Sunday, February 5, 2012

Torture Last Night (to wake me up)

I was woken out of sleep by torture from technology.

They tried something new. I woke up with the U.S. military targeting my stomach on just one spot. There is nothing wrong with my stomach and I was turned on my side or back and it directed to the front on one specific prodding point and they used something to cause severe pain. Only that part of my body moved.

God damn this country.

I don't mean it as an expletive. I really mean, God please damn this country and let some other country take over.

No, I am not a hostile person or a dangerous person. I am being tortured in the United States of America and this has gone on so long, and is so in-your-face, parading my tortured son around Wenatchee for example, with no shame and an entire community laughing about what was being done, and knowing.

I pray to God that this country reaps what it has sown by torturing its own citizens and then putting on a superficial show of assistance to other nations.

I don't care if this kind of sentiment is what they "want" or want to provoke to use against me--I am the one who is an innocent victim. I have violently attacked no one.

They defamed me, obstructed justice on every level, torture my family in front of my eyes, and the people here have become so corrupt they don't even care.

God please damn this country.

And no, I am not "dangerous". I am writing this with tears streaming down my face as I'm being tortured this morning. Maybe not as badly as in the last several weeks, but they have not quit.

They were using technology inside of my parent's house last night, different forms, and strongly, and then I tried to sleep and couldn't believe they used various forms of torture again. After I finally fell asleep they woke me up by prodding at my stomach through some kind of technology. No one "in the neighborhood" did this. That is impossible. It is sadists in high offices with the U.S. government and it's not political--it is religious. I don't care if the person who directed it or did it was Protestant. I have met quite a few people who claim to be one thing that they are not and none of them had allegiance to the laws of this country. This country is now over-run by traitors to the people, law and constitution and I guess since they think they can slip into place and infiltrate it and ruin it, then it needs an "overhaul" by a foreign nation, that is NOT the Holy See.

I posted my photos last night and right away, they were still using a form of suctioning on my heart, tortured me while I tried to sleep with other things and then tortured me this morning. Maybe not very much but they have not quit.

They have done the same thing to my son. They tortured my son then, abducted him to keep him from getting away with me to a safe place, and tortured him more. They paraded my son in front of me, showing evidence of trauma and torture, intentionally, to provoke distress.

God damn this country and every single person who does nothing about this or who supports this.

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