Saturday, February 11, 2012

"Bethel" (The "Supernatural" CIA) in "Reading" (Redding)

I feel really bad for my parents right now. I was supposed to have my report to the UN completed before they had to go on this "trip" to California and Arizona.

This group that came up from Redding, CA, which I visited, and where I was tortured while sitting there, with all kinds of Tanzer-Sterling mementos all over the place, is like another pseudo-church that is actually more like a Meth-LSD-CIA joint.

This is the place where I said, "I just don't want to get any LSD in a communion wafer."

My parents are going to this church tomorrow.

I think it's bad news. From what I saw of the church, these people are more CIA than religious at all. All they did, the entire night, was try to read other people, make fun of my family, put on acts to sound like people I used to know from New Song Church (which was totally bizarre) and a lot of PSI work.

It was straight-up, CIA, PSI.

I looked up the site and their 2 year college is called "Bethel: supernatural ministry".

What kind of christian college wants to give itself a title like that?

Bethel, the Supernatural Ministry college?

Can I get a real degree from there? Or just recruited into the CIA or military for more black op programs?

It's in Northern California, in Redding. Which used to be called "Reading" but it's Redding. It has nothing to do (my opinion) with whatever "Reading" is supposed to be some kind of prophetic thing. You know, with Kate Middleton being born in "Reading" in England and all, to conveniently fit some kind of prophetic prescription.

It has nothing to do with that.

If anyone ever made a prophecy about someone falling for someone who had something to do with "Reading" it probably had nothing to do with "Redding" or "Reading" in England and had to do with the fact that the woman "read" a lot. You know, big reader. Reading quite often. Sort of like Belle in Beauty and the Beast. Reading. I was reading Reader's Digest from the age of 5, before Kate was ever born. Reading Reader's Digest. Oh, let's shuttle Katie to Reading, UK.

Which I've certaintly always done. A ton of reading. Especially as a little girl and then my degree was in English Literature, which was, ah, I guess a "threat" which is maybe why some of these idiots didn't want me to get a college education.

Too much "reading".

I mean, the things some of these people have done, with little world wargames and psi games, is quite sick. Would I marry me? Of course not. No one would. Not now. Not anymore. But look at what they did to me. Was I possibly the person they were most concerned about?


I was.

There is NO other explanation for what has happened and the lengths that certain groups have gone to. So absolutely, way overdue, way past prime, and not counting on my eggs to hatch or anything but just wanting my own son returned, criminals tortured my family because most likely, I was the one that was showing up as the signaled prophetic booty call and not Kate. Sorry, but an ocean apart makes zero difference when it comes to these things.

Do I care? Am I pining? Do I think it makes a difference?

Not now. Not at all. No possible way, hope,...way beyond, beyond. But my point is simply this.

A spade is a spade.

I am not going to call torture of my family something other than what it is and how dare anyone attempt to change or convert the whole thing to look like it was something else.

It wasn't.

Am I a threat now? I don't know. I should say not, and then I get blasted away with torture again just for putting up some links to songs and portraits from online art galleries.

I still get assaulted for things like this. But no, I am not a threat. How is that possible? It's not. I have photos of myself all over the place, taken when I was doped and not ones you show to the world. I have said and written disgraceful things in the middle of extreme and severe torture. I am impoverished and told to be "mentally ill" for the sake of peons who are not yet satisfied that I am 37 years old and pushed out of everything.

So no, I am delusional. I don't imagine to fit my foot into that shoe.

But the point is that now I DO know what this was about and don't dare lie to me. You lied to the world and everyone else, and tortured my family, and there is no way I am allowing this to go down without the truth told.

If they had not worried about my parent's prophetic gifts and what they saw down the road for me, which may have taken place had we not all been assaulted in our own country, none of this would have happened.

None of it.

I never would have been raped. I never would have been stalked. My mother might have worn her hair parted down the middle longer than she did, quitting that style in the late 70s (she told me tonight). I asked my mother about her headaches, when she started getting them, and she got them 3 days at a time in Moses Lake. She said in her 30s. I said then, "How come you quit wearing your hair parted down the middle mom? because there are all these photos of you with your hair parted in the middle." She said, "I don't know, because it wasn't the style anymore." I sort of laughed and said, "When wasn't it the style anymore?" and she said, "Late 70s".

All of a sudden, the phone got super patchy and was breaking up. My Mom said, "It's getting choppy. It's choppy. I can't hear you because it's choppy. Your voice is breaking up." I said, "Ok". She said, "You said Ok? I got that. Okay talk to you later."

