Saturday, February 4, 2012

Photo Evidence of Malicious Refusal of Medical Treatment in Washington

These are all out of order. They were all taken this morning within the same hour. The ones of me in a towel are also when I took the photos of evidence of laser burn marks on my skin. The evidence that doctors in Wenatchee could have treated me and my son for a simple thing we both had insurance for, is proof and evidence of malicious refusal to treat a medical condition. It was thrush. We got it from breastfeeding and I have the rash and thrush in the same places, under the breasts and at the bra strap. My bra straps were much wider then, and my breasts were larger than DDD (seriously) so they were lower and that is where you see the rash still. The camera was not working with lighting, it washed everything out very white (just like real torture) so it's much darker and defined in person. Also, the laser burn marks are completely different from this. This is something that I only have where I was breast-feeding. I don't have it on my arms, or legs, or torso, or pelvic area. It's isolated to breasts, bra straps, and the back of my bra. It is thrush that went systemic and was refused treatment out of hate and malice. Both me and my son were insured with Washington State medical insurance through "Molina", a California based insurance agency that really harassed me later on. It was not just Wenatchee medical community that refused to treat this. I called every single medical center throughout Washington, trying to find a place that would treat this and they all refused to take new patients. All of them. The only one I was then forced to go to was University of Washington Medical, the research facility which is Dr. Butler's alma mater and they also refused to treat me and my son. Then CPS blocked me from traveling there for appointments by refusing to reimburse me on mileage they were required to pay if they made this out-of-town travel necessary. It was the entire medical community of Washington. I then also had people harassing me saying, "Do you need the AIDS department? Do you need a doctor for AIDS?" when I didn't have AIDS.
This is next to my bra strap and what it looks like. Laser burns blister and turn red and then disappear. Not this.

This is a photo of the circles under my eyes. You don't have to be Jewish to know what it is to live in a concentration camp and God shame anyone that ever dared tell me our torture is not "really torture" or that others in other countries have it worse. The United States is torturing my entire family and my son. I am not sleeping and neither are my parents, and we are being tortured.

This shows how it's both sides. The thrush (yeast infection from breastfeeding) started in 2006. It developed under my breasts which were gigantic and were resting much lower on my body. It is also near my shoulders because that's where the bra straps were and they were thick straps for a bigger bra. My son got it on his body and we were both given a topical ointment. All the nurses in Wenatchee said it had gone systemic and that my son and I needed to be treated for systemic infection. We both had insurance and the medication is not expensive. Out of retaliation, Dr. Butler refused to treat us. I tried going to several other doctors and they also refused and lied to cover for doctors. The next woman I went to refused to treat my son, who still had it. She is with Wenatchee Valley Medical. She didn't want Dr. Butler to have any liability so she said it wasn't "thrush" and called it "tinea versicolor" instead. It was thrush, and it had become systemic. She refused to treat my son, saying babies couldn't get it. Maybe our condition was worse because we were living in a moldy house which we had to leave for mold clean-up and which was later condemned. I don't know. What I know is that the Wenatchee community is guilty of lying about everything.

Dr. Butler and other doctors told CPS I was crazy to say we had untreated yeast and that I was "delusional" and "imagined" health problems that did not exist. They lied. Then CPS put a bunch of doctor-connected visitation monitors into the visits with my son, who lied in every single report, making me sound nuts to back up doctors who didn't want to be sued for medical malpractice for both childbirth damages, cover-up of the damages, and malicious refusal of emergency medical treatment. It is considered to be emergent when thrush is systemic and especially for a baby or young child. (And with that, I have military now targeting my head actually, just to note this, and on the left side instead of right side this time.)

The little marks at the top of the rash are not blisters or pimples, it's actually skin flaking off, which is what you get from thrush. Flaking rashes. The resolution on this webcam is not good so I couldn't get it better defined, but that's what it is. And no, for me I don't have women's yeast infections that are related to reproductive organs or whatever. I only have thrush, from breastfeeding, that went into a systemic infection through my body. Any doctor that says the blood looks fine is not telling the truth, not doing the right blood sample or screen, or needs to take another form of testing.

This is a better idea of how dark the rash is. It's about this dark so it's odd that the camera kept wanting to whitewash everything. That's also what happened when I tried to photograph evidence of abuse done to my son by CPS and members of the community. My webcam whitewashed it so you couldn't see it and I used this same laptop and a videocam that also didn't capture how dark all the bruises on my son were. The community of Wenatchee harbors criminals and my son is not safe.

After I took photos of the laser burn to my belly button, I got dressed and then I was looking again and thought the natural lighting was maybe bringing it out better so you could really see the truth of how bad it is so I took more photos but look at them. They're all shirt is a little lower but you could still see things. So I took a few more and then the last one shows again, how it really is, and right against the bra line (front of bra).

