Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Mona Lisa Copy

I clicked on this after reading other news from Fox earlier today.

I watched the video about it. Instantly, I liked the first best. She's smarter there. Which probably means the artist was smarter. Her eyes reflect an intelligence that the eyes of the copy do not reflect. She's placid and pretty and sort of open-faced, but I completely disagree with the curator claiming this other one is "less varnish" and therefore "as she really is" and "prettier".

Her smile isn't even mysterious in the other one. The personalities are completely different. It's the same woman used as a model but the artists gave her emotions and intellect and appearance that is miles apart.

The first is sophisticated, knowing, mysterious, highly intelligent, somewhat innocent while also holding a potential secret. The second one is any pretty girl. She does look younger but I don't think she's prettier personally.

(That's my opinion, as an unvarnished version of myself today with no make up on.)

If the intelligence is the same, then in the first one, she is thinking about a lot of things and wryly acknowledging a joke someone told and in the next one, she is being told they are going to have the sitting in a new location next time and she is wondering where that is.

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