My parents have literally been tortured over The Middletons for decades.

It is one of the most disgusting things I have ever discovered.

As for me, I wasn't tortured (that I recall) until later in high school with the flare with Robin Bechtold's parents and then especially with my lawsuits.

But there were these people always lurking around, trying to keep me from being noticed, from going to college, from looking nice, they just wanted me married and shuttled away under a troll bridge somewhere. Out of the way, forgotten, let's not remember her and let's make sure she is never discovered or found.

It's like I've had hideous curses from evil witches hanging over my head for decades and never knew it.

It is the worst cinderella story in all history. Ever. It's the one that never goes back to the way it was because it's impossible. Two ways to permanently impair fairytale prophecy: Kill the woman, or B. trash her, make her look like a criminal, rape her, torture her, capture inglorious moments on video and audio and blog, and designate for psych ward.

Sorry, but it's not exactly looking like an Uma Thurman rising from the grave story. Its not even a "Let's repair Angelina Jolie's reputation by placing the humanitarian stamp over the blood vial! YEAH!"


This is like the world's worst horror movie, sponsored by the CIA.

They don't know what to do with their MK-Ultra rejects. They let Mossad rape them, the Holy See throw them into jail on false charges, and then fold their hands and blackmail the existing ones into training up a new brood.

Like I was the good seed that fell on faulty soil. I was, unfortunately, on U.S. soil and what a shame that's it's their turf that is the problem.

So now it's like, okay, retire the bitch. She's not putting out for anyone we work with, and we knew that awhile ago.

They literally punished me by stealing my singing voice. Now they torture me, and want to do a surgery to remove whatever crappy tracking devices they implanted in 1995 before I leave the country on political asylum and some other country does it.

I don't think the U.S. wants that kind of evidence hanging over their heads because then it would definitively prove everything I said is true.

They've attempted to completely rewrite history too.

My parents never lived on "Cherry St." It was "Matson". Right. I mean, these criminals are literally torturing my parents to LIE about our own history. Why??! So the Wale's boys don't ever really know what their own mother was about and who she supported??! What if Diana worked for the CIA. No one really knows for sure.

All I know, is that my parents are forced to suddenly wear crappy clothes, and send me things to wear that they would never pick for me or think is nice, and our entire family background and history is being turned into a lie.

It's like the Catholic church and some Jews wanted to get out this huge Eraser and start wiping away any trace of anything that might point to a conclusion that is vastly different from her sons are led to think.

My interest in it is this: My son and I are ummm...TORTURED.

That is NOT NORMAL. People in the United States of America do not get randomly tortured and visited regularly by the CIA and military okay? Not unless there is something very serious going on. So when I start talking about this, it isn't out of a delusional idea that I might get somewhere with it personally (how does it make me look good to tear anyone down?), but the point is to get to the bottom of why we are being tortured.

I don't trust my parents at this Bethel church. I do not entrust their safety there. That California group came into town and I sat there being tortured so badly I almost vomited and blacked out. It was all to my lower back and it felt like ultrasound. I didn't notice it as much while sitting there but it got hotter and hotter and then I got up to use the restroom and noticed my back was KILLING me and ached and recognized it as ultrasound.

They fucking lasered me and used ultrasound on me in this "church".

Do you know what else they did? they had some guy with a British accent paint a painting of the impression I wrote I had on my blog days earlier, of a V shaped veil inbetween 2 mountains.

I felt it was like the whole thing was a combo mind-warp mixed with mafia and black op CIA psi crap. They like to warp it a little just to make people feel slightly nuts. Because what they DO, IS NUTS.

They sang and played 4 worship songs. I didn't sing for even one of them, noting the little inscription at the bottom of each hymn: Used with permission.

No one in MY family is being "used with permission" and I'm not fucking singing to your shitty songs when we have no cause to sing, no cause to "be happy!", and NONE of us consent to being used by anyone for this treatment. So for me symbolically, I refused to sing along to even one song that had "used with permission" written at the bottom because I do not agree with my voice to this. My consent is not on any of it.

This man kept saying God's people are "happy". Right. Try being happy with a knife through your back. Or in your butt. Real happy.

I can have a kind of peace in my heart or understanding with God that He knows my suffering and what I'm going through, but for me to stand and sing and "be happy!" while you have someone directing ultrasound at my back and are painting my blogged ideas and everything....ummm...nah. Why be fake? I am me and that is why God likes me just the way I am. If I feel happy, it comes from my heart. If I feel sad, it is reflected in my eyes.

