to the side door next day and found a U-haul box upside down with boxes on it just like I had arranged in the layout for my complaint. I didn't change my lay-out. I left it. But it's the exact same thing and same number of boxes too. There's 4. 1. top left, 2. top right, 3. bottom left, 4. bottom right and then myself separately in the header. On the box at my parent's house, 2 boxes across and vertical. I didn't tell them and it wasn't there until I had already adjusted my complaint to this format on front page.

3. I'm not in the same place.
She said this over the phone about moving to a new workplace but she'd already told me and just said this when I was holding her business card and moved it on the table and she responded with "I'm not in the same place". I had put her card from the table to the inside of a cup and then out again.

4. My Dad.
Aside from the box, I am trying to remember because he did some really huge things but I forgot. He showed me mind-reading. Not, showed me how to do it bc I can't do it, he basically demonstrated he could read my mind and left one clear sign after the other. There was no mistake about it. He repeated my thoughts back to me, out loud. I mean, one right after the other after the other. He did something else but I'm trying to remember what. I will come back to it because it was a big deal.

I see my mother more and lately my Dad has been gone a lot and showing up tortured.

I was trying to write things down but was being tortured and then got sick on top of it the last few days. I look and feel horrible. I had things in my mind though, for awhile and then it was torture all day and also at night.

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