Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Billed Again (sent my deferment 3x)

I sent in a letter for economic hardship deferment on being billed three times now and they refuse to apply this to my account.

I just got another bill.

This is for the consolidation of my loans that I did through the Dept. of Education. First they began billing me before they even finished consolidation, which is wrong, and I'm in the process of having this corrected through an Ombudsman, and then secondly, a student can request deferment of being billed.

This is the entire purpose of the consolidation I chose. It allows one to request no bills be sent if one is not working and you have to send in a form with evidence.

I did this on Dec. 14, 2011. They claimed they never got it. Then I sent it again, by certified mail. Then to back that up, I faxed it! and they are still sending me a bill and this bill was sent out after my last fax.

I am now supposedly out of default but they still haven't corrected some mistakes they've made.

I intend to get a refund on the money and time.

I also plan to send all my medical bills to the FBI at some point. They can pay them.

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