Saturday, February 11, 2012

FBI's Laurie Laughlin

I forgot to write, but since I was just thinking about knives, I have this photo of FBI SAC Laurie Laughlin on my start page.

This morning, I started it up and saw her face, and saw her watching a throat being slit.

So I am sort of wondering what that is all about.

It just came to mind now, because I was writing about the knife scar to my mother's cheek and cut marks to my Dad's throat and neck.

I am not implying Laurie at all, but at least separately, when I saw her photo, I saw her, watching a knife slitting a throat.

So I am highly interested in this woman's extracurricular activities.


  1. I just read an article about the US government experimenting on people-

    Human experiments: First, do harm by Matthew Walter, February 8, 2012,,
    <-- "Ramos is one of a handful of survivors from US experiments on ways to control sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) that ran in semi-secrecy in Guatemala from July 1946 to December 1948. US government researchers and their Guatemalan colleagues experimented without consent on more than 5,000 Guatemalan soldiers, prisoners, people with psychiatric disorders, orphans and prostitutes. The investigators exposed 1,308 adults to syphilis, gonorrhoea or chancroid, in some cases using prostitutes to infect prisoners and soldiers. After the experiments were uncovered in 2010, Ramos and others sued the US government, and US President Barack Obama issued a formal apology. Obama also asked a panel of bioethics advisers to investigate, and to determine whether current standards adequately protect participants in clinical research supported by the US government."
    <-- "Federico Ramos has suffered excruciating symptoms after US experiments."

  2. Her name is actually Laura Laughlin, not "Laurie."
