Saturday, February 4, 2012

My Grain (L. Granum: Grain)

I looked up migraine and found it's connected to the Greek "hemikrania" but alternately to grain. The Latin for "grain" is "granum".

I thought to look up the word for grain in antiquity because the grains of wheat I have been sprouting look like the brain. There are two equal halves and similiar in appearance to a brain. So is it krania or granum? Probably krania, but it may be that even the Greeks noticed the similarities between a piece of grain and the brain and since it's divided, as a migraine is, why shouldn't the word migraine be just that and not a derivative from something else?

I first looked up "grayne" and then found granum and I think krania is closest but what then is the Greek word for grain? Anyone with a migraine could look at a piece of grain, split the way it is, and use it to refer to a "splitting" headache. I.e., split sides of grain. If the grain were whole and smooth no one would use it to refer to migraine which is split and on one side. I guess then it wouldn't resemble a brain either.

This top photo is not arranged, I just took it as found, which is how I take almost all of my photos. I prefer to find randomness and art by accident sometimes. I rarely compose a photo. Sometimes I just shoot away not bc I am creating art but documenting how I find things and other times, I have made good art with the right camera.

So I got close as I could because of the feathery aspect. Yesterday they were more tender and today not as much but they definitely sprouted well.

It's Hard Red Winter wheat.

I got it at the health food store. There were two kinds and I asked what they were and she said one was hard wheat and the other was soft wheat and I went with hard wheat. I only got a little because my purpose was to sprout them and later grow wheatgrass.

I read wheat is either classified as "hard" or "soft" and then by winter or spring. Then I looked it up and hard wheat is better for bread while soft is better for pastries and cakes. The sprouts are very sweet. And there is no gluten in sprouts.

The grain is smooth on one side from what I then noticed, and it has a crease on the other side.

Here is a photo from today. I took this and the ones of my medical evidence in the same hour but first the medical ones and then got dressed and probably should have left my hair down. Sorry I look so sad, but we're being tortured.

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