Wednesday, February 1, 2012

FBI Gets The Bill (My Repeated Attempt To Report Hate Crime)

This is a section of my report but I wrote and included the part about "Multiple Reports To Police" just today. If you read it, you'll find how religious hate crime started in OR and included state actors and after FBI obstructed my report, it continued in WA. I went through 3 cars in 3 years because of vandalisms and assassination attempts. This is explained here but I have much more to add. This is why I feel the FBI should paying all of my medical bills and compensating me for damages:

I tried to tell the S.A. Julia Thornton about some of these things but she cut me off and wouldn't let me give her the facts. I also tried to mention how I believed some of the FBI or law enforcement activity had connections to my litigation and religious hate crime that had been going on a few years. She refused to let me make this report. As a result, when I moved to Washington state, things got even worse. Because of the way in which Thornton prevented me from giving my facts and evidence, I believe she had a conflict of interest. She actively concealed crime by telling me not to talk about it. She kept trying to suggest things and wanted me to change the facts of my testimony. Then she told me not to tell police when she was already aware that any sex crime would be investigated by Portland police, not the FBI. She knew whose jurisdiction it would be and that sex crimes and professional misconduct were two separate things.
&& (add somewhere?)

My information about how I was proceeding in lawsuits was being leaked, and even worse after I met the Catholic FBI agents who had been at my house. My medical records disappeared after Christa had been to my house and I had a roommate from Japan that she or her boyfriend may have coordinated to stay with me. I put an ad in the college paper and Christa knew and this Japanese woman responded--not sure but since Christa's boyfriend worked with Japan and knew Japanese, there may have been a connection and I found them going through my files.

2003: I told Christa I was going to drive to a store and she asked where and when and what direction. I told her and then while driving there, I was hit by a hit-and-run driver who was hispanic and deliberately aimed for my car. He pulled away, laughing at me. My car was totaled and I broke my knee. I tried to go to University of Oregon Hospital about the knee and the doctor I got, a Catholic, tried to say there was nothing wrong while he concealed one of the X-rays that proved something was wrong. I had to try to collect from my uninsured motorists money and the woman assigned to my case was Catholic, Donna Ciaramella. She stalled and kept me from having knee surgery and then, I believe, she and other Catholics colluded to keep me from getting the money I was owed (see info. about Judge Warren). It was when I was recovering from surgery that Bechtold asked to buy oxycontin from me and I said no, I needed them for my injury and then I got off of them as soon as I could even though it took 1 full year for my knee to heal--I only used them for a couple of months and didn't ask for refills.

2000-2003: Multiple Reports To Police About Vandalism.
While I was in the State of Oregon, I made multiple reports to the police about the vandalisms to my car. Instead of giving me an incident number as required, they just said okay thanks for the call and did nothing. I had a towing privilege from a company (AAA), given to me as a gift, to tow my car so many times in a year without charge. My vehicle was vandalized so many times, in a little over one month it was used up. My tires were slashed, sometimes all 4 of them and other times one or two; my windows broken in and contents stolen; my radio antenna on my car was clipped and cut; and I had someone occasionally getting under the hood and doing things, which the mechanic told me was clearly tampering, after my car overheated and spilled out antifreeze all over the parking lot and had to be towed again. I said, "Couldn't it be a mechanical problem?" and he said, "No, someone would have to unscrew this cap for this to happen and it was unscrewed and you have some other things going on here that indicate tampering. Do you have a jealous boyfriend or something?" This is what I was asked--if I had a jealous boyfriend. The battery in my car was also having to be replaced and recharged at an abnormal rate. I had to buy a brand new battery to start my car almost every 6 months when these were lifetime guaranteed batteries. Then, even with a brand new battery, my vehicle was constantly losing power in dangerous situations on the road, because the battery was somehow being sapped of all power all at once. I had several mechanics look at it and they said nothing else was wrong with my car, there was no underlying problem to cause this. It was not just one vehicle that this happened with, but any vehicle I drove. I had two different cars where this battery thing happened and it wasn't the car. I would be stopped in traffic and my car would die. I would be in the middle of the freeway and suddenly lose power and the car would slow dangerously as I had to pull to the side of the road and find out the battery had lost its charge. This happened all of the time and I was almost hit several times in traffic because of it. I started to realize it was being done through use of some kind of technology that could target the battery in a car and turn it off or use up all its energy at once and bring it to a stop. I had all of the batteries tested at mechanic's shops and the battery was always good, and they said my car had no underlying problem with the alternator or anything that would interfere with battery charge or ignition, and they said they didn't know what was causing it. All of these vandalisms occured after the monks of Mt. Angel Abbey decided they didn't like me and their lawyer thought I might file a lawsuit against them. It was also after I was raped by the Jewish man in 1998 but I had no ongoing vandalism problems after that.

