Saturday, February 11, 2012

Prayer & Direction (small thing) and Torture by U.S. Military

I do not advocate superstition. Of course not. I am slightly into symbolic though, on occasion. You know, religious or spiritual through prayer or interesting things. I'm not austere in that way but I also feel very practical and don't put trust in every coincidence or "sign".

You understand.

Well anyway, maybe sometimes God does use signs.

Because he showed me my son again.

I had been thinking about my son actually, about how this country has done all these things to us and I had opened this mail which gives me more time to file for discretiionary review but with what money?

There is no reason why I shouldn't have a normal income. I have always been capable and had the ability and instead, this country and the FBI interfered. Had the FBI done their job, I would never have suffered so many years. It could have never gotten as bad.

So I had a huge stack of different papers on my table and some under a shelf I haven't look at for months.

I had just made beets and sliced them, and had quinoa with sunflower seed puree earlier (and sprouts) for dinner. I made the beets for tomorrow.

So I had the idea to press one beet down onto a paper because a little beet juice got onto this note I had made, next to music, for Paris Conservetoire.

Instead of doing something random, I prayed first. "God, please let my hand find the paper, out of all these papers, that you want me to stamp with this round beet."

Strange prayer, but I do have a small amount of faith even if I know I am occasionally irritable and foul-mouthed feeling.

So I chose insteead of the table, this big stack under a shelf that I haven't touched for a long time and I don't even remember what all is there, right?

So I reached in and didn't look and pulled something out and guess what it was?

Of all things.

My social security number request.

A form from the Social Security Administration.

It was a note confirming I had gone there on October 21, 2011 to request a card with my name and number on it.

So I already had the beet and I pressed it down onto it. And then again, and again, and again, until I was almost out of beet juice.


My son.

This country is responsible for abducting a child from his legal guardian and I never wanted him to be assigned a social security number. Now they are forcing me to take SSI disability.

I finished and looked at it and it looked very much like some of the artwork my son and I did with paints, when he was only 1-1 1/2, before we left for Canada.

To me, it is a sign that out of all these papers, God remembers everything and he is keeping score.

He knows what happened to me and my son.

And by the way, all day someone has targeted the metal in my neck. Not severely, but enough to feel, and then I was tired and tried to go to sleep early at about 7 p.m. and I couldn't sleep because the U.S. focused technology over my legs and body that caused all my muscles to twitch and move beneath the skin.

My feet have been cramping and curling at night because this is being done every single night again. It from potassium deficiency and loss of hydration because of the U.S. targeting me with technology.

They have injected me with radioactive contrast for purposes of U.S. military, not for legitimate medical reasons.

We have to leave.

There is no option to stay. We have to leave and must leave at the earliest possible moment.

I have tried to leave, and been trapped and forced to stay here. I have literally been held hostage in this country. I do not want to leave without my parents, and feel we should all be leaving but they don't want to leave (so they say).

I think it's a lie that they don't want to leave.

Of course we would like to live here and have normal lives.

But this country refuses us that. They torture us. They tortured us long enough, and even forced us to STAY here and endure MORE torture.

What kind of country DOES this?

They hauled me and my son back from Canada to be tortured.

No just country in the world does this kind of thing. Then they forced me to be used for research to cover up for their religious hate crimes and kept my passport from me, or alternately kept me from having any money.

My transcript still isn't paid for. It was supposed to be last week, after I agreed to file for SSI disability and gave my word. It's still not done. Apparently the woman from Portland State University who got a message from my mother to call, has not returned her phone call. It's been a week, and this woman from PSU doesn't have the decency to call my mother back. It's just a call for confirming the amount they already confirmed and sending out a check. And the PSU woman has not called back and my mother has been trying to reach her for one full week.

All these people do, is stall to keep me out of college and from entering by deadlines for admission.

This is one reason I am not going back to Portland State University. If I did, I could save time and money, and streamline things more easily, because that's where I went before and they have online programs as well.

But I do not believe in rewarding bad behavior even if it is technically a higher quality college than some of the others (at least, as they are ranked).

So anyway, the same thing I was telling the Iranian man in Maryland about, when I told him how my son and I twitched all night and there was constant movement under our skin and then my son's arms flailing up straight into the air, and how his toenails and my nails became warped and curled and then our kittens skeletal structure became warped to the point the kitten grew up deformed and hunched up with a kinked tail...that man said it sounded like MRI satellite technology. And he said, stunned, "I, I can't believe the United States would do that. Other countries, we hear about it but I didn't think they did that here."

They do.

He was a sincere person. He believed me enough and was sincere enough in his educated opinion that it scared him to the point of not wanting to be around me or see me again. Can you blame him? anyone would think the same thing--if the United States military is doing this to HER and her baby, they might go after me.

This country has incurred a horrendous debt. A horrendous debt and a horrendous reputation and I am writing this and it's not enough. Then they do something to affect my left ear. And yes, I can tell it's technology.

They are criminals.

I was suing them.

I was suing their friends and they cut me out of the lawsuits, used the FBI illegally to HELP them and then initiated a torture regime and program.

What a clever way to get out of being sued when you deserve to be sued.

That is what this country has come to. Torture in the place of free and fair competition. Which is exactly why no other nation should be trading with the U.S.

Did Steve Jobs die of natural causes? or do we just think it was natural because it "looked" natural?

Great way to eliminate competition. Torture people.

Infect them with AIDS.

Inject them with radioactive materials and pray they get cancer.

They are not torturing me for national security.

Raping me and refusing to take a report on rape is not "national security".

Torturing me out of lawsuits is not a "national security" issue.

These are U.S. officials getting away with plain crime.

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