I had a systemic thrush from breastfeeding my son which was passed to him and we needed treatment for it and we were REFUSED medical treatment throughout the entire state. Not only did they refuse treatment, they all colluded to force us both out of all medical servies anywhere. When I left for Canada, I told them this--that in addition to religious hate crime and FBI issues, we had been refused medical care (even when we were insured). That was before full-blown torture. Believe me, if they'll lie about this, they will lie about a huge medical malpractice with a torturous childbirth for me and my son that caused severe and permanent damages. They refused to treat my migraines, they refused diagnostics for the childbirth, they refused to treat me and my son for thrush, and about the time I was leaving, they were making it almost impossible for me to get painkillers, pushing me out while I was not only being tortured, but had severe pain from the childbirth still. I was in extreme and severe pain, almost constantly. The treatment for systemic yeast or fungal infection is amphotericin B (hyphenated AmB)

The fact that we were insured, and antibiotics are not that expensive, and the fact that we'd tried one remedy and it wasn't effective and we needed something stronger, proves that it was something small they could have corrected. Systemic yeast or fungal infections, by toxic mold syndrome or other, is serious. It doesn't have to look that bad to affect all of your organs including brain. It's toxic.

I have had this ever since breastfeeding, since 2006. So has Oliver, my son. His symptoms then show up as little spots in the summer, more like tinea, but the origin is systemic infection that was left untreated. Does anyone remember the photo I put online of the cut on my son's face? Someone had CUT OUT the mark of tinea that showed up on his cheek. It proved my son had tinea and systemic problems and someone literally slashed it off so it wasn't there at the next visit.

My point had been, "I am not delusional. My son and I have had real medical problems that we've been maliciously refused treatment for."

We were first treated with a topical ointment and when that didn't work, we should have been treated for systemic infection. The doctors all refused. It was malicious. Then I was treated for "tinea" because the woman wanted to change the story and not blame a doctor for not treating a condition. So she gave me a couple of pills for it and it helped for maybe a month and was back almost instantly. She never treated my son, even though he had what I had, saying, "Babies can't get that". Well, my baby did. Why? mabye impaired immune system from the moldy house. I don't know. But he got the same thing I did and we both never recovered.

What a sad day for Wenatchee if they get in trouble for kidnapping a child over a yeast infection they could have treated.

Thing was, it wasn't just yeast. They not only lied about something small like yeast infection, they lied about very big things like a horrific and traumatic childbirth they tried to lie about. They called me crazy instead. But they lied.

So my last point is that I find it odd that my Ex Alvaro (or one of his friends) managed to keep both my menstrual cycles and my thrush under control so well. The only time I didn't have it, was in D.C. I had people medicating me somehow and not telling me about it. It returned after 3 months back in Wenatchee after he left.

I have never been treated for it. Neither has my son. Not for "Systemic fungal infection" which is what it is and I should not be having rash from thrush under my bra, from breastfeeding that took place 5 years ago. Or any other health problems because of systemic infection. Neither should my son. You know what? No one should be carving out little sections of my son's face either, and CPS in Wenatchee needs to go to jail, all of them, loaded one by one onto a bus in a chain-gang. They certaintly know how to collude with medical professionals and others, and maybe they, their mafia and corrupt police that concealed evidence of harm and destroyed my evidence, can go to jail too.

I would love to blow you kisses from outside of your bars.

All of my public defenders LIED. They kept all medical records that made my defense solid, out of the record. They lied and colluded to have me lose. All I would have had to do was prove these community people had motive to lie and what it was over and they blocked me from putting evidence into the file while their friends in the AG withheld crucial evidence.

So I had been hoping I didn't have to degrade myself further but the FBI basically locked their doors on me and kept my son out too. The local police and FBI were/are corrupt and allowed others to torture my son.

I want my son returned and even if I live here now, I don't believe most of my family wants to continue living in this country. Do you see my eyes? I'm being tortured. You should see my parents' eyes--theirs look worse than mine. And for whatever minor parts of evidence I have, there is nothing to describe the treason and treachery that I have experienced living and almost dying more than once, in this country.

They have tried to kill all of us and whichever ones they decided not to kill, they abused and used and tortured. They are using my son now and I want my son returned to me.

If you choose not to do the right thing and continue to torture me despite evidence I can use against you, you will go to jail.

1 comment:

  1. That looks like eczema you need to see a doctor. It looks like an allergy to something your eating or from laundry detergent or even eczema and if its that then that means your immune system is attacking itself. Either way it is something to not ignore you need to see your doctor.