All of the incidences occurred with the Catholic clergy involvement and then when my lawsuits were filed, the groups responsible for repeatedly vandalizing my cars quit slashing tires and I had battery-charge problems in the middle of traffic, in extremely dangerous situations, almost every single day instead. It was constant. I had total strangers helping charge and jump-start my car.

I also had break-ins at my house and apartments, and tried to report theft of clothing and items and police in Tigard, Tualatin, Mt. Angel, and Portland never came out or gave me an incidence number. In 2002 I reported theft of my passport and guitar and an officer came out but I called later for a report and he said he didn't have anything and there was nothing they could do.

The next form of harassment was hacking into my computer, stealing my mail and obstruction of mail delivery, and destroying my printer and fax machines by supercharging a current to the machine and frying it, even after it was purchased brand new. The damage to my printer and fax machines, to almost brand new or new items, was done on 3 different occasions after I contacted the FBI in 2004 and tried to report religious hate crime and they did nothing.

My mail was also being stolen, with my apartment mailbox broken into and the entire section ruined so the apartment manager had to replace the entire thing, and I was not receiving all the mail I was expecting. I got one card from a good friend, for my birthday, that arrived by the U.S. post office already opened and damaged and months late. On another occasion, I had requested an application for legal marijuana use for my migraines from a medical facility and it never arrived in my P.O. Box at the federal building in Wenatchee, WA, through the U.S. post office. That was later, in 2009. I had a legal right to apply for medicinal use of marijuana for migraines I was diagnosed with and two different times the post office never put the mail in my P.O. Box. This interfered with my ability to get a doctor-approved prescription which would prove I was not a drug-user and that I went through legal channels for medical treatment. I was denied all medical care at that point, by doctors and clinics, after being defamed by law enforcement to all medical facilities.

I was also harassed by having attorneys for the Abbey contact my apartment managers and defaming me where I lived to try to have me kicked out and they sent my apartment managers copies of all the legal motions that they were sending to my house twice a day in duplicates. They sent a triplicate copy to my apartment manager who had nothing to do with my lawsuits and then they visited her and tried to cause me to be forced out of housing. I tried to report harassment of having someone knock on my door to my apartment all hours of the night and the police refused to take a report, telling me it was a "civil matter" and not criminal when it was actually a form of harassment and against the law.

In the course of 3 years, my four different vehicles were vandalized by slashed tires and other things, at least 1x/week, and then there was a lull for a year or so on the vandalism after I filed my lawsuits with public noticing, for my protection. I would say approximately 96 times (1x per week for at least 2 years), including the years before I filed my lawsuits and a couple of random things later. I was also the victim of a directed hit-and-run by oncoming vehicle in 2003. The battery draining while I was in the middle of traffic occurred anywhere from every single day (sometimes more than once a day) to every other day and started while I had a maroon Toyota Camry and then a light blue Corolla (which broke down after vandalism) and then I had a cobalt blue Mercury Sable, which was totaled in the hit-and-run in 2003. I then had a gold VW Passat which was at the end of 2004. If I count 3 months or so of this happening with my Camry and then having this occur from 2003-2005, always in Oregon state and then occurring again in Washington state (with my Passat, the battery draining while I was driving) , the number of times my vehicle was stalled by draining the power from my battery somehow, instantly, if I calculate this happened one time every other day in a year, from 2003-2005 alone, it would be 546 times in 3 years that my vehicle was forcibly stalled, with 3 different cars. This number is actually a modest estimate. There were some days that I could hardly drive because I would have it charged and then it would go out again.

