Sunday, February 5, 2012

Photo Evidence of Laser to Hand

. I am including some photos of me from a couple of days ago, showing the laser marks to my hand and progression. I will put something up tomorrow as well to show how it looks tomorrow. These photos were taken the same day I wrote posts about wearing cobalt blue and then changing for warmth but then I was still cold so I added the cobalt jacket over all of this. I think that was Thursday. I will check it tomorrow.

This is my hand, the two marks to it, as of that day. I am wearing concealer under my eyes but the truth is in my eyes from the last post, with the dark circles. I try to hide it for dignity but the truth is that this country is practicing torture against their own citizens. I would not put these photos up or even have this blog if I did not need help and know my family needs help.

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