You can go buy your fake girl any day of the week. I'm not the fake one.

Was I howling out in pain? or grimacing? no. I stood composed and reserved, as someone who is tortured publicly around a bunch of hyenas might do. So I might maintain a stolid face, in contrast to extreme pain, but that's because I already know none of you are there to do anything to really help me.

Instead, I watched all these people "calling out" illnesses anyone might have any day of the week. And hoping I might stand up which I would never do. I might WRITE about this stuff, but that's because I'm trying to get help for being tortured, not because that is how I compose myself or because this is my natural state.

What do you people think I AM anyway?!

This one woman with brown hair even fell down on her knees leaning forward, like she was praying. I thought to myself, "Yeah, it's not you that I see praying on her knees." The woman I have seen was nowhere in that room. I mean, the woman I've seen worshiping God, dancing, praying, everything. She wasn't there. It's not Katie, Waitie Katie either. She is older (40s maybe), pretty, and shorter, and weighs a little more, and has very thick dark brown to black hair that is shoulder-length. I have never seen her in person. But I have seen her many times in impressions or sometimes when praying to God myself (not in awhile though). I think she's from a different country but I don't know where.

But anyway, they just had one thing after the other, to prompt memories of the past, of New Song Church, and there were Catholics and some Jews there too. I mainly felt it was invasive. And I felt, dangerous, because they tortured me while I was there and I'm sure they tortured my parents. At least 2 of the men had British accents but they were different varieties (none of them being the Kiera Knightly variety). I am sure there were a few very nice people there but the fact remains, I sat there and I was tortured and I did NOT feel my parents were safe and now they are going to that church tomorrow.

Then, I went to the bathroom and it was little nods of Tanzer this and Sterling that and Joy this and Gel-that. And since Mike Tanzer's family is from Northern California somewhere, it made me wonder what kind of angle they were trying to work. I mean, who are these people connected to? Tim Henderson and Kari Sue? Uggh. Kari Sue. Or Bechtolds? or Tanzers? or just plain old "Supernatural!" CIA.

What a bunch of hooey.

My parents are kind, thoughtful, patient and considerate people who generally try to do good, are sometimes a little self-seeking like anyone, but who have also been extraordinarily humble my entire life and never exalted even their own kids.

They have made sacrifices no one understands.

At any time, they could have easily said certain things to win something or prove a point, and they have been humble and subjected to ill-treatment instead.

I don't appreciate being used or experimented on myself, but I also know they do not choose everything for themselves. This country thinks they own us and they exploit us for profit and give back very little in return.

Torture is such a great return.

I feel sorry that I did not get my complaint to the UN out sooner but I am still working on it. Maybe tonight. I tried the other night, and was tortured too badly. So I think I can send it out tonight, and then follow it up.

"Matt's Son Street."

Give me a break.

Nope. We never lived on Cherry St.

"What do you mean we never lived on Cherry Street?"

It was Matt's-son Street.

"No, I remember, when I was younger, you told me we lived on Cherry Street in Moses Lake and we did. I remember."


Hey! Mom and Dad, are we being tortured?

"No. And we lived on Matt's-son Street."

Okay. Right. Time to call the United Nations.

"We are NOT being tortured. We are not forced to work. We are not blackmailed. And we do not have hands, feet, and heads."

Okay, tell me this mom and dad, do you believe I'm being tortured?

"No." (tear sliding down face).

No. No. No.

So yeah, we're really "safe" here in the U.S. where they are trying to rewrite our entire lives.

"What happened to the knife scar on your cheek Mom?"

I don't have one.

"Well you did. And I reported it to the UN. Then Patty took you away and your face looked like you were using 100% alpha-hydroxy acid for about 3 weeks. So is that how you got rid of the scar?"

Judging by our dog's reaction, the perp who wielded the knife against my mother had a British accent.

My mother went from having a knife scar on her face to NOT having one after several weeks of appying acid solutions to her face. I saw it. Her face was tight, red, and shiny like crazy for weeks after I reported it and then it was gone.

No one wanted the UN to know exactly HOW bad it is.

It was about 2 inches long, all the way down my mother's cheek. Sort of faint and not extremely deep, one you COULD get rid of through huge application of alpha-hydroxy. It was new since I saw her 7 years ago.

These people are torturing my parents.

That chopping knife has a UK label on it (the one our dog was afraid of).

I've seen cuts to my Dad's neck and throat as well. He had one recently, in the last couple of days and there is a photo with one on his neck from last Christmas with my son.

They are torturing my parents and the FBI is in on it.

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