When I moved to Washington and began commuting, after having met with FBI, this did not occur as much but it started up again within a few months and happened on a less frequent basis until I had my son in 2006. The exact same religious hate crime happened from one state to the next. My grandfather looked at my car and had his mechanics and brothers (who work on all kinds of vehicles and tractors) look at my car and there was nothing inherently wrong with my vehicle. After I gave birth to my son, instead of stalling my car while I was driving and draining my battery, my vehicle was having tires slashed and windows broken in once a week again, and all of my neighbors knew about it. I wasn't in a bad neighborhood, and my car was not standing out. My neighbors all said they thought it was a jealous boyfriend and they knew that my car was the only one being targeted in the area. It began happening every single Friday and then again on Saturday. Someone would slash my tires on Friday and then break a window the next day. Or, they would break windows and then slash a tire on Saturday, overnight. I again tried to report each incident to police in Wenatchee and they only took a few reports, usually didn't give me a report number, and often didn't come out to verify it had happened or make official note of it. This is what vandalism was being done to my property from 2006-2007, after they quit draining my battery while I drove in my Passat (2005-2006). On one occasion my brakes were tampered with and that was when I drove my Mercury Sable, which was totaled later.

The enormous number of attempts to my vehicle impaired my ability to travel while I had pending lawsuits and also interfered with my time, as it took up half of my time to attend to the car problems when I needed a car for transportation. When my tires were not slashed and windows not broken in or battery drained, I had collusion between law enforcement and judges to obstruct my travel by illegally towing my car away from me entirely, without cause, in the middle of litigation and college (February 2005, right after I tried to make a report to the FBI and was visited by SSAs from FBI). I was then prevented from driving when the State of Washington refused to reimburse me for mileage they owed me of about $1,000, when they knew I had to drive to Seattle for medical appointments and knew I was also seeking a law firm there for a medical malpractice claim for me and my son. This put me into a financial crisis where I could not afford to drive and was even unable to pay my rent as I should have been able to do.

The first instance of car vandalism was noted by me in 1997. I was parked in the neighborhood where I worked for Rabbi Rose and at the end of my employment there, someone removed the knob to my radio tuner. I called my family and mentioned it because I thought it was odd that someone would just do this and nothing else.

The majority of the vandalisms occurred after 9-11, which was about the time I started having problems with some clergy and they had defamed me to Catholic members and incited violence against me. I went through 3 cars within less than 3 years from 2001-2003 because of vandalism and mechanical damage done to my car and assassination or directed injury attempt.

Then after I fled to another country and was kidnapped and forced back, I was forced to leave my car in Canada and basically, give it to them. I had no transportation and my parents were being prevented from helping me by driving in to get it. I lost my car and all the contents and was thereby forced out of freedom of movement and travel.

When I tried to follow directions on how to even inquire about getting it back, I was retaliated against and told to sign a form that said I was illegally trying to enter Canada again (when I wasn't). I was told if I did not sign this false confession, they would put me in handcuffs and take me to jail. (more information on that further in this complaint).

Next I was on a bus in 2007, traveling to and from Wenatchee to see my son and someone had put a huge boulder in the middle of the road, causing a serious collision and near fatality with a Greyhound bus that had only a few other passengers besides me on board. The bus driver himself believed someone had put it there, just around a corner in the road so you couldn't see it ahead of time, with a steep mountain of rocks to one side and a steep cliff to a river on the other